Gallstones: Watch and wait, or intervene?

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Mon, 04/01/2019 - 10:08
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Gallstones: Watch and wait, or intervene?

The prevalence of gallstones is approximately 10% to 15% of the adult US population.1,2 Most cases are asymptomatic, as gallstones are usually discovered incidentally during routine imaging for other abdominal conditions, and only about 20% of patients with asymptomatic gallstones develop clinically significant complications.2,3

Nevertheless, gallstones carry significant healthcare costs. In 2004, the median inpatient cost for any gallstone-related disease was $11,584, with an overall annual cost of $6.2 billion.4,5

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the standard treatment for symptomatic cholelithiasis. For asymptomatic cholelithasis, the usual approach is expectant management (“watch and wait”), but prophylactic cholecystectomy may be an option in certain patients at high risk.


Gallstones can be classified into 2 main categories based on their predominant chemical composition: cholesterol or pigment.

Cholesterol gallstones

About 75% of gallstones are composed of cholesterol.3,4 In the past, this type of stone was thought to be caused by gallbladder inflammation, bile stasis, and absorption of bile salts from damaged mucosa. However, it is now known that cholesterol gallstones are the result of biliary supersaturation caused by cholesterol hypersecretion into the gallbladder, gallbladder hypomotility, accelerated cholesterol nucleation and crystallization, and mucin gel accumulation.

Pigment gallstones

Black pigment gallstones account for 10% to 15% of all gallstones.6 They are caused by chronic hemolysis in association with supersaturation of bile with calcium hydrogen bilirubinate, along with deposition of calcium carbonate, phosphate, and inorganic salts.7

Brown pigment stones, accounting for 5% to 10% of all gallstones,6 are caused by infection in the obstructed bile ducts, where bacteria that produce beta-glucuronidase, phospholipase, and slime contribute to formation of the stone.8,9


Gallstone risk factors
Multiple risk factors are associated with the development of gallstones (Table 1).

Age. After age 40, the risk increases dramatically, with an incidence 4 times higher for those ages 40 to 69 than in younger people.10

Female sex. Women of reproductive age are 4 times more likely to develop gallstones than men, but this gap narrows after menopause.11 The higher risk is attributed to female sex hormones, pregnancy, and oral contraceptive use. Estrogen decreases secretion of bile salts and increases secretion of cholesterol into the gallbladder, which leads to cholesterol supersaturation. Progesterone acts synergistically by causing hypomobility of the gallbladder, which in turn leads to bile stasis.12,13

Ethnicity. The risk is higher in Mexican Americans and Native Americans than in other ethnic groups.14

Rapid weight loss, such as after bariatric surgery, occurs from decreased caloric intake and promotes bile stasis, while lipolysis increases cholesterol mobilization and secretion into the gallbladder. This creates an environment conducive to bile supersaturation with cholesterol, leading to gallstone formation.

Chronic hemolytic disorders carry an increased risk of developing calcium bilirubinate stones due to increased excretion of bilirubin during hemolysis.

Obesity and diabetes mellitus are both attributed to insulin resistance. Obesity also increases bile stasis and cholesterol saturation.




Most patients with gallstones (cholelithiasis) experience no symptoms. Their gallstones are often discovered incidentally during imaging tests for unrelated or unexplained abdominal symptoms. Most patients with asymptomatic gallstones remain symptom-free, while about 20% develop gallstone-related symptoms.2,3

Abdominal pain is the most common symptom. The phrase biliary colic—suggesting pain that is fluctuating in nature—appears ubiquitously in the medical literature, but it does not correctly characterize the pain associated with gallstones.

Most patients with gallstone symptoms describe a constant and often severe pain in the right upper abdomen, epigastrium, or both, often persisting for 30 to 120 minutes. Symptoms are frequently reported in the epigastrium when only visceral pain fibers are stimulated due to gallbladder distention. This is usually called midline pain; however, pain occurs in the back and right shoulder in up to 60% of patients, with involvement of somatic fibers.15,16 Gallstone pain is not relieved by change of position or passage of stool or gas.

Onset of symptoms more than an hour after eating or in the late evening or at night also  very strongly suggests biliary pain. Patients with a history of biliary pain are more likely to experience it again, with a 69% chance of developing recurrent pain within 2 years.17


Gallstone complications
In any year, approximately 1% to 3% of patients with gallstones experience a gallstone-related complication.18 These complications (Table 2) can occur in patients with or without symptoms. Patients without previous symptoms from gallstones have a slightly lower 10-year cumulative risk of complications—3% to 4% vs approximately 6% in patients who have had gallstone-related symptoms.19

Acute gallbladder inflammation (cholecystitis)

Gallbladder inflammation (cholecystitis) is the most common complication, occurring in up to 10% of symptomatic cases. Many patients with acute cholecystitis present with right upper quadrant pain that may be accompanied by anorexia, nausea, or vomiting. Inspiratory arrest on deep palpation of the right upper quadrant (Murphy sign) has a specificity of 79% to 96% for acute cholecystitis.20 Markers of systemic inflammation such as fever, elevated white blood cell count, and elevated C-reactive protein are highly suggestive of acute cholecystitis.20,21

Bile duct stones (choledocholithiasis)

Bile duct stones (choledocholithiasis) are detected in 3.4% to 12% of patients with gallstones.22,23 Most stones in the common bile duct migrate there from the gallbladder via the cystic duct. Less commonly, primary duct stones form in the duct due to biliary stasis. Removing the gallbladder does not completely eliminate the risk of bile duct stones, as stones can remain or recur after surgery.

Bile duct stones can obstruct the common bile duct, which disrupts normal bile flow and leads to jaundice. Other symptoms may include pruritus, right upper quadrant pain, nausea, and vomiting. Serum levels of bilirubin, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and alkaline phosphatase are usually high.24

Acute bacterial infection (cholangitis)

Acute bacterial infection of the biliary system (cholangitis) is usually associated with obstruction of the common bile duct. Common symptoms of acute cholangitis include right upper quadrant pain, fever, and jaundice (Charcot triad), and these are present in about 50% to 75% of cases.21 In severe cases, patients can develop altered mental status and septicemic shock in addition to the Charcot triad, a condition called the Reynold pentad. White blood cell counts and serum levels of C-reactive protein, bilirubin, aminotransferases, and alkaline phosphatase are usually elevated.21


Approximately 4% to 8% of patients with gallstones develop inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis).25 The diagnosis of acute pancreatitis requires at least 2 of the following:26,27

  • Abdominal pain (typically epigastric, often radiating to the back)
  • Amylase or lipase levels at least 3 times above the normal limit
  • Imaging findings that suggest acute pancreatitis.

Gallstone-related pancreatitis should be considered if the ALT level is greater than 150 U/mL, which has a 97% specificity for gallstone-related pancreatitis.28




Transabdominal ultrasonography, with a sensitivity of 84% to 89% and a specificity of up to 99%, is the test of choice for detecting gallstones.29 The characteristic findings of acute cholecystitis on ultrasonography include enlargement of the gallbladder, thickening of the gallbladder wall, presence of pericholecystic fluid, and tenderness elicited by the ultrasound probe over the gallbladder (sonographic Murphy sign).

Scintigraphy as a second test

Acute cholecystitis is primarily a clinical diagnosis and typically does not require additional imaging beyond ultrasonography. When there is discordance between clinical and ultrasonographic findings, the most accurate second imaging test is scintigraphy of the biliary tract, usually performed with technetium-labeled hydroxy iminodiacetic acid. Given intravenously, the radionuclide is rapidly taken up by the liver and then secreted into the bile. In acute cholecystitis, the cystic duct is functionally occluded and the isotope does not enter the gallbladder, creating an imaging void compared with a normal appearance.

Scintigraphy is more sensitive than abdominal ultrasonography, with a sensitivity of up to 97% vs 81% to 88%, respectively.29,30 The tests have about equal specificity.

Even though scintigraphy is more sensitive, abdominal ultrasonography is often the initial test for patients with suspected acute cholecystitis because it is more widely available, takes less time, does not involve radiation exposure, and can assess for the presence or absence of gallstones and dilation of the intra- and extrahepatic bile ducts.

Looking for stones in the common bile duct

When acute cholangitis due to choledocholithiasis is suspected, abdominal ultrasonography is a prudent initial test to look for gallstones or biliary dilation suggesting obstruction by stones in the common bile duct. Abdominal ultrasonography has only a 22% to 55% sensitivity for visualizing stones in the common bile duct, but it has a 77% to 87% sensitivity for detecting common bile duct dilation, a surrogate marker of stones.31

The normal bile duct diameter ranges from 3 to 6 mm, although mild dilation is often seen in older patients or after cholecystectomy or Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery.32,33 Bile duct dilation of up to 10 mm can be considered normal in patients after cholecystectomy.34 A normal-appearing bile duct on ultrasonography has a negative predictive value of 95% for excluding common bile duct stones.31

Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS), magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP), and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) have similar sensitivity (89%–94%, 85%–92%, and 89%–93%, respectively) and specificity (94%–95%, 93%–97%, and 100%, respectively) for detecting common bile duct stones.35–37 EUS is superior to MRCP in detecting stones smaller than 6 mm.38

ERCP should be reserved for managing rather than diagnosing common bile duct stones because of the risk of pancreatitis and perforation. Patients undergoing cholecystectomy who are suspected of having choledocholithiasis may undergo intraoperative cholangiography or laparoscopic common bile duct ultrasonography.


Asymptomatic gallstones

Asymptomatic gallstones: Outcomes with watchful waiting
The management of patients with asymptomatic gallstones typically is based on the risk of developing symptoms or complications. Large cohort studies have found that patients without symptoms have about a 7% to 26% lifetime risk of developing them (Table 3).39–46

Standard treatment for these patients is expectant management. Cholecystectomy is not recommended for patients with asymptomatic gallstones.47 Nevertheless, some patients may benefit from prophylactic cholecystectomy. We and others48 suggest considering cholecystectomy in the following patients.

Patients with chronic hemolytic anemia (including children with sickle cell anemia and spherocytosis). These patients have a higher risk of developing calcium bilirubinate stones, and cholecystectomy has improved outcomes.49 It should be noted that most of these data come from pediatric populations and have been extrapolated to adults.

Native Americans, who have a higher risk of gallbladder cancer if they have gallstones.2,50

Conversely, calcification of the gallbladder wall (“porcelain gallbladder”) is no longer considered an absolute indication for cholecystectomy. This condition was thought to be associated with a high rate of gallbladder carcinoma, but analyses of larger, more recent data sets found much smaller risks.51,52 Further, cholecystectomy in these patients was found to be associated with high rates of postoperative complications. Thus, prophylactic cholecystectomy is no longer recommended in asymptomatic cases of porcelain gallbladder.

In addition, concomitant cholecystectomy in patients undergoing bariatric surgery is no longer considered the therapeutic standard. Historically, cholecystectomy was performed in these patients because of the increased risk of gallstones associated with rapid weight loss after surgery. However, research now weighs against concomitant cholecystectomy with bariatric surgery and most other abdominal surgeries for asymptomatic gallstones.53



Laparoscopic surgery for symptomatic gallstones

Figure 1. Management of patients with gallstones.
Based on information in reference 48.
Figure 1. Management of patients with gallstones.
Patients with symptomatic gallstones are at high risk of biliary complications. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is recommended for patients who can undergo surgery (Figure 1).48 Oral dissolution therapy and extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy are available for patients who cannot undergo surgery but have good gallbladder function, small radiopaque stones, and mild symptoms. Clinical management and emergency laparoscopic cholecystectomy are recommended for large pigmented or radiopaque stones. Otherwise, clinical follow-up is recommended.

For patients experiencing acute cholecystitis, laparoscopic cholecystectomy within 72 hours is recommended.48 There were safety concerns regarding higher rates of morbidity and conversion from laparoscopic to open cholecystectomy in patients who underwent surgery before the acute cholecystitis episode had settled. However, a large meta-analysis found no significant difference between early and delayed laparoscopic cholecystectomy in bile duct injury or conversion rates.54 Further, early cholecystectomy—defined as within 1 week of symptom onset—has been found to reduce gallstone-related complications, shorten hospital stays, and lower costs.55–57 If the patient cannot undergo surgery, percutaneous cholecystotomy or novel endoscopic gallbladder drainage interventions can be used.

Figure 2. Management of patients with symptomatic bile duct stones (choledocholithiasis).
Reprinted from ASGE Standards of Practice Committee; Maple JT, Ben-Menachem T, Anderson MA, et al. The role of endoscopy in the evaluation of suspected choledocholithiasis. Gastrointest Endoscp 2010; 71:1–9 with permission from Elsevier.
Figure 2. Management of patients with symptomatic bile duct stones (choledocholithiasis).
For patients with bile duct stones. Guidelines from the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE) suggest that patients with an intermediate or high probability of developing choledocholithiasis should undergo preoperative or intraoperative evaluation of the common bile duct (Figure 2).31

Several variables predict the presence of bile duct stones in patients who have symptoms (Table 4). Based on these predictors, the ASGE classifies the probabilities as low (< 10%), intermediate (10% to 50%), and high (> 50%)31:

  • Table 4. Predictors of bile duct stones
    Low-risk patients require no further evaluation of the common bile duct
  • High-risk patients should undergo preoperative ERCP and stone extraction if needed
  • Intermediate-risk patients should undergo preoperative imaging with EUS or MRCP or intraoperative bile duct evaluation, depending on the availability, costs, and local expertise.

Patients with associated cholangitis should be given intravenous fluids and broad-spectrum antibiotics. Biliary decompression should be done as early as possible to decrease the risk of morbidity and mortality. For acute cholangitis, ERCP is the treatment of choice.25

Patients with acute gallstone pancreatitis should receive conservative management with intravenous isotonic solutions and pain control, followed by laparoscopic cholecystectomy.48

The timing of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in acute gallstone pancreatitis has been debated. Studies conducted during the era of open cholecystectomy reported similar or worse outcomes if cholecystectomy was done sooner rather than later.

However, in 1999, Uhl et al58 reported that 48 of 77 patients admitted with acute gallstone pancreatitis were able to undergo laparoscopic cholecystectomy during the same admission. Success rates were 85% (30 of 35 patients) in those with mild disease and 62% (8 of 13 patients) in those with severe disease. They concluded laparoscopic cholecystectomy could be safely performed within 7 days in patients with mild disease, whereas in severe disease at least 3 weeks should elapse because of the risk of infection.

In a randomized trial published in 2010, Aboulian et al59 reported that hospital length of stay (the primary end point) was shorter in 25 patients who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy early (within 48 hours of admission) than in 25 patients who underwent surgery after abdominal pain had resolved and laboratory enzymes showed a normalizing trend, 3.5 vs 5.8 days (P = .0016). Rates of perioperative complications and need for conversion to open surgery were similar between the 2 groups.

If there is associated cholangitis, patients should also be given broad-spectrum antibiotics and should undergo ERCP within 24 hours of admission.25–27


Gallstones are common in US adults. Abdominal ultrasonography is the diagnostic imaging test of choice to detect gallbladder stones and assess for findings suggestive of acute cholecystitis and dilation of the common bile duct. Fortunately, most gallstones are asymptomatic and can usually be managed expectantly. In patients who have symptoms or have gallstone complications, laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the standard of care.

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Author and Disclosure Information

Mounir Ibrahim, MD
Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute, Cleveland Clinic

Shashank Sarvepalli, MD
Medicine Institute, Cleveland Clinic

Gareth Morris-Stiff, MD, PhD
HPB Surgery, Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute; Department of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic; Clinical Assistant Professor, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH

Maged Rizk, MD
Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute, Cleveland Clinic; Assistant Professor, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH

Amit Bhatt, MD
Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute, Cleveland Clinic; Clinical Assistant Professor, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH

R. Matthew Walsh, MD
Rich Family Distinguished Chair of Digestive Diseases, Chairman, Department of General Surgery, Digestive Disease Institute, Chairman, Academic Department of Surgery, Education Institute, Cleveland Clinic; Professor, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH

Umar Hayat, MD
Medicine Institute, Cleveland Clinic

Ari Garber, MD, EdD
Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute, Cleveland Clinic; Clinical Instructor, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH

John Vargo, MD
Chairman, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute, Cleveland Clinic; Associate Professor, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH

Carol A. Burke, MD
Vice Chair, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute, Cleveland Clinic

Address: Carol A. Burke, MD, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Digestive Disease Institute, A30, Cleveland Clinic, 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44195;

Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine - 85(4)
Page Number
Legacy Keywords
gallstones, cholelithiasis, gallbladder, cholecystitis, cholecystectomy, bile duct, pancreas, pancreatitis, Mounir Ibrahim, Shashank Sarvepalli, Gareth Morris-Stiff, Maged Rizk, Amit Bhatt, Matthew Walsh, Umar Hayat, Ari Garber, John Vargo, Carol Burke
Author and Disclosure Information

Mounir Ibrahim, MD
Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute, Cleveland Clinic

Shashank Sarvepalli, MD
Medicine Institute, Cleveland Clinic

Gareth Morris-Stiff, MD, PhD
HPB Surgery, Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute; Department of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic; Clinical Assistant Professor, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH

Maged Rizk, MD
Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute, Cleveland Clinic; Assistant Professor, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH

Amit Bhatt, MD
Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute, Cleveland Clinic; Clinical Assistant Professor, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH

R. Matthew Walsh, MD
Rich Family Distinguished Chair of Digestive Diseases, Chairman, Department of General Surgery, Digestive Disease Institute, Chairman, Academic Department of Surgery, Education Institute, Cleveland Clinic; Professor, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH

Umar Hayat, MD
Medicine Institute, Cleveland Clinic

Ari Garber, MD, EdD
Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute, Cleveland Clinic; Clinical Instructor, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH

John Vargo, MD
Chairman, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute, Cleveland Clinic; Associate Professor, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH

Carol A. Burke, MD
Vice Chair, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute, Cleveland Clinic

Address: Carol A. Burke, MD, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Digestive Disease Institute, A30, Cleveland Clinic, 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44195;

Author and Disclosure Information

Mounir Ibrahim, MD
Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute, Cleveland Clinic

Shashank Sarvepalli, MD
Medicine Institute, Cleveland Clinic

Gareth Morris-Stiff, MD, PhD
HPB Surgery, Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute; Department of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic; Clinical Assistant Professor, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH

Maged Rizk, MD
Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute, Cleveland Clinic; Assistant Professor, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH

Amit Bhatt, MD
Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute, Cleveland Clinic; Clinical Assistant Professor, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH

R. Matthew Walsh, MD
Rich Family Distinguished Chair of Digestive Diseases, Chairman, Department of General Surgery, Digestive Disease Institute, Chairman, Academic Department of Surgery, Education Institute, Cleveland Clinic; Professor, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH

Umar Hayat, MD
Medicine Institute, Cleveland Clinic

Ari Garber, MD, EdD
Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute, Cleveland Clinic; Clinical Instructor, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH

John Vargo, MD
Chairman, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute, Cleveland Clinic; Associate Professor, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH

Carol A. Burke, MD
Vice Chair, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute, Cleveland Clinic

Address: Carol A. Burke, MD, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Digestive Disease Institute, A30, Cleveland Clinic, 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44195;

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The prevalence of gallstones is approximately 10% to 15% of the adult US population.1,2 Most cases are asymptomatic, as gallstones are usually discovered incidentally during routine imaging for other abdominal conditions, and only about 20% of patients with asymptomatic gallstones develop clinically significant complications.2,3

Nevertheless, gallstones carry significant healthcare costs. In 2004, the median inpatient cost for any gallstone-related disease was $11,584, with an overall annual cost of $6.2 billion.4,5

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the standard treatment for symptomatic cholelithiasis. For asymptomatic cholelithasis, the usual approach is expectant management (“watch and wait”), but prophylactic cholecystectomy may be an option in certain patients at high risk.


Gallstones can be classified into 2 main categories based on their predominant chemical composition: cholesterol or pigment.

Cholesterol gallstones

About 75% of gallstones are composed of cholesterol.3,4 In the past, this type of stone was thought to be caused by gallbladder inflammation, bile stasis, and absorption of bile salts from damaged mucosa. However, it is now known that cholesterol gallstones are the result of biliary supersaturation caused by cholesterol hypersecretion into the gallbladder, gallbladder hypomotility, accelerated cholesterol nucleation and crystallization, and mucin gel accumulation.

Pigment gallstones

Black pigment gallstones account for 10% to 15% of all gallstones.6 They are caused by chronic hemolysis in association with supersaturation of bile with calcium hydrogen bilirubinate, along with deposition of calcium carbonate, phosphate, and inorganic salts.7

Brown pigment stones, accounting for 5% to 10% of all gallstones,6 are caused by infection in the obstructed bile ducts, where bacteria that produce beta-glucuronidase, phospholipase, and slime contribute to formation of the stone.8,9


Gallstone risk factors
Multiple risk factors are associated with the development of gallstones (Table 1).

Age. After age 40, the risk increases dramatically, with an incidence 4 times higher for those ages 40 to 69 than in younger people.10

Female sex. Women of reproductive age are 4 times more likely to develop gallstones than men, but this gap narrows after menopause.11 The higher risk is attributed to female sex hormones, pregnancy, and oral contraceptive use. Estrogen decreases secretion of bile salts and increases secretion of cholesterol into the gallbladder, which leads to cholesterol supersaturation. Progesterone acts synergistically by causing hypomobility of the gallbladder, which in turn leads to bile stasis.12,13

Ethnicity. The risk is higher in Mexican Americans and Native Americans than in other ethnic groups.14

Rapid weight loss, such as after bariatric surgery, occurs from decreased caloric intake and promotes bile stasis, while lipolysis increases cholesterol mobilization and secretion into the gallbladder. This creates an environment conducive to bile supersaturation with cholesterol, leading to gallstone formation.

Chronic hemolytic disorders carry an increased risk of developing calcium bilirubinate stones due to increased excretion of bilirubin during hemolysis.

Obesity and diabetes mellitus are both attributed to insulin resistance. Obesity also increases bile stasis and cholesterol saturation.




Most patients with gallstones (cholelithiasis) experience no symptoms. Their gallstones are often discovered incidentally during imaging tests for unrelated or unexplained abdominal symptoms. Most patients with asymptomatic gallstones remain symptom-free, while about 20% develop gallstone-related symptoms.2,3

Abdominal pain is the most common symptom. The phrase biliary colic—suggesting pain that is fluctuating in nature—appears ubiquitously in the medical literature, but it does not correctly characterize the pain associated with gallstones.

Most patients with gallstone symptoms describe a constant and often severe pain in the right upper abdomen, epigastrium, or both, often persisting for 30 to 120 minutes. Symptoms are frequently reported in the epigastrium when only visceral pain fibers are stimulated due to gallbladder distention. This is usually called midline pain; however, pain occurs in the back and right shoulder in up to 60% of patients, with involvement of somatic fibers.15,16 Gallstone pain is not relieved by change of position or passage of stool or gas.

Onset of symptoms more than an hour after eating or in the late evening or at night also  very strongly suggests biliary pain. Patients with a history of biliary pain are more likely to experience it again, with a 69% chance of developing recurrent pain within 2 years.17


Gallstone complications
In any year, approximately 1% to 3% of patients with gallstones experience a gallstone-related complication.18 These complications (Table 2) can occur in patients with or without symptoms. Patients without previous symptoms from gallstones have a slightly lower 10-year cumulative risk of complications—3% to 4% vs approximately 6% in patients who have had gallstone-related symptoms.19

Acute gallbladder inflammation (cholecystitis)

Gallbladder inflammation (cholecystitis) is the most common complication, occurring in up to 10% of symptomatic cases. Many patients with acute cholecystitis present with right upper quadrant pain that may be accompanied by anorexia, nausea, or vomiting. Inspiratory arrest on deep palpation of the right upper quadrant (Murphy sign) has a specificity of 79% to 96% for acute cholecystitis.20 Markers of systemic inflammation such as fever, elevated white blood cell count, and elevated C-reactive protein are highly suggestive of acute cholecystitis.20,21

Bile duct stones (choledocholithiasis)

Bile duct stones (choledocholithiasis) are detected in 3.4% to 12% of patients with gallstones.22,23 Most stones in the common bile duct migrate there from the gallbladder via the cystic duct. Less commonly, primary duct stones form in the duct due to biliary stasis. Removing the gallbladder does not completely eliminate the risk of bile duct stones, as stones can remain or recur after surgery.

Bile duct stones can obstruct the common bile duct, which disrupts normal bile flow and leads to jaundice. Other symptoms may include pruritus, right upper quadrant pain, nausea, and vomiting. Serum levels of bilirubin, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and alkaline phosphatase are usually high.24

Acute bacterial infection (cholangitis)

Acute bacterial infection of the biliary system (cholangitis) is usually associated with obstruction of the common bile duct. Common symptoms of acute cholangitis include right upper quadrant pain, fever, and jaundice (Charcot triad), and these are present in about 50% to 75% of cases.21 In severe cases, patients can develop altered mental status and septicemic shock in addition to the Charcot triad, a condition called the Reynold pentad. White blood cell counts and serum levels of C-reactive protein, bilirubin, aminotransferases, and alkaline phosphatase are usually elevated.21


Approximately 4% to 8% of patients with gallstones develop inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis).25 The diagnosis of acute pancreatitis requires at least 2 of the following:26,27

  • Abdominal pain (typically epigastric, often radiating to the back)
  • Amylase or lipase levels at least 3 times above the normal limit
  • Imaging findings that suggest acute pancreatitis.

Gallstone-related pancreatitis should be considered if the ALT level is greater than 150 U/mL, which has a 97% specificity for gallstone-related pancreatitis.28




Transabdominal ultrasonography, with a sensitivity of 84% to 89% and a specificity of up to 99%, is the test of choice for detecting gallstones.29 The characteristic findings of acute cholecystitis on ultrasonography include enlargement of the gallbladder, thickening of the gallbladder wall, presence of pericholecystic fluid, and tenderness elicited by the ultrasound probe over the gallbladder (sonographic Murphy sign).

Scintigraphy as a second test

Acute cholecystitis is primarily a clinical diagnosis and typically does not require additional imaging beyond ultrasonography. When there is discordance between clinical and ultrasonographic findings, the most accurate second imaging test is scintigraphy of the biliary tract, usually performed with technetium-labeled hydroxy iminodiacetic acid. Given intravenously, the radionuclide is rapidly taken up by the liver and then secreted into the bile. In acute cholecystitis, the cystic duct is functionally occluded and the isotope does not enter the gallbladder, creating an imaging void compared with a normal appearance.

Scintigraphy is more sensitive than abdominal ultrasonography, with a sensitivity of up to 97% vs 81% to 88%, respectively.29,30 The tests have about equal specificity.

Even though scintigraphy is more sensitive, abdominal ultrasonography is often the initial test for patients with suspected acute cholecystitis because it is more widely available, takes less time, does not involve radiation exposure, and can assess for the presence or absence of gallstones and dilation of the intra- and extrahepatic bile ducts.

Looking for stones in the common bile duct

When acute cholangitis due to choledocholithiasis is suspected, abdominal ultrasonography is a prudent initial test to look for gallstones or biliary dilation suggesting obstruction by stones in the common bile duct. Abdominal ultrasonography has only a 22% to 55% sensitivity for visualizing stones in the common bile duct, but it has a 77% to 87% sensitivity for detecting common bile duct dilation, a surrogate marker of stones.31

The normal bile duct diameter ranges from 3 to 6 mm, although mild dilation is often seen in older patients or after cholecystectomy or Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery.32,33 Bile duct dilation of up to 10 mm can be considered normal in patients after cholecystectomy.34 A normal-appearing bile duct on ultrasonography has a negative predictive value of 95% for excluding common bile duct stones.31

Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS), magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP), and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) have similar sensitivity (89%–94%, 85%–92%, and 89%–93%, respectively) and specificity (94%–95%, 93%–97%, and 100%, respectively) for detecting common bile duct stones.35–37 EUS is superior to MRCP in detecting stones smaller than 6 mm.38

ERCP should be reserved for managing rather than diagnosing common bile duct stones because of the risk of pancreatitis and perforation. Patients undergoing cholecystectomy who are suspected of having choledocholithiasis may undergo intraoperative cholangiography or laparoscopic common bile duct ultrasonography.


Asymptomatic gallstones

Asymptomatic gallstones: Outcomes with watchful waiting
The management of patients with asymptomatic gallstones typically is based on the risk of developing symptoms or complications. Large cohort studies have found that patients without symptoms have about a 7% to 26% lifetime risk of developing them (Table 3).39–46

Standard treatment for these patients is expectant management. Cholecystectomy is not recommended for patients with asymptomatic gallstones.47 Nevertheless, some patients may benefit from prophylactic cholecystectomy. We and others48 suggest considering cholecystectomy in the following patients.

Patients with chronic hemolytic anemia (including children with sickle cell anemia and spherocytosis). These patients have a higher risk of developing calcium bilirubinate stones, and cholecystectomy has improved outcomes.49 It should be noted that most of these data come from pediatric populations and have been extrapolated to adults.

Native Americans, who have a higher risk of gallbladder cancer if they have gallstones.2,50

Conversely, calcification of the gallbladder wall (“porcelain gallbladder”) is no longer considered an absolute indication for cholecystectomy. This condition was thought to be associated with a high rate of gallbladder carcinoma, but analyses of larger, more recent data sets found much smaller risks.51,52 Further, cholecystectomy in these patients was found to be associated with high rates of postoperative complications. Thus, prophylactic cholecystectomy is no longer recommended in asymptomatic cases of porcelain gallbladder.

In addition, concomitant cholecystectomy in patients undergoing bariatric surgery is no longer considered the therapeutic standard. Historically, cholecystectomy was performed in these patients because of the increased risk of gallstones associated with rapid weight loss after surgery. However, research now weighs against concomitant cholecystectomy with bariatric surgery and most other abdominal surgeries for asymptomatic gallstones.53



Laparoscopic surgery for symptomatic gallstones

Figure 1. Management of patients with gallstones.
Based on information in reference 48.
Figure 1. Management of patients with gallstones.
Patients with symptomatic gallstones are at high risk of biliary complications. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is recommended for patients who can undergo surgery (Figure 1).48 Oral dissolution therapy and extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy are available for patients who cannot undergo surgery but have good gallbladder function, small radiopaque stones, and mild symptoms. Clinical management and emergency laparoscopic cholecystectomy are recommended for large pigmented or radiopaque stones. Otherwise, clinical follow-up is recommended.

For patients experiencing acute cholecystitis, laparoscopic cholecystectomy within 72 hours is recommended.48 There were safety concerns regarding higher rates of morbidity and conversion from laparoscopic to open cholecystectomy in patients who underwent surgery before the acute cholecystitis episode had settled. However, a large meta-analysis found no significant difference between early and delayed laparoscopic cholecystectomy in bile duct injury or conversion rates.54 Further, early cholecystectomy—defined as within 1 week of symptom onset—has been found to reduce gallstone-related complications, shorten hospital stays, and lower costs.55–57 If the patient cannot undergo surgery, percutaneous cholecystotomy or novel endoscopic gallbladder drainage interventions can be used.

Figure 2. Management of patients with symptomatic bile duct stones (choledocholithiasis).
Reprinted from ASGE Standards of Practice Committee; Maple JT, Ben-Menachem T, Anderson MA, et al. The role of endoscopy in the evaluation of suspected choledocholithiasis. Gastrointest Endoscp 2010; 71:1–9 with permission from Elsevier.
Figure 2. Management of patients with symptomatic bile duct stones (choledocholithiasis).
For patients with bile duct stones. Guidelines from the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE) suggest that patients with an intermediate or high probability of developing choledocholithiasis should undergo preoperative or intraoperative evaluation of the common bile duct (Figure 2).31

Several variables predict the presence of bile duct stones in patients who have symptoms (Table 4). Based on these predictors, the ASGE classifies the probabilities as low (< 10%), intermediate (10% to 50%), and high (> 50%)31:

  • Table 4. Predictors of bile duct stones
    Low-risk patients require no further evaluation of the common bile duct
  • High-risk patients should undergo preoperative ERCP and stone extraction if needed
  • Intermediate-risk patients should undergo preoperative imaging with EUS or MRCP or intraoperative bile duct evaluation, depending on the availability, costs, and local expertise.

Patients with associated cholangitis should be given intravenous fluids and broad-spectrum antibiotics. Biliary decompression should be done as early as possible to decrease the risk of morbidity and mortality. For acute cholangitis, ERCP is the treatment of choice.25

Patients with acute gallstone pancreatitis should receive conservative management with intravenous isotonic solutions and pain control, followed by laparoscopic cholecystectomy.48

The timing of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in acute gallstone pancreatitis has been debated. Studies conducted during the era of open cholecystectomy reported similar or worse outcomes if cholecystectomy was done sooner rather than later.

However, in 1999, Uhl et al58 reported that 48 of 77 patients admitted with acute gallstone pancreatitis were able to undergo laparoscopic cholecystectomy during the same admission. Success rates were 85% (30 of 35 patients) in those with mild disease and 62% (8 of 13 patients) in those with severe disease. They concluded laparoscopic cholecystectomy could be safely performed within 7 days in patients with mild disease, whereas in severe disease at least 3 weeks should elapse because of the risk of infection.

In a randomized trial published in 2010, Aboulian et al59 reported that hospital length of stay (the primary end point) was shorter in 25 patients who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy early (within 48 hours of admission) than in 25 patients who underwent surgery after abdominal pain had resolved and laboratory enzymes showed a normalizing trend, 3.5 vs 5.8 days (P = .0016). Rates of perioperative complications and need for conversion to open surgery were similar between the 2 groups.

If there is associated cholangitis, patients should also be given broad-spectrum antibiotics and should undergo ERCP within 24 hours of admission.25–27


Gallstones are common in US adults. Abdominal ultrasonography is the diagnostic imaging test of choice to detect gallbladder stones and assess for findings suggestive of acute cholecystitis and dilation of the common bile duct. Fortunately, most gallstones are asymptomatic and can usually be managed expectantly. In patients who have symptoms or have gallstone complications, laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the standard of care.

The prevalence of gallstones is approximately 10% to 15% of the adult US population.1,2 Most cases are asymptomatic, as gallstones are usually discovered incidentally during routine imaging for other abdominal conditions, and only about 20% of patients with asymptomatic gallstones develop clinically significant complications.2,3

Nevertheless, gallstones carry significant healthcare costs. In 2004, the median inpatient cost for any gallstone-related disease was $11,584, with an overall annual cost of $6.2 billion.4,5

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the standard treatment for symptomatic cholelithiasis. For asymptomatic cholelithasis, the usual approach is expectant management (“watch and wait”), but prophylactic cholecystectomy may be an option in certain patients at high risk.


Gallstones can be classified into 2 main categories based on their predominant chemical composition: cholesterol or pigment.

Cholesterol gallstones

About 75% of gallstones are composed of cholesterol.3,4 In the past, this type of stone was thought to be caused by gallbladder inflammation, bile stasis, and absorption of bile salts from damaged mucosa. However, it is now known that cholesterol gallstones are the result of biliary supersaturation caused by cholesterol hypersecretion into the gallbladder, gallbladder hypomotility, accelerated cholesterol nucleation and crystallization, and mucin gel accumulation.

Pigment gallstones

Black pigment gallstones account for 10% to 15% of all gallstones.6 They are caused by chronic hemolysis in association with supersaturation of bile with calcium hydrogen bilirubinate, along with deposition of calcium carbonate, phosphate, and inorganic salts.7

Brown pigment stones, accounting for 5% to 10% of all gallstones,6 are caused by infection in the obstructed bile ducts, where bacteria that produce beta-glucuronidase, phospholipase, and slime contribute to formation of the stone.8,9


Gallstone risk factors
Multiple risk factors are associated with the development of gallstones (Table 1).

Age. After age 40, the risk increases dramatically, with an incidence 4 times higher for those ages 40 to 69 than in younger people.10

Female sex. Women of reproductive age are 4 times more likely to develop gallstones than men, but this gap narrows after menopause.11 The higher risk is attributed to female sex hormones, pregnancy, and oral contraceptive use. Estrogen decreases secretion of bile salts and increases secretion of cholesterol into the gallbladder, which leads to cholesterol supersaturation. Progesterone acts synergistically by causing hypomobility of the gallbladder, which in turn leads to bile stasis.12,13

Ethnicity. The risk is higher in Mexican Americans and Native Americans than in other ethnic groups.14

Rapid weight loss, such as after bariatric surgery, occurs from decreased caloric intake and promotes bile stasis, while lipolysis increases cholesterol mobilization and secretion into the gallbladder. This creates an environment conducive to bile supersaturation with cholesterol, leading to gallstone formation.

Chronic hemolytic disorders carry an increased risk of developing calcium bilirubinate stones due to increased excretion of bilirubin during hemolysis.

Obesity and diabetes mellitus are both attributed to insulin resistance. Obesity also increases bile stasis and cholesterol saturation.




Most patients with gallstones (cholelithiasis) experience no symptoms. Their gallstones are often discovered incidentally during imaging tests for unrelated or unexplained abdominal symptoms. Most patients with asymptomatic gallstones remain symptom-free, while about 20% develop gallstone-related symptoms.2,3

Abdominal pain is the most common symptom. The phrase biliary colic—suggesting pain that is fluctuating in nature—appears ubiquitously in the medical literature, but it does not correctly characterize the pain associated with gallstones.

Most patients with gallstone symptoms describe a constant and often severe pain in the right upper abdomen, epigastrium, or both, often persisting for 30 to 120 minutes. Symptoms are frequently reported in the epigastrium when only visceral pain fibers are stimulated due to gallbladder distention. This is usually called midline pain; however, pain occurs in the back and right shoulder in up to 60% of patients, with involvement of somatic fibers.15,16 Gallstone pain is not relieved by change of position or passage of stool or gas.

Onset of symptoms more than an hour after eating or in the late evening or at night also  very strongly suggests biliary pain. Patients with a history of biliary pain are more likely to experience it again, with a 69% chance of developing recurrent pain within 2 years.17


Gallstone complications
In any year, approximately 1% to 3% of patients with gallstones experience a gallstone-related complication.18 These complications (Table 2) can occur in patients with or without symptoms. Patients without previous symptoms from gallstones have a slightly lower 10-year cumulative risk of complications—3% to 4% vs approximately 6% in patients who have had gallstone-related symptoms.19

Acute gallbladder inflammation (cholecystitis)

Gallbladder inflammation (cholecystitis) is the most common complication, occurring in up to 10% of symptomatic cases. Many patients with acute cholecystitis present with right upper quadrant pain that may be accompanied by anorexia, nausea, or vomiting. Inspiratory arrest on deep palpation of the right upper quadrant (Murphy sign) has a specificity of 79% to 96% for acute cholecystitis.20 Markers of systemic inflammation such as fever, elevated white blood cell count, and elevated C-reactive protein are highly suggestive of acute cholecystitis.20,21

Bile duct stones (choledocholithiasis)

Bile duct stones (choledocholithiasis) are detected in 3.4% to 12% of patients with gallstones.22,23 Most stones in the common bile duct migrate there from the gallbladder via the cystic duct. Less commonly, primary duct stones form in the duct due to biliary stasis. Removing the gallbladder does not completely eliminate the risk of bile duct stones, as stones can remain or recur after surgery.

Bile duct stones can obstruct the common bile duct, which disrupts normal bile flow and leads to jaundice. Other symptoms may include pruritus, right upper quadrant pain, nausea, and vomiting. Serum levels of bilirubin, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and alkaline phosphatase are usually high.24

Acute bacterial infection (cholangitis)

Acute bacterial infection of the biliary system (cholangitis) is usually associated with obstruction of the common bile duct. Common symptoms of acute cholangitis include right upper quadrant pain, fever, and jaundice (Charcot triad), and these are present in about 50% to 75% of cases.21 In severe cases, patients can develop altered mental status and septicemic shock in addition to the Charcot triad, a condition called the Reynold pentad. White blood cell counts and serum levels of C-reactive protein, bilirubin, aminotransferases, and alkaline phosphatase are usually elevated.21


Approximately 4% to 8% of patients with gallstones develop inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis).25 The diagnosis of acute pancreatitis requires at least 2 of the following:26,27

  • Abdominal pain (typically epigastric, often radiating to the back)
  • Amylase or lipase levels at least 3 times above the normal limit
  • Imaging findings that suggest acute pancreatitis.

Gallstone-related pancreatitis should be considered if the ALT level is greater than 150 U/mL, which has a 97% specificity for gallstone-related pancreatitis.28




Transabdominal ultrasonography, with a sensitivity of 84% to 89% and a specificity of up to 99%, is the test of choice for detecting gallstones.29 The characteristic findings of acute cholecystitis on ultrasonography include enlargement of the gallbladder, thickening of the gallbladder wall, presence of pericholecystic fluid, and tenderness elicited by the ultrasound probe over the gallbladder (sonographic Murphy sign).

Scintigraphy as a second test

Acute cholecystitis is primarily a clinical diagnosis and typically does not require additional imaging beyond ultrasonography. When there is discordance between clinical and ultrasonographic findings, the most accurate second imaging test is scintigraphy of the biliary tract, usually performed with technetium-labeled hydroxy iminodiacetic acid. Given intravenously, the radionuclide is rapidly taken up by the liver and then secreted into the bile. In acute cholecystitis, the cystic duct is functionally occluded and the isotope does not enter the gallbladder, creating an imaging void compared with a normal appearance.

Scintigraphy is more sensitive than abdominal ultrasonography, with a sensitivity of up to 97% vs 81% to 88%, respectively.29,30 The tests have about equal specificity.

Even though scintigraphy is more sensitive, abdominal ultrasonography is often the initial test for patients with suspected acute cholecystitis because it is more widely available, takes less time, does not involve radiation exposure, and can assess for the presence or absence of gallstones and dilation of the intra- and extrahepatic bile ducts.

Looking for stones in the common bile duct

When acute cholangitis due to choledocholithiasis is suspected, abdominal ultrasonography is a prudent initial test to look for gallstones or biliary dilation suggesting obstruction by stones in the common bile duct. Abdominal ultrasonography has only a 22% to 55% sensitivity for visualizing stones in the common bile duct, but it has a 77% to 87% sensitivity for detecting common bile duct dilation, a surrogate marker of stones.31

The normal bile duct diameter ranges from 3 to 6 mm, although mild dilation is often seen in older patients or after cholecystectomy or Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery.32,33 Bile duct dilation of up to 10 mm can be considered normal in patients after cholecystectomy.34 A normal-appearing bile duct on ultrasonography has a negative predictive value of 95% for excluding common bile duct stones.31

Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS), magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP), and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) have similar sensitivity (89%–94%, 85%–92%, and 89%–93%, respectively) and specificity (94%–95%, 93%–97%, and 100%, respectively) for detecting common bile duct stones.35–37 EUS is superior to MRCP in detecting stones smaller than 6 mm.38

ERCP should be reserved for managing rather than diagnosing common bile duct stones because of the risk of pancreatitis and perforation. Patients undergoing cholecystectomy who are suspected of having choledocholithiasis may undergo intraoperative cholangiography or laparoscopic common bile duct ultrasonography.


Asymptomatic gallstones

Asymptomatic gallstones: Outcomes with watchful waiting
The management of patients with asymptomatic gallstones typically is based on the risk of developing symptoms or complications. Large cohort studies have found that patients without symptoms have about a 7% to 26% lifetime risk of developing them (Table 3).39–46

Standard treatment for these patients is expectant management. Cholecystectomy is not recommended for patients with asymptomatic gallstones.47 Nevertheless, some patients may benefit from prophylactic cholecystectomy. We and others48 suggest considering cholecystectomy in the following patients.

Patients with chronic hemolytic anemia (including children with sickle cell anemia and spherocytosis). These patients have a higher risk of developing calcium bilirubinate stones, and cholecystectomy has improved outcomes.49 It should be noted that most of these data come from pediatric populations and have been extrapolated to adults.

Native Americans, who have a higher risk of gallbladder cancer if they have gallstones.2,50

Conversely, calcification of the gallbladder wall (“porcelain gallbladder”) is no longer considered an absolute indication for cholecystectomy. This condition was thought to be associated with a high rate of gallbladder carcinoma, but analyses of larger, more recent data sets found much smaller risks.51,52 Further, cholecystectomy in these patients was found to be associated with high rates of postoperative complications. Thus, prophylactic cholecystectomy is no longer recommended in asymptomatic cases of porcelain gallbladder.

In addition, concomitant cholecystectomy in patients undergoing bariatric surgery is no longer considered the therapeutic standard. Historically, cholecystectomy was performed in these patients because of the increased risk of gallstones associated with rapid weight loss after surgery. However, research now weighs against concomitant cholecystectomy with bariatric surgery and most other abdominal surgeries for asymptomatic gallstones.53



Laparoscopic surgery for symptomatic gallstones

Figure 1. Management of patients with gallstones.
Based on information in reference 48.
Figure 1. Management of patients with gallstones.
Patients with symptomatic gallstones are at high risk of biliary complications. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is recommended for patients who can undergo surgery (Figure 1).48 Oral dissolution therapy and extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy are available for patients who cannot undergo surgery but have good gallbladder function, small radiopaque stones, and mild symptoms. Clinical management and emergency laparoscopic cholecystectomy are recommended for large pigmented or radiopaque stones. Otherwise, clinical follow-up is recommended.

For patients experiencing acute cholecystitis, laparoscopic cholecystectomy within 72 hours is recommended.48 There were safety concerns regarding higher rates of morbidity and conversion from laparoscopic to open cholecystectomy in patients who underwent surgery before the acute cholecystitis episode had settled. However, a large meta-analysis found no significant difference between early and delayed laparoscopic cholecystectomy in bile duct injury or conversion rates.54 Further, early cholecystectomy—defined as within 1 week of symptom onset—has been found to reduce gallstone-related complications, shorten hospital stays, and lower costs.55–57 If the patient cannot undergo surgery, percutaneous cholecystotomy or novel endoscopic gallbladder drainage interventions can be used.

Figure 2. Management of patients with symptomatic bile duct stones (choledocholithiasis).
Reprinted from ASGE Standards of Practice Committee; Maple JT, Ben-Menachem T, Anderson MA, et al. The role of endoscopy in the evaluation of suspected choledocholithiasis. Gastrointest Endoscp 2010; 71:1–9 with permission from Elsevier.
Figure 2. Management of patients with symptomatic bile duct stones (choledocholithiasis).
For patients with bile duct stones. Guidelines from the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE) suggest that patients with an intermediate or high probability of developing choledocholithiasis should undergo preoperative or intraoperative evaluation of the common bile duct (Figure 2).31

Several variables predict the presence of bile duct stones in patients who have symptoms (Table 4). Based on these predictors, the ASGE classifies the probabilities as low (< 10%), intermediate (10% to 50%), and high (> 50%)31:

  • Table 4. Predictors of bile duct stones
    Low-risk patients require no further evaluation of the common bile duct
  • High-risk patients should undergo preoperative ERCP and stone extraction if needed
  • Intermediate-risk patients should undergo preoperative imaging with EUS or MRCP or intraoperative bile duct evaluation, depending on the availability, costs, and local expertise.

Patients with associated cholangitis should be given intravenous fluids and broad-spectrum antibiotics. Biliary decompression should be done as early as possible to decrease the risk of morbidity and mortality. For acute cholangitis, ERCP is the treatment of choice.25

Patients with acute gallstone pancreatitis should receive conservative management with intravenous isotonic solutions and pain control, followed by laparoscopic cholecystectomy.48

The timing of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in acute gallstone pancreatitis has been debated. Studies conducted during the era of open cholecystectomy reported similar or worse outcomes if cholecystectomy was done sooner rather than later.

However, in 1999, Uhl et al58 reported that 48 of 77 patients admitted with acute gallstone pancreatitis were able to undergo laparoscopic cholecystectomy during the same admission. Success rates were 85% (30 of 35 patients) in those with mild disease and 62% (8 of 13 patients) in those with severe disease. They concluded laparoscopic cholecystectomy could be safely performed within 7 days in patients with mild disease, whereas in severe disease at least 3 weeks should elapse because of the risk of infection.

In a randomized trial published in 2010, Aboulian et al59 reported that hospital length of stay (the primary end point) was shorter in 25 patients who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy early (within 48 hours of admission) than in 25 patients who underwent surgery after abdominal pain had resolved and laboratory enzymes showed a normalizing trend, 3.5 vs 5.8 days (P = .0016). Rates of perioperative complications and need for conversion to open surgery were similar between the 2 groups.

If there is associated cholangitis, patients should also be given broad-spectrum antibiotics and should undergo ERCP within 24 hours of admission.25–27


Gallstones are common in US adults. Abdominal ultrasonography is the diagnostic imaging test of choice to detect gallbladder stones and assess for findings suggestive of acute cholecystitis and dilation of the common bile duct. Fortunately, most gallstones are asymptomatic and can usually be managed expectantly. In patients who have symptoms or have gallstone complications, laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the standard of care.

  1. Schirmer BD, Winters KL, Edlich RF. Cholelithiasis and cholecystitis. J Long Term Eff Med Implants 2005; 15(3):329–338. doi:10.1615/JLongTermEffMedImplants.v15.i3.90
  2. Stinton LM, Shaffer EA. Epidemiology of gallbladder disease: cholelithiasis and cancer. Gut Liver 2012; 6(2):172–187. doi:10.5009/gnl.2012.6.2.172
  3. Lee JY, Keane MG, Pereira S. Diagnosis and treatment of gallstone disease. Practitioner 2015; 259(1783):15–19.
  4. Russo MW, Wei JT, Thiny MT, et al. Digestive and liver diseases statistics, 2004. Gastroenterology 2004; 126(5):1448–1453. doi:10.1053/j.gastro.2004.01.025
  5. Everhart JE, Ruhl CE. Burden of digestive diseases in the United States part I: overall and upper gastrointestinal diseases. Gastroenterology 2009; 136(2):376–386. doi:10.1053/j.gastro.2008.12.015
  6. Cariati A. Gallstone classification in Western countries. Indian J Surg 2015; 77(suppl 2):376–380.
  7. Carey MC. Pathogenesis of gallstones. Am J Surg 1993; 165(4):410–419. doi:10.1016/S0002-9610(05)80932-8
  8. Lammert F, Gurusamy K, Ko CW, et al. Gallstones. Nat Rev Dis Primers 2016; 2:16024. doi:10.1038/nrdp.2016.24
  9. Stewart L, Oesterle AL, Erdan I, Griffiss JM, Way LW. Pathogenesis of pigment gallstones in Western societies: the central role of bacteria. J Gastrointest Surg 2002; 6(6):891–904.
  10. Barbara L, Sama C, Morselli Labate AM, et al. A population study on the prevalence of gallstone disease: the Sirmione Study. Hepatology 1987; 7(5):913–917. doi:10.1002/hep.1840070520
  11. Sood S, Winn T, Ibrahim S, et al. Natural history of asymptomatic gallstones: differential behaviour in male and female subjects. Med J Malaysia 2015; 70(6):341–345.
  12. Maringhini A, Ciambra M, Baccelliere P, et al. Biliary sludge and gallstones in pregnancy: incidence, risk factors, and natural history. Ann Intern Med 1993; 119(2):116–120. doi:10.7326/0003-4819-119-2-199307150-00004
  13. Etminan M, Delaney JA, Bressler B, Brophy JM. Oral contraceptives and the risk of gallbladder disease: a comparative safety study. CMAJ 2011; 183(8):899–904. doi:10.1503/cmaj.110161
  14. Everhart JE, Khare M, Hill M, Maurer KR. Prevalence and ethnic differences in gallbladder disease in the United States. Gastroenterology 1999; 117(3):632–639.
  15. Festi D, Sottili S, Colecchia A, et al. Clinical manifestations of gallstone disease: evidence from the multicenter Italian study on cholelithiasis (MICOL). Hepatology 1999; 30(4):839–846. doi:10.1002/hep.510300401
  16. Berhane T, Vetrhus M, Hausken T, Olafsson S, Sondenaa K. Pain attacks in non-complicated and complicated gallstone disease have a characteristic pattern and are accompanied by dyspepsia in most patients: the results of a prospective study. Scand J Gastroenterol 2006; 41(1):93–101. doi:10.1080/00365520510023990
  17. Thistle JL, Cleary PA, Lachin JM, Tyor MP, Hersh T. The natural history of cholelithiasis: the National Cooperative Gallstone Study. Ann Intern Med 1984; 101(2):171–175. doi:10.7326/0003-4819-101-2-171
  18. Friedman GD. Natural history of asymptomatic and symptomatic gallstones. Am J Surg 1993; 165(4):399–404. doi:0.1016/S0002-9610(05)80930-4
  19. Friedman GD, Raviola CA, Fireman B. Prognosis of gallstones with mild or no symptoms: 25 years of follow-up in a health maintenance organization. J Clin Epidemiol 1989; 42(2):127–136. doi:10.1016/0895-4356(89)90086-3
  20. Hirota M, Takada T, Kawarada Y, et al. Diagnostic criteria and severity assessment of acute cholecystitis: Tokyo guidelines. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg 2007; 14(1):78–82. doi:10.1007/s00534-006-1159-4
  21. Miura F, Takada T, Kawarada Y, et al. Flowcharts for the diagnosis and treatment of acute cholangitis and cholecystitis: Tokyo guidelines. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg 2007; 14(1):27–34. doi:10.1007/s00534-006-1153-x
  22. Koo KP, Traverso LW. Do preoperative indicators predict the presence of common bile duct stones during laparoscopic cholecystectomy? Am J Surg 1996; 171(5):495–499. doi:10.1016/S0002-9610(97)89611-0
  23. Collins C, Maguire D, Ireland A, Fitzgerald E, O’Sullivan GC. A prospective study of common bile duct calculi in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy: natural history of choledocholithiasis revisited. Ann Surg 2004; 239(1):28–33. doi:10.1097/01.sla.0000103069.00170.9c
  24. Costi R, Gnocchi A, Di Mario F, Sarli L. Diagnosis and management of choledocholithiasis in the golden age of imaging, endoscopy and laparoscopy. World J Gastroenterol 2014; 20(37):13382–13401. doi:10.3748/wjg.v20.i37.13382
  25. European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL). EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of gallstones. J Hepatol 2016; 65(1):146–181. doi:10.1016/j.jhep.2016.03.005
  26. Greenberg JA, Hsu J, Bawazeer M, et al. Clinical practice guideline: management of acute pancreatitis. Can J Surg 2016; 59 (2):128–140. doi:10.1503/cjs.015015
  27. Tenner S, Baillie J, DeWitt J, Vege SS; American College of Gastroenterology. American College of Gastroenterology guideline: management of acute pancreatitis. Am J Gastroenterol 2013; 108(9):1400–1416. doi:10.1038/ajg.2013.218
  28. Moolla Z, Anderson F, Thomson SR. Use of amylase and alanine transaminase to predict acute gallstone pancreatitis in a population with high HIV prevalence. World J Surg 2013; 37(1):156–161. doi:10.1007/s00268-012-1801-z
  29. Shea JA, Berlin JA, Escarce JJ, et al. Revised estimates of diagnostic test sensitivity and specificity in suspected biliary tract disease. Arch Intern Med 1994; 154(22):2573–2581. doi:10.1001/archinte.1994.00420220069008
  30. Kiewiet JJ, Leeuwenburgh MM, Bipat S, et al. A systematic review and meta-analysis of diagnostic performance of imaging in acute cholecystitis. Radiology 2012; 264(3):708–720. doi:10.1148/radiol.12111561
  31. ASGE Standards of Practice Committee; Maple JT, Ben-Menachem T, Anderson MA, et al. The role of endoscopy in the evaluation of suspected choledocholithiasis. Gastrointest Endosc 2010; 71(1):1–9. doi:10.1016/j.gie.2009.09.041
  32. Bachar GN, Cohen M, Belenky A, Atar E, Gideon S. Effect of aging on the adult extrahepatic bile duct: a sonographic study. J Ultrasound Med 2003; 22(9):879–885. doi:10.7863/jum.2003.22.9.879
  33. El-Hayek K, Timratana P, Meranda J, Shimizu H, Eldar S, Chand B. Post Roux-en-Y gastric bypass biliary dilation: natural process or significant entity? J Gastrointest Surg 2012; 16(12):2185–2189. doi:10.1007/s11605-012-2058-4
  34. Park SM, Kim WS, Bae IH, et al. Common bile duct dilatation after cholecystectomy: a one-year prospective study. J Korean Surg Soc 2012; 83(2):97–101. doi:10.4174/jkss.2012.83.2.97
  35. Tse F, Liu L, Barkun AN, Armstrong D, Moayyedi P. EUS: a meta-analysis of test performance in suspected choledocholithiasis. Gastrointest Endosc 2008; 67(2):235–244. doi:10.1016/j.gie.2007.09.047
  36. Verma D, Kapadia A, Eisen GM, Adler DG. EUS vs MRCP for detection of choledocholithiasis. Gastrointest Endosc 2006; 64(2):248–254. doi:10.1016/j.gie.2005.12.038
  37. Tseng LJ, Jao YT, Mo LR, Lin RC. Over-the-wire US catheter probe as an adjunct to ERCP in the detection of choledocholithiasis. Gastrointest Endosc 2001; 54(6):720–723. doi:10.1067/mge.2001.119255
  38. Kondo S, Isayama H, Akahane M, et al. Detection of common bile duct stones: comparison between endoscopic ultrasonography, magnetic resonance cholangiography, and helical-computed-tomographic cholangiography. Eur J Radiol 2005; 54(2):271–275. doi:10.1016/j.ejrad.2004.07.007
  39. Attili AF, De Santis A, Capri R, Repice AM, Maselli S. The natural history of gallstones: the GREPCO experience. The GREPCO Group. Hepatology 1995; 21(3):656–660. doi:10.1016/0270-9139(95)90514-6
  40. Sakorafas GH, Milingos D, Peros G. Asymptomatic cholelithiasis: is cholecystectomy really needed? A critical reappraisal 15 years after the introduction of laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Dig Dis Sci 2007; 52(5):1313–1325. doi:10.1007/s10620-006-9107-3
  41. Gracie WA, Ransohoff DF. The natural history of silent gallstones: the innocent gallstone is not a myth. N Engl J Med 1982; 307(13):798–800. doi:10.1056/NEJM198209233071305
  42. McSherry CK, Ferstenberg H, Calhoun WF, Lahman E, Virshup M. The natural history of diagnosed gallstone disease in symptomatic and asymptomatic patients. Ann Surg 1985; 202(1):59–63. doi:10.1097/00000658-198507000-00009
  43. Wada K, Wada K, Imamura T. Natural course of asymptomatic gallstone disease. Nihon Rinsho 1993; 51(7):1737–1743. Japanese.
  44. Halldestam I, Enell EL, Kullman E, Borch K. Development of symptoms and complications in individuals with asymptomatic gallstones. Br J Surg 2004; 91(6):734–738. doi:10.1002/bjs.4547
  45. Festi D, Reggiani ML, Attili AF, et al. Natural history of gallstone disease: expectant management or active treatment? Results from a population-based cohort study. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2010; 25(4):719–724. doi:10.1111/j.1440-1746.2009.06146.x
  46. Shabanzadeh DM, Sorensen LT, Jorgensen T. A prediction rule for risk stratification of incidentally discovered gallstones: results from a large cohort study. Gastroenterology 2016; 150(1):156–167e1. doi:10.1053/j.gastro.2015.09.002
  47. Overby DW, Apelgren KN, Richardson W, Fanelli R; Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons. SAGES guidelines for the clinical application of laparoscopic biliary tract surgery. Surg Endosc 2010; 24(10):2368–2386. doi:10.1007/s00464-010-1268-7
  48. Abraham S, Rivero HG, Erlikh IV, Griffith LF, Kondamudi VK. Surgical and nonsurgical management of gallstones. Am Fam Physician 2014; 89(10):795–802.
  49. Currò G,, Iapichino G, Lorenzini C, Palmeri R, Cucinotta E. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy in children with chronic hemolytic anemia. Is the outcome related to the timing of the procedure? Surg Endosc 2006; 20(2):252–255. doi:10.1007/s00464-005-0318-z
  50. Hundal R, Shaffer EA. Gallbladder cancer: epidemiology and outcome. Clin Epidemiol 2014; 6:99–109. doi:10.2147/CLEP.S37357
  51. Chen GL, Akmal Y, DiFronzo AL, Vuong B, O’Connor V. Porcelain gallbladder: no longer an indication for prophylactic cholecystectomy. Am Surg 2015; 81(10):936–940.
  52. Schnelldorfer T. Porcelain gallbladder: a benign process or concern for malignancy? J Gastrointest Surg 2013; 17(6):1161–1168. doi:10.1007/s11605-013-2170-0
  53. Warschkow R, Tarantino I, Ukegjini K, et al. Concomitant cholecystectomy during laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass in obese patients is not justified: a meta-analysis. Obes Surg 2013; 23(3)3979–408. doi:10.1007/s11695-012-0852-4
  54. Gurusamy K, Samraj K, Gluud C, Wilson E, Davidson BR. Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials on the safety and effectiveness of early versus delayed laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis. Br J Surg 2010; 97(2):141–150. doi:10.1002/bjs.6870
  55. Papi C, Catarci M, D’Ambrosio L, et al. Timing of cholecystectomy for acute calculous cholecystitis: a meta-analysis. Am J Gastroenterol 2004; 99(1):147–155. doi:10.1046/j.1572-0241.2003.04002.x
  56. Gurusamy KS, Davidson C, Gluud C, Davidson BR. Early versus delayed laparoscopic cholecystectomy for people with acute cholecystitis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2013; 6:CD005440. doi:10.1002/14651858
  57. Menahem B, Mulliri A, Fohlen A, Guittet L, Alves A, Lubrano J. Delayed laparoscopic cholecystectomy increases the total hospital stay compared to an early laparoscopic cholecystectomy after acute cholecystitis: an updated meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. HPB (Oxford) 2015; 17(10):857–862. doi:10.1111/hpb.12449
  58. Uhl W, Müller CA, Krähenbühl L, Schmid SW, Schölzel S, Büchler MW. Acute gallstone pancreatitis: timing of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in mild and severe disease. Surg Endosc 1999; 13(11):1070–1076. doi:10.1007/s004649901175
  59. Aboulian A, Chan T, Yaghoubian A, et al. Early cholecystectomy safely decreases hospital stay in patients with mild gallstone pancreatitis: a randomized prospective study. Ann Surg 2010(4): 251:615–619. doi:10.1097/SLA.0b013e3181c38f1f
  1. Schirmer BD, Winters KL, Edlich RF. Cholelithiasis and cholecystitis. J Long Term Eff Med Implants 2005; 15(3):329–338. doi:10.1615/JLongTermEffMedImplants.v15.i3.90
  2. Stinton LM, Shaffer EA. Epidemiology of gallbladder disease: cholelithiasis and cancer. Gut Liver 2012; 6(2):172–187. doi:10.5009/gnl.2012.6.2.172
  3. Lee JY, Keane MG, Pereira S. Diagnosis and treatment of gallstone disease. Practitioner 2015; 259(1783):15–19.
  4. Russo MW, Wei JT, Thiny MT, et al. Digestive and liver diseases statistics, 2004. Gastroenterology 2004; 126(5):1448–1453. doi:10.1053/j.gastro.2004.01.025
  5. Everhart JE, Ruhl CE. Burden of digestive diseases in the United States part I: overall and upper gastrointestinal diseases. Gastroenterology 2009; 136(2):376–386. doi:10.1053/j.gastro.2008.12.015
  6. Cariati A. Gallstone classification in Western countries. Indian J Surg 2015; 77(suppl 2):376–380.
  7. Carey MC. Pathogenesis of gallstones. Am J Surg 1993; 165(4):410–419. doi:10.1016/S0002-9610(05)80932-8
  8. Lammert F, Gurusamy K, Ko CW, et al. Gallstones. Nat Rev Dis Primers 2016; 2:16024. doi:10.1038/nrdp.2016.24
  9. Stewart L, Oesterle AL, Erdan I, Griffiss JM, Way LW. Pathogenesis of pigment gallstones in Western societies: the central role of bacteria. J Gastrointest Surg 2002; 6(6):891–904.
  10. Barbara L, Sama C, Morselli Labate AM, et al. A population study on the prevalence of gallstone disease: the Sirmione Study. Hepatology 1987; 7(5):913–917. doi:10.1002/hep.1840070520
  11. Sood S, Winn T, Ibrahim S, et al. Natural history of asymptomatic gallstones: differential behaviour in male and female subjects. Med J Malaysia 2015; 70(6):341–345.
  12. Maringhini A, Ciambra M, Baccelliere P, et al. Biliary sludge and gallstones in pregnancy: incidence, risk factors, and natural history. Ann Intern Med 1993; 119(2):116–120. doi:10.7326/0003-4819-119-2-199307150-00004
  13. Etminan M, Delaney JA, Bressler B, Brophy JM. Oral contraceptives and the risk of gallbladder disease: a comparative safety study. CMAJ 2011; 183(8):899–904. doi:10.1503/cmaj.110161
  14. Everhart JE, Khare M, Hill M, Maurer KR. Prevalence and ethnic differences in gallbladder disease in the United States. Gastroenterology 1999; 117(3):632–639.
  15. Festi D, Sottili S, Colecchia A, et al. Clinical manifestations of gallstone disease: evidence from the multicenter Italian study on cholelithiasis (MICOL). Hepatology 1999; 30(4):839–846. doi:10.1002/hep.510300401
  16. Berhane T, Vetrhus M, Hausken T, Olafsson S, Sondenaa K. Pain attacks in non-complicated and complicated gallstone disease have a characteristic pattern and are accompanied by dyspepsia in most patients: the results of a prospective study. Scand J Gastroenterol 2006; 41(1):93–101. doi:10.1080/00365520510023990
  17. Thistle JL, Cleary PA, Lachin JM, Tyor MP, Hersh T. The natural history of cholelithiasis: the National Cooperative Gallstone Study. Ann Intern Med 1984; 101(2):171–175. doi:10.7326/0003-4819-101-2-171
  18. Friedman GD. Natural history of asymptomatic and symptomatic gallstones. Am J Surg 1993; 165(4):399–404. doi:0.1016/S0002-9610(05)80930-4
  19. Friedman GD, Raviola CA, Fireman B. Prognosis of gallstones with mild or no symptoms: 25 years of follow-up in a health maintenance organization. J Clin Epidemiol 1989; 42(2):127–136. doi:10.1016/0895-4356(89)90086-3
  20. Hirota M, Takada T, Kawarada Y, et al. Diagnostic criteria and severity assessment of acute cholecystitis: Tokyo guidelines. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg 2007; 14(1):78–82. doi:10.1007/s00534-006-1159-4
  21. Miura F, Takada T, Kawarada Y, et al. Flowcharts for the diagnosis and treatment of acute cholangitis and cholecystitis: Tokyo guidelines. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg 2007; 14(1):27–34. doi:10.1007/s00534-006-1153-x
  22. Koo KP, Traverso LW. Do preoperative indicators predict the presence of common bile duct stones during laparoscopic cholecystectomy? Am J Surg 1996; 171(5):495–499. doi:10.1016/S0002-9610(97)89611-0
  23. Collins C, Maguire D, Ireland A, Fitzgerald E, O’Sullivan GC. A prospective study of common bile duct calculi in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy: natural history of choledocholithiasis revisited. Ann Surg 2004; 239(1):28–33. doi:10.1097/01.sla.0000103069.00170.9c
  24. Costi R, Gnocchi A, Di Mario F, Sarli L. Diagnosis and management of choledocholithiasis in the golden age of imaging, endoscopy and laparoscopy. World J Gastroenterol 2014; 20(37):13382–13401. doi:10.3748/wjg.v20.i37.13382
  25. European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL). EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of gallstones. J Hepatol 2016; 65(1):146–181. doi:10.1016/j.jhep.2016.03.005
  26. Greenberg JA, Hsu J, Bawazeer M, et al. Clinical practice guideline: management of acute pancreatitis. Can J Surg 2016; 59 (2):128–140. doi:10.1503/cjs.015015
  27. Tenner S, Baillie J, DeWitt J, Vege SS; American College of Gastroenterology. American College of Gastroenterology guideline: management of acute pancreatitis. Am J Gastroenterol 2013; 108(9):1400–1416. doi:10.1038/ajg.2013.218
  28. Moolla Z, Anderson F, Thomson SR. Use of amylase and alanine transaminase to predict acute gallstone pancreatitis in a population with high HIV prevalence. World J Surg 2013; 37(1):156–161. doi:10.1007/s00268-012-1801-z
  29. Shea JA, Berlin JA, Escarce JJ, et al. Revised estimates of diagnostic test sensitivity and specificity in suspected biliary tract disease. Arch Intern Med 1994; 154(22):2573–2581. doi:10.1001/archinte.1994.00420220069008
  30. Kiewiet JJ, Leeuwenburgh MM, Bipat S, et al. A systematic review and meta-analysis of diagnostic performance of imaging in acute cholecystitis. Radiology 2012; 264(3):708–720. doi:10.1148/radiol.12111561
  31. ASGE Standards of Practice Committee; Maple JT, Ben-Menachem T, Anderson MA, et al. The role of endoscopy in the evaluation of suspected choledocholithiasis. Gastrointest Endosc 2010; 71(1):1–9. doi:10.1016/j.gie.2009.09.041
  32. Bachar GN, Cohen M, Belenky A, Atar E, Gideon S. Effect of aging on the adult extrahepatic bile duct: a sonographic study. J Ultrasound Med 2003; 22(9):879–885. doi:10.7863/jum.2003.22.9.879
  33. El-Hayek K, Timratana P, Meranda J, Shimizu H, Eldar S, Chand B. Post Roux-en-Y gastric bypass biliary dilation: natural process or significant entity? J Gastrointest Surg 2012; 16(12):2185–2189. doi:10.1007/s11605-012-2058-4
  34. Park SM, Kim WS, Bae IH, et al. Common bile duct dilatation after cholecystectomy: a one-year prospective study. J Korean Surg Soc 2012; 83(2):97–101. doi:10.4174/jkss.2012.83.2.97
  35. Tse F, Liu L, Barkun AN, Armstrong D, Moayyedi P. EUS: a meta-analysis of test performance in suspected choledocholithiasis. Gastrointest Endosc 2008; 67(2):235–244. doi:10.1016/j.gie.2007.09.047
  36. Verma D, Kapadia A, Eisen GM, Adler DG. EUS vs MRCP for detection of choledocholithiasis. Gastrointest Endosc 2006; 64(2):248–254. doi:10.1016/j.gie.2005.12.038
  37. Tseng LJ, Jao YT, Mo LR, Lin RC. Over-the-wire US catheter probe as an adjunct to ERCP in the detection of choledocholithiasis. Gastrointest Endosc 2001; 54(6):720–723. doi:10.1067/mge.2001.119255
  38. Kondo S, Isayama H, Akahane M, et al. Detection of common bile duct stones: comparison between endoscopic ultrasonography, magnetic resonance cholangiography, and helical-computed-tomographic cholangiography. Eur J Radiol 2005; 54(2):271–275. doi:10.1016/j.ejrad.2004.07.007
  39. Attili AF, De Santis A, Capri R, Repice AM, Maselli S. The natural history of gallstones: the GREPCO experience. The GREPCO Group. Hepatology 1995; 21(3):656–660. doi:10.1016/0270-9139(95)90514-6
  40. Sakorafas GH, Milingos D, Peros G. Asymptomatic cholelithiasis: is cholecystectomy really needed? A critical reappraisal 15 years after the introduction of laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Dig Dis Sci 2007; 52(5):1313–1325. doi:10.1007/s10620-006-9107-3
  41. Gracie WA, Ransohoff DF. The natural history of silent gallstones: the innocent gallstone is not a myth. N Engl J Med 1982; 307(13):798–800. doi:10.1056/NEJM198209233071305
  42. McSherry CK, Ferstenberg H, Calhoun WF, Lahman E, Virshup M. The natural history of diagnosed gallstone disease in symptomatic and asymptomatic patients. Ann Surg 1985; 202(1):59–63. doi:10.1097/00000658-198507000-00009
  43. Wada K, Wada K, Imamura T. Natural course of asymptomatic gallstone disease. Nihon Rinsho 1993; 51(7):1737–1743. Japanese.
  44. Halldestam I, Enell EL, Kullman E, Borch K. Development of symptoms and complications in individuals with asymptomatic gallstones. Br J Surg 2004; 91(6):734–738. doi:10.1002/bjs.4547
  45. Festi D, Reggiani ML, Attili AF, et al. Natural history of gallstone disease: expectant management or active treatment? Results from a population-based cohort study. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2010; 25(4):719–724. doi:10.1111/j.1440-1746.2009.06146.x
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Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine - 85(4)
Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine - 85(4)
Page Number
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Gallstones: Watch and wait, or intervene?
Display Headline
Gallstones: Watch and wait, or intervene?
Legacy Keywords
gallstones, cholelithiasis, gallbladder, cholecystitis, cholecystectomy, bile duct, pancreas, pancreatitis, Mounir Ibrahim, Shashank Sarvepalli, Gareth Morris-Stiff, Maged Rizk, Amit Bhatt, Matthew Walsh, Umar Hayat, Ari Garber, John Vargo, Carol Burke
Legacy Keywords
gallstones, cholelithiasis, gallbladder, cholecystitis, cholecystectomy, bile duct, pancreas, pancreatitis, Mounir Ibrahim, Shashank Sarvepalli, Gareth Morris-Stiff, Maged Rizk, Amit Bhatt, Matthew Walsh, Umar Hayat, Ari Garber, John Vargo, Carol Burke
Inside the Article


  • Abdominal pain is the primary symptom associated with gallstones.
  • Abdominal ultrasonography is the diagnostic test of choice to detect gallstones and assess for findings suggestive of acute cholecystitis and dilation of the common bile duct.
  • First-line therapy for asymptomatic gallstones is expectant management.
  • First-line therapy for symptomatic gallstones is cholecystectomy.
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Not all abdominal pain is gastrointestinal

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Fri, 02/16/2018 - 11:07
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Not all abdominal pain is gastrointestinal

A 31-year-old woman presents to the office with a chief complaint of right mid-abdominal pain that began 1 day ago. She says she did not seek medical attention earlier because she had to be at work that morning and she thought the pain would resolve on its own.

She reports no fever, headache, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, malaise, loss of weight, melena, or changes in bowel habits. She describes the pain as sharp, localized to the right side, and radiating to the vulva upon sitting up. She denies any association of pain with current dietary habits or bowel function. She has no recollection of precipitating or alleviating factors, including the use of analgesics to reduce the pain.

On further discussion, she mentions that 1 year ago she began experiencing chronic abdominal pain, which she says is sometimes exacerbated by coughing, by standing for extended periods of time, and during menses, and is alleviated upon lying down.

She has regular menstrual periods, and her last one ended 7 days ago.

Her surgical history includes two uncomplicated cesarean deliveries. She does not use tobacco, alcohol, or illicit substances. She is not aware of any allergies to drugs or foods.

She appears to be in no acute distress and has been sitting quietly thus far. She seems to have positioned her hand on her abdomen over the corresponding area of pain.

On physical examination, vital signs are within normal limits, and she is alert and oriented to person, place, and time. Her sclerae are anicteric, and the pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light.

Her complete blood cell count, metabolic panel, and initial imaging tests are normal

Cardiovascular and pulmonary examinations are also within normal limits. Examination of the abdomen elicits tenderness and guarding along the lateral border of the rectus abdominis muscle on the right side at the level of umbilicus, with no rebound tenderness or rigidity. The liver and spleen are not enlarged, and no abdominal mass is detected. No skin rash, joint swelling, or peripheral edema is noted. A neurologic examination is normal.

1. With the information provided, which of the following is least likely to be causing her symptoms?

  • Chronic mesenteric ischemia
  • Peptic ulcer
  • Acute cholecystitis
  • Slipping rib syndrome


Chronic mesenteric ischemia is the least likely diagnosis because the patient lacks risk factors for atherosclerosis and because she does not have postprandial pain, which is pathognomonic for chronic mesenteric ischemia. It is thought to be caused by a decrease in blood flow through the splanchnic vessels.1 Symptoms tend to arise after eating because of a postprandial increase in metabolic demands.1 These patients also often have atherosclerotic risk factors such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and smoking causing coronary artery disease, or a history of stroke.

The primary symptom is abdominal pain, most often described as achy, crampy, or spastic episodes of pain, usually occurring within 2 hours of eating.2 Weight loss is common, as patients can develop a fear of eating. Postprandial pain may also be associated with nausea, vomiting, and bloating.

Findings on clinical examination are usually less severe than the actual symptoms. Visceral duplex or multidetector computed tomography (CT) is an excellent tool to detect blood flow in potential stenotic vessels.2


Peptic ulcer disease is not a likely diagnosis in this patient because she has no history of taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

A study of US patients between 1997 and 2007 reported an annual incidence of peptic ulcer disease of 0.05% to 0.19% depending on the method of diagnosis.3 Peptic ulcer is thought to result from increased gastric acid secretion with a resultant inflammatory response, leading to erosion and ulceration.

The most common possible catalysts include Helicobacter pylori infection, NSAIDs, smoking, alcohol use, and hypersecretory states such as Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.4–6 Complications include internal bleeding, perforation causing peritonitis, and penetration to adjacent organs.


Peptic ulcer is the result of an increase in the normal level of gastric acid and a decrease in the protective ability of the gastric mucosa.7 Cytoprotection may be lost through a decrease in the products of arachidonic acid metabolism (eg, prostaglandins, which have a protective effect) or an increase in leukotriene B4 (LTB4), which has a damaging effect. Prostaglandins are thought not only to protect the normal gastric mucosa, but also to provide an antisecretory effect.

On the other hand, leukotrienes—specifically LTB4 and LTC4—are proinflammatory agents and can damage the gastric mucosa. NSAIDs enhance the production of leuko­trienes through the 5-lipoxygenase pathway. The ability of LTB4 to cause degranulation and release of lysosomal enzymes may play a vital role in the inflammatory response to NSAIDs.8–10 LTC4 may promote gastric mucosal damage through a reduction of tissue perfusion resulting from the promotion of vascular stasis.8,11,12

Symptoms help differentiate ulcer type

The classic symptom is burning epigastric pain after meals. Pain that occurs immediately after meals is a classic symptom of gastric ulcer. Pain that occurs 2 to 3 hours after meals and that is relieved by food or antacids is a strong indicator of duodenal ulcer.13 Other symptoms include dyspepsia, bloating, distention, heartburn, and chest discomfort.13

Accurate diagnosis is vital in selecting the proper treatment. Diagnostic tests may include H pylori testing, upper-gastrointestinal endoscopy, and radiography with barium swallow.


In cholecystitis, the primary complaint is pain, usually in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen. Patients describe sudden, sharp, and intense pain that radiates to the back or shoulder. Patients may report pain after heavy meals, and some report nausea and vomiting. Cholecystitis is in the differential diagnosis of this patient because of the anatomic location of her pain.

The diagnosis is confirmed by imaging. Abdominal ultrasonography, technetium-99m hepatic iminodiacetic acid scanning, and CT are the most commonly used studies.14

Cholecystitis can be acute or chronic. Acute cholecystitis is categorized as calculous or acalculous. Calculous cholecystitis is multifactorial, but the primary cause is blockage of the cystic duct by gallstones.15 Other factors include irritants such as lysolecithin (released during bile stasis), which can trigger gallbladder inflammation,15–17 and infection.18

When the cystic duct is blocked, bile builds up inside the gallbladder, causing irritation and inflammation of the walls of the gallbladder.14

Acalculous cholecystitis, which resembles calculous cholecystitis but without the gallstones,19 accounts for 2% to 15% of all cases of acute cholecystitis.19,20 It has been observed in hospitalized critically ill patients, but it can also present in an outpatient setting, most often in elderly men with vascular disease.21 Causes include infection, trauma, and tumor obstruction, resulting in endothelial injury, gallbladder stasis, ischemia, and eventually necrosis.14,20,22,23


Slipping rib syndrome, also known as Tietze syndrome, is believed to be caused by hypermobile costal cartilage. The affected rib slips behind the rib above on contraction of the abdominal wall. This displacement increases the probability of costal nerve impingement and tissue inflammation producing unilateral, sharp, subcostal and upper-abdominal pain.

In this patient, slipping rib syndrome is a possible diagnosis because of the location of the pain and because the pain described by the patient is highly suggestive of neuropathic pain.

Slipping rib syndrome is diagnosed clinically by a “hooking” maneuver: the clinician hooks his or her fingers at the patient’s subcostal area, reproducing the pain by movement of the ribs anteriorly.24 When this test is performed in our patient the result is negative, ruling out slipping rib syndrome.


A complete blood cell count and comprehensive metabolic panel are within normal limits. Abdominal duplex ultrasonography reveals no celiac or mesenteric occlusions, thus ruling out chronic mesenteric ischemia.

Noncontrast CT shows no renal or ureteric stones and no evidence of bleeding in the urinary tract. CT with contrast shows no bowel distention, no evidence of hernia, and a normal appendix and ovaries.

2. After exclusion of the previous choices, which of the following is the most likely cause of her symptoms?

  • Anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome (ACNES)
  • Ovarian cyst
  • Renal stones
  • Appendicitis
  • Ventral hernia
  • Median arcuate ligament syndrome



ACNES is the most likely diagnosis. A study published in 2013 indicated that many cases of functional abdominal pain may actually be undiagnosed cases of chronic abdominal wall pain such as ACNES.25 The condition, first described in 1972,26 is thought to be caused by thoracic cutaneous intercostal nerve entrapment between the abdominal muscles, causing pain at the point of entrapment.

The patient may present with pain that is either acute or chronic. Acute pain is localized more on the right side close to an old scar, or at the outer edge of the rectus abdominis muscle. The pain may vary from dull to burning to sharp; it can radiate horizontally in the upper half of the abdomen or obliquely in the lower half of the abdomen with movements such as twisting and sitting up.27

Despite the acute pain, patients are able to carry on daily functions. The pain may be alleviated by lying down.

The pain may be misdiagnosed as gynecologic or renal. In younger men, the pain may raise concern about hernia, and in older patients, cancer.27 Patients may complain of chronic intermittent pain, usually unilateral, and to a lesser extent bilateral.27

The anatomic location of the pain usually reflects the intercostal nerve involved. The pain is not related to eating or to bowel movements.25 Some patients report exacerbation upon coughing or standing, during menses, and with use of oral contraceptives.28,29 When inquiring about surgical history, it is common to find that the patient has had multiple abdominal surgical procedures.

On examination, the patient has nondistressing pain, with a hand often placed over the painful area.27 On firm palpation, a tender spot of less than 2 cm can be detected.

The diagnosis can be confirmed with a positive Carnett test. The patient lies supine on the examination table with the arms crossed over the chest, then elevates the head or the feet to tense the abdominal muscles.26,27 If doing so reproduces the pain (ie, a positive test), this increases the suspicion of ACNES; if the pain decreases or is not reproducible, an intra-abdominal cause is more likely.

A positive Carnett test helps rule out visceral involvement

If the pain is difficult to localize, the “pinch test” can be done by using the thumb and index finger to pinch and lift the skin of the abdomen, including the subcutaneous layer of fat, first on one side and then on the other. This helps determine the side with greater pain.27


Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs on the surface of or within the ovary. They are often benign and require no intervention. However, 5% to 10% of US women with a suspicious ovarian mass undergo a surgical procedure, and 13% to 21% of these are found to have a malignancy.30,31

Ovarian cysts are usually painless unless complicated by rupture or bleeding. Patients who present with pain describe it as dull and aching and in the abdomen or pelvis. In rare cases, ovarian cysts can be large enough to cause pain from torsion. Other symptoms may include delayed menses and bleeding outside of the menstrual period.32–34

Ovarian cysts are thought to be caused by hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle. They can be detected during pelvic examination or during pelvic ultrasonography. Cysts that are primarily fluid-filled are generally benign and require no intervention. On the other hand, cysts composed of solid material require intervention.

Treatment depends on several factors, including size and type of cyst, the patient’s age, and whether torsion is present. Treatment can range from observation to medical or surgical management. Laparoscopic surgery is commonly used when surgical treatment is warranted.


From 10% to 15% of US adults develop a kidney stone at some time during their life.35 There is no single cause, but one factor that promotes stone formation is a greater amount of crystal-forming substances in the urine, such as calcium, oxalate, and uric acid.36 Most renal stones are calcium oxalate, uric acid, struvite, or cysteine.

Symptoms arise when the stone moves within the urinary tract. Patients present to the emergency room in severe distress, usually with flank pain that radiates to the lower abdomen or groin. The pain is episodic, fluctuates in intensity, and may present with dysuria, frequency, or urgency. It is also associated with nausea and vomiting.37

Renal stones are diagnosed through a series of laboratory and imaging studies. Imaging studies include plain radiography (which can miss small stones), renal sonography, and computed tomography without contrast.


In the United States, the lifetime risk of developing appendicitis is 8.6% in men and 6.7% in women.38 Appendicitis is one of the most common reasons for emergency surgery.

Appendicitis is thought to result from obstruction by fecal matter blocking the opening of the appendix or from a viral infection (eg, with an adenovirus).39,40 The resulting bacterial growth can cause the appendix to become inflamed and purulent.

Patients typically present with umbilical or epigastric pain radiating to the right lower quadrant of the abdomen. Over time, the pain becomes sharper. Certain movements can exacerbate the pain, and lying down may alleviate it. Other symptoms are nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and low-grade fever.

If the pain is difficult to localize, the ‘pinch test’ can help determine the more painful side

Findings on the abdominal examination that help to confirm the diagnosis include rigidity and tenderness, classically localized to a point two-thirds of the way from the umbilicus to the anterior superior iliac spine. Rebound tenderness is usually present. Up to 25% of cases in some series presented atypically, with variable location and findings on physical examination (eg, bowel irregularities, indigestion, flatulence, generalized malaise). In addition to the physical examination, laboratory testing and imaging (ultrasonography, CT) may aid in confirming the diagnosis of appendicitis or any other cause of the pain.38


Ventral hernia is a bulging of abdominal organs or other tissues through a defect of the musculature of the abdominal wall. Ventral hernia is categorized by its location as epigastric, abdominal, or incisional. An open abdominal procedure is the cause in nearly 10% of cases41; the herniation occurs with weakening of the surgical scar.

Ventral hernia is usually detected on physical examination, and patients may present after noting a bulge in the abdominal wall. Symptoms vary. Some patients have no symptoms, while others have mild abdominal discomfort or severe abdominal pain as well as nausea and vomiting. Imaging with CT, ultrasonography, or magnetic resonance imaging helps confirm the diagnosis. Complications of ventral hernia include incarceration and bowel strangulation.


Median arcuate ligament syndrome is a challenging diagnosis and a very rare cause of abdominal pain. It is thought to be caused by celiac artery compression by fibroligamentous bands. Pain fluctuates with respiration and is greater during expiration.

Patients may present with recurrent episodes of crampy postprandial pain that cause them to avoid eating, resulting in weight loss. The pain may be associated with nausea, vomiting, and bloating.

The diagnosis is confirmed by duplex ultrasonography, angiography, or magnetic resonance angiography. Treatment is surgical division of the fibroligamentous band and crus, and this is often done laparascopically. In patients with severe persistent celiac artery stenosis, angioplasty and stenting may be considered.2


Before the physical examination, our patient identifies the location of her pain. A Carnett test is performed, as for ACNES: the patient is placed in the supine position and is instructed to cross both arms over her chest. In an effort to promote muscle tension, she is asked to elevate her head off the examination table, as if performing a mini sit-up, and as she does this, pressure is applied to the identified tender area. The pain is easily reproduced, further confirming involvement of the abdominal wall rather than the viscera. After this, electromyography shows abnormal findings. The patient is then  referred to the pain management clinic for a diagnostic nerve block.

3. Which of the following is the first-line treatment of ACNES?

  • Local injection of anesthetic
  • Surgical neurectomy


Local injection of anesthetic is the first-line treatment of ACNES.

Figure 1. After the needle is advanced just beyond the fascia and into the rectus abdominis muscle (arrow) under ultrasonographic guidance, 5 mL of 0.25% bupivacaine and 40 mg of triamcinolone are injected into the muscle, providing relief of the pain. An injection of 2% lidocaine may be done as a test block. Higher concentrations of anesthetic are to be avoided, as they may cause a motor block.

Since ACNES is underdiagnosed, the patient may be less likely to be familiar with it. He or she should receive a detailed explanation of the condition and its management; this will help achieve a successful outcome.

Local anesthetic injection is used for both diagnosis and treatment; 2% lidocaine (or an equivalent) or dehydrated (absolute) alcohol or both can eliminate the pain caused by ACNES. The injection is commonly done under ultrasonographic guidance (Figure 1).42

Complete pain relief may be achieved with a single injection, but some patients require up to five injections.

The adjuvant use of corticosteroids in ACNES to reduce inflammation is controversial.

If anesthetic injections bring only minimal pain relief or if the patient has nerve entrapment in a scar, then surgical neurectomy is an option.43 The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, as the patient’s response aids in identifying the specific nerve or nerves involved.


After a long discussion with our patient about ACNES and the treatment options, she  agrees to undergo nerve block in the hope of relieving her pain. She receives a 0.5-mL injection of 2% lidocaine subcutaneously, and within minutes she reports relief of pain. She cannot believe that with a simple injection her pain was relieved. We advise her to return if her pain recurs or if new symptoms arise.


ACNES is one of the most commonly misdiagnosed conditions of patients presenting to the outpatient clinic with acute or chronic abdominal pain. This is because the focus is directed to intra-abdominal causes. But if ACNES is kept in consideration from the beginning of the patient encounter, extensive testing, time, and patient anxiety may be reduced significantly. A simple physical examination and the Carnett test aid in raising suspicion of ACNES. If ACNES is confirmed, ultrasonographically guided local anesthetic injection is both diagnostic and therapeutic.

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Article PDF
Author and Disclosure Information

Mena Boules, MD
Digestive Disease Institute, Cleveland Clinic

Madonna Michael, MD
Department of Internal Medicine, Cleveland Clinic

Julietta Chang, MD
Digestive Disease Institute, Cleveland Clinic

Bruce Vrooman, MD
Department of Pain Management, Cleveland Clinic

Matthew Kroh, MD
Digestive Disease Institute, Cleveland Clinic

Maged Rizk, MD
Digestive Disease Institute, Cleveland Clinic

Address: Maged Rizk, MD, Digestive Disease Institute, A30, Cleveland Clinic, 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44195; e-mail:

Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine - 83(1)
Page Number
Legacy Keywords
abdominal pain, mesenteric ischemia, peptic ulcer, cholecystitis, slipping rib syndrome, nerve entrapment, anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome, ACNES, Mena Boules, Madonna Michael, Julietta Chang, Bruce Vrooman, Matthew Kroh, Maged Rizk
Author and Disclosure Information

Mena Boules, MD
Digestive Disease Institute, Cleveland Clinic

Madonna Michael, MD
Department of Internal Medicine, Cleveland Clinic

Julietta Chang, MD
Digestive Disease Institute, Cleveland Clinic

Bruce Vrooman, MD
Department of Pain Management, Cleveland Clinic

Matthew Kroh, MD
Digestive Disease Institute, Cleveland Clinic

Maged Rizk, MD
Digestive Disease Institute, Cleveland Clinic

Address: Maged Rizk, MD, Digestive Disease Institute, A30, Cleveland Clinic, 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44195; e-mail:

Author and Disclosure Information

Mena Boules, MD
Digestive Disease Institute, Cleveland Clinic

Madonna Michael, MD
Department of Internal Medicine, Cleveland Clinic

Julietta Chang, MD
Digestive Disease Institute, Cleveland Clinic

Bruce Vrooman, MD
Department of Pain Management, Cleveland Clinic

Matthew Kroh, MD
Digestive Disease Institute, Cleveland Clinic

Maged Rizk, MD
Digestive Disease Institute, Cleveland Clinic

Address: Maged Rizk, MD, Digestive Disease Institute, A30, Cleveland Clinic, 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44195; e-mail:

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A 31-year-old woman presents to the office with a chief complaint of right mid-abdominal pain that began 1 day ago. She says she did not seek medical attention earlier because she had to be at work that morning and she thought the pain would resolve on its own.

She reports no fever, headache, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, malaise, loss of weight, melena, or changes in bowel habits. She describes the pain as sharp, localized to the right side, and radiating to the vulva upon sitting up. She denies any association of pain with current dietary habits or bowel function. She has no recollection of precipitating or alleviating factors, including the use of analgesics to reduce the pain.

On further discussion, she mentions that 1 year ago she began experiencing chronic abdominal pain, which she says is sometimes exacerbated by coughing, by standing for extended periods of time, and during menses, and is alleviated upon lying down.

She has regular menstrual periods, and her last one ended 7 days ago.

Her surgical history includes two uncomplicated cesarean deliveries. She does not use tobacco, alcohol, or illicit substances. She is not aware of any allergies to drugs or foods.

She appears to be in no acute distress and has been sitting quietly thus far. She seems to have positioned her hand on her abdomen over the corresponding area of pain.

On physical examination, vital signs are within normal limits, and she is alert and oriented to person, place, and time. Her sclerae are anicteric, and the pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light.

Her complete blood cell count, metabolic panel, and initial imaging tests are normal

Cardiovascular and pulmonary examinations are also within normal limits. Examination of the abdomen elicits tenderness and guarding along the lateral border of the rectus abdominis muscle on the right side at the level of umbilicus, with no rebound tenderness or rigidity. The liver and spleen are not enlarged, and no abdominal mass is detected. No skin rash, joint swelling, or peripheral edema is noted. A neurologic examination is normal.

1. With the information provided, which of the following is least likely to be causing her symptoms?

  • Chronic mesenteric ischemia
  • Peptic ulcer
  • Acute cholecystitis
  • Slipping rib syndrome


Chronic mesenteric ischemia is the least likely diagnosis because the patient lacks risk factors for atherosclerosis and because she does not have postprandial pain, which is pathognomonic for chronic mesenteric ischemia. It is thought to be caused by a decrease in blood flow through the splanchnic vessels.1 Symptoms tend to arise after eating because of a postprandial increase in metabolic demands.1 These patients also often have atherosclerotic risk factors such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and smoking causing coronary artery disease, or a history of stroke.

The primary symptom is abdominal pain, most often described as achy, crampy, or spastic episodes of pain, usually occurring within 2 hours of eating.2 Weight loss is common, as patients can develop a fear of eating. Postprandial pain may also be associated with nausea, vomiting, and bloating.

Findings on clinical examination are usually less severe than the actual symptoms. Visceral duplex or multidetector computed tomography (CT) is an excellent tool to detect blood flow in potential stenotic vessels.2


Peptic ulcer disease is not a likely diagnosis in this patient because she has no history of taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

A study of US patients between 1997 and 2007 reported an annual incidence of peptic ulcer disease of 0.05% to 0.19% depending on the method of diagnosis.3 Peptic ulcer is thought to result from increased gastric acid secretion with a resultant inflammatory response, leading to erosion and ulceration.

The most common possible catalysts include Helicobacter pylori infection, NSAIDs, smoking, alcohol use, and hypersecretory states such as Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.4–6 Complications include internal bleeding, perforation causing peritonitis, and penetration to adjacent organs.


Peptic ulcer is the result of an increase in the normal level of gastric acid and a decrease in the protective ability of the gastric mucosa.7 Cytoprotection may be lost through a decrease in the products of arachidonic acid metabolism (eg, prostaglandins, which have a protective effect) or an increase in leukotriene B4 (LTB4), which has a damaging effect. Prostaglandins are thought not only to protect the normal gastric mucosa, but also to provide an antisecretory effect.

On the other hand, leukotrienes—specifically LTB4 and LTC4—are proinflammatory agents and can damage the gastric mucosa. NSAIDs enhance the production of leuko­trienes through the 5-lipoxygenase pathway. The ability of LTB4 to cause degranulation and release of lysosomal enzymes may play a vital role in the inflammatory response to NSAIDs.8–10 LTC4 may promote gastric mucosal damage through a reduction of tissue perfusion resulting from the promotion of vascular stasis.8,11,12

Symptoms help differentiate ulcer type

The classic symptom is burning epigastric pain after meals. Pain that occurs immediately after meals is a classic symptom of gastric ulcer. Pain that occurs 2 to 3 hours after meals and that is relieved by food or antacids is a strong indicator of duodenal ulcer.13 Other symptoms include dyspepsia, bloating, distention, heartburn, and chest discomfort.13

Accurate diagnosis is vital in selecting the proper treatment. Diagnostic tests may include H pylori testing, upper-gastrointestinal endoscopy, and radiography with barium swallow.


In cholecystitis, the primary complaint is pain, usually in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen. Patients describe sudden, sharp, and intense pain that radiates to the back or shoulder. Patients may report pain after heavy meals, and some report nausea and vomiting. Cholecystitis is in the differential diagnosis of this patient because of the anatomic location of her pain.

The diagnosis is confirmed by imaging. Abdominal ultrasonography, technetium-99m hepatic iminodiacetic acid scanning, and CT are the most commonly used studies.14

Cholecystitis can be acute or chronic. Acute cholecystitis is categorized as calculous or acalculous. Calculous cholecystitis is multifactorial, but the primary cause is blockage of the cystic duct by gallstones.15 Other factors include irritants such as lysolecithin (released during bile stasis), which can trigger gallbladder inflammation,15–17 and infection.18

When the cystic duct is blocked, bile builds up inside the gallbladder, causing irritation and inflammation of the walls of the gallbladder.14

Acalculous cholecystitis, which resembles calculous cholecystitis but without the gallstones,19 accounts for 2% to 15% of all cases of acute cholecystitis.19,20 It has been observed in hospitalized critically ill patients, but it can also present in an outpatient setting, most often in elderly men with vascular disease.21 Causes include infection, trauma, and tumor obstruction, resulting in endothelial injury, gallbladder stasis, ischemia, and eventually necrosis.14,20,22,23


Slipping rib syndrome, also known as Tietze syndrome, is believed to be caused by hypermobile costal cartilage. The affected rib slips behind the rib above on contraction of the abdominal wall. This displacement increases the probability of costal nerve impingement and tissue inflammation producing unilateral, sharp, subcostal and upper-abdominal pain.

In this patient, slipping rib syndrome is a possible diagnosis because of the location of the pain and because the pain described by the patient is highly suggestive of neuropathic pain.

Slipping rib syndrome is diagnosed clinically by a “hooking” maneuver: the clinician hooks his or her fingers at the patient’s subcostal area, reproducing the pain by movement of the ribs anteriorly.24 When this test is performed in our patient the result is negative, ruling out slipping rib syndrome.


A complete blood cell count and comprehensive metabolic panel are within normal limits. Abdominal duplex ultrasonography reveals no celiac or mesenteric occlusions, thus ruling out chronic mesenteric ischemia.

Noncontrast CT shows no renal or ureteric stones and no evidence of bleeding in the urinary tract. CT with contrast shows no bowel distention, no evidence of hernia, and a normal appendix and ovaries.

2. After exclusion of the previous choices, which of the following is the most likely cause of her symptoms?

  • Anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome (ACNES)
  • Ovarian cyst
  • Renal stones
  • Appendicitis
  • Ventral hernia
  • Median arcuate ligament syndrome



ACNES is the most likely diagnosis. A study published in 2013 indicated that many cases of functional abdominal pain may actually be undiagnosed cases of chronic abdominal wall pain such as ACNES.25 The condition, first described in 1972,26 is thought to be caused by thoracic cutaneous intercostal nerve entrapment between the abdominal muscles, causing pain at the point of entrapment.

The patient may present with pain that is either acute or chronic. Acute pain is localized more on the right side close to an old scar, or at the outer edge of the rectus abdominis muscle. The pain may vary from dull to burning to sharp; it can radiate horizontally in the upper half of the abdomen or obliquely in the lower half of the abdomen with movements such as twisting and sitting up.27

Despite the acute pain, patients are able to carry on daily functions. The pain may be alleviated by lying down.

The pain may be misdiagnosed as gynecologic or renal. In younger men, the pain may raise concern about hernia, and in older patients, cancer.27 Patients may complain of chronic intermittent pain, usually unilateral, and to a lesser extent bilateral.27

The anatomic location of the pain usually reflects the intercostal nerve involved. The pain is not related to eating or to bowel movements.25 Some patients report exacerbation upon coughing or standing, during menses, and with use of oral contraceptives.28,29 When inquiring about surgical history, it is common to find that the patient has had multiple abdominal surgical procedures.

On examination, the patient has nondistressing pain, with a hand often placed over the painful area.27 On firm palpation, a tender spot of less than 2 cm can be detected.

The diagnosis can be confirmed with a positive Carnett test. The patient lies supine on the examination table with the arms crossed over the chest, then elevates the head or the feet to tense the abdominal muscles.26,27 If doing so reproduces the pain (ie, a positive test), this increases the suspicion of ACNES; if the pain decreases or is not reproducible, an intra-abdominal cause is more likely.

A positive Carnett test helps rule out visceral involvement

If the pain is difficult to localize, the “pinch test” can be done by using the thumb and index finger to pinch and lift the skin of the abdomen, including the subcutaneous layer of fat, first on one side and then on the other. This helps determine the side with greater pain.27


Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs on the surface of or within the ovary. They are often benign and require no intervention. However, 5% to 10% of US women with a suspicious ovarian mass undergo a surgical procedure, and 13% to 21% of these are found to have a malignancy.30,31

Ovarian cysts are usually painless unless complicated by rupture or bleeding. Patients who present with pain describe it as dull and aching and in the abdomen or pelvis. In rare cases, ovarian cysts can be large enough to cause pain from torsion. Other symptoms may include delayed menses and bleeding outside of the menstrual period.32–34

Ovarian cysts are thought to be caused by hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle. They can be detected during pelvic examination or during pelvic ultrasonography. Cysts that are primarily fluid-filled are generally benign and require no intervention. On the other hand, cysts composed of solid material require intervention.

Treatment depends on several factors, including size and type of cyst, the patient’s age, and whether torsion is present. Treatment can range from observation to medical or surgical management. Laparoscopic surgery is commonly used when surgical treatment is warranted.


From 10% to 15% of US adults develop a kidney stone at some time during their life.35 There is no single cause, but one factor that promotes stone formation is a greater amount of crystal-forming substances in the urine, such as calcium, oxalate, and uric acid.36 Most renal stones are calcium oxalate, uric acid, struvite, or cysteine.

Symptoms arise when the stone moves within the urinary tract. Patients present to the emergency room in severe distress, usually with flank pain that radiates to the lower abdomen or groin. The pain is episodic, fluctuates in intensity, and may present with dysuria, frequency, or urgency. It is also associated with nausea and vomiting.37

Renal stones are diagnosed through a series of laboratory and imaging studies. Imaging studies include plain radiography (which can miss small stones), renal sonography, and computed tomography without contrast.


In the United States, the lifetime risk of developing appendicitis is 8.6% in men and 6.7% in women.38 Appendicitis is one of the most common reasons for emergency surgery.

Appendicitis is thought to result from obstruction by fecal matter blocking the opening of the appendix or from a viral infection (eg, with an adenovirus).39,40 The resulting bacterial growth can cause the appendix to become inflamed and purulent.

Patients typically present with umbilical or epigastric pain radiating to the right lower quadrant of the abdomen. Over time, the pain becomes sharper. Certain movements can exacerbate the pain, and lying down may alleviate it. Other symptoms are nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and low-grade fever.

If the pain is difficult to localize, the ‘pinch test’ can help determine the more painful side

Findings on the abdominal examination that help to confirm the diagnosis include rigidity and tenderness, classically localized to a point two-thirds of the way from the umbilicus to the anterior superior iliac spine. Rebound tenderness is usually present. Up to 25% of cases in some series presented atypically, with variable location and findings on physical examination (eg, bowel irregularities, indigestion, flatulence, generalized malaise). In addition to the physical examination, laboratory testing and imaging (ultrasonography, CT) may aid in confirming the diagnosis of appendicitis or any other cause of the pain.38


Ventral hernia is a bulging of abdominal organs or other tissues through a defect of the musculature of the abdominal wall. Ventral hernia is categorized by its location as epigastric, abdominal, or incisional. An open abdominal procedure is the cause in nearly 10% of cases41; the herniation occurs with weakening of the surgical scar.

Ventral hernia is usually detected on physical examination, and patients may present after noting a bulge in the abdominal wall. Symptoms vary. Some patients have no symptoms, while others have mild abdominal discomfort or severe abdominal pain as well as nausea and vomiting. Imaging with CT, ultrasonography, or magnetic resonance imaging helps confirm the diagnosis. Complications of ventral hernia include incarceration and bowel strangulation.


Median arcuate ligament syndrome is a challenging diagnosis and a very rare cause of abdominal pain. It is thought to be caused by celiac artery compression by fibroligamentous bands. Pain fluctuates with respiration and is greater during expiration.

Patients may present with recurrent episodes of crampy postprandial pain that cause them to avoid eating, resulting in weight loss. The pain may be associated with nausea, vomiting, and bloating.

The diagnosis is confirmed by duplex ultrasonography, angiography, or magnetic resonance angiography. Treatment is surgical division of the fibroligamentous band and crus, and this is often done laparascopically. In patients with severe persistent celiac artery stenosis, angioplasty and stenting may be considered.2


Before the physical examination, our patient identifies the location of her pain. A Carnett test is performed, as for ACNES: the patient is placed in the supine position and is instructed to cross both arms over her chest. In an effort to promote muscle tension, she is asked to elevate her head off the examination table, as if performing a mini sit-up, and as she does this, pressure is applied to the identified tender area. The pain is easily reproduced, further confirming involvement of the abdominal wall rather than the viscera. After this, electromyography shows abnormal findings. The patient is then  referred to the pain management clinic for a diagnostic nerve block.

3. Which of the following is the first-line treatment of ACNES?

  • Local injection of anesthetic
  • Surgical neurectomy


Local injection of anesthetic is the first-line treatment of ACNES.

Figure 1. After the needle is advanced just beyond the fascia and into the rectus abdominis muscle (arrow) under ultrasonographic guidance, 5 mL of 0.25% bupivacaine and 40 mg of triamcinolone are injected into the muscle, providing relief of the pain. An injection of 2% lidocaine may be done as a test block. Higher concentrations of anesthetic are to be avoided, as they may cause a motor block.

Since ACNES is underdiagnosed, the patient may be less likely to be familiar with it. He or she should receive a detailed explanation of the condition and its management; this will help achieve a successful outcome.

Local anesthetic injection is used for both diagnosis and treatment; 2% lidocaine (or an equivalent) or dehydrated (absolute) alcohol or both can eliminate the pain caused by ACNES. The injection is commonly done under ultrasonographic guidance (Figure 1).42

Complete pain relief may be achieved with a single injection, but some patients require up to five injections.

The adjuvant use of corticosteroids in ACNES to reduce inflammation is controversial.

If anesthetic injections bring only minimal pain relief or if the patient has nerve entrapment in a scar, then surgical neurectomy is an option.43 The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, as the patient’s response aids in identifying the specific nerve or nerves involved.


After a long discussion with our patient about ACNES and the treatment options, she  agrees to undergo nerve block in the hope of relieving her pain. She receives a 0.5-mL injection of 2% lidocaine subcutaneously, and within minutes she reports relief of pain. She cannot believe that with a simple injection her pain was relieved. We advise her to return if her pain recurs or if new symptoms arise.


ACNES is one of the most commonly misdiagnosed conditions of patients presenting to the outpatient clinic with acute or chronic abdominal pain. This is because the focus is directed to intra-abdominal causes. But if ACNES is kept in consideration from the beginning of the patient encounter, extensive testing, time, and patient anxiety may be reduced significantly. A simple physical examination and the Carnett test aid in raising suspicion of ACNES. If ACNES is confirmed, ultrasonographically guided local anesthetic injection is both diagnostic and therapeutic.

A 31-year-old woman presents to the office with a chief complaint of right mid-abdominal pain that began 1 day ago. She says she did not seek medical attention earlier because she had to be at work that morning and she thought the pain would resolve on its own.

She reports no fever, headache, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, malaise, loss of weight, melena, or changes in bowel habits. She describes the pain as sharp, localized to the right side, and radiating to the vulva upon sitting up. She denies any association of pain with current dietary habits or bowel function. She has no recollection of precipitating or alleviating factors, including the use of analgesics to reduce the pain.

On further discussion, she mentions that 1 year ago she began experiencing chronic abdominal pain, which she says is sometimes exacerbated by coughing, by standing for extended periods of time, and during menses, and is alleviated upon lying down.

She has regular menstrual periods, and her last one ended 7 days ago.

Her surgical history includes two uncomplicated cesarean deliveries. She does not use tobacco, alcohol, or illicit substances. She is not aware of any allergies to drugs or foods.

She appears to be in no acute distress and has been sitting quietly thus far. She seems to have positioned her hand on her abdomen over the corresponding area of pain.

On physical examination, vital signs are within normal limits, and she is alert and oriented to person, place, and time. Her sclerae are anicteric, and the pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light.

Her complete blood cell count, metabolic panel, and initial imaging tests are normal

Cardiovascular and pulmonary examinations are also within normal limits. Examination of the abdomen elicits tenderness and guarding along the lateral border of the rectus abdominis muscle on the right side at the level of umbilicus, with no rebound tenderness or rigidity. The liver and spleen are not enlarged, and no abdominal mass is detected. No skin rash, joint swelling, or peripheral edema is noted. A neurologic examination is normal.

1. With the information provided, which of the following is least likely to be causing her symptoms?

  • Chronic mesenteric ischemia
  • Peptic ulcer
  • Acute cholecystitis
  • Slipping rib syndrome


Chronic mesenteric ischemia is the least likely diagnosis because the patient lacks risk factors for atherosclerosis and because she does not have postprandial pain, which is pathognomonic for chronic mesenteric ischemia. It is thought to be caused by a decrease in blood flow through the splanchnic vessels.1 Symptoms tend to arise after eating because of a postprandial increase in metabolic demands.1 These patients also often have atherosclerotic risk factors such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and smoking causing coronary artery disease, or a history of stroke.

The primary symptom is abdominal pain, most often described as achy, crampy, or spastic episodes of pain, usually occurring within 2 hours of eating.2 Weight loss is common, as patients can develop a fear of eating. Postprandial pain may also be associated with nausea, vomiting, and bloating.

Findings on clinical examination are usually less severe than the actual symptoms. Visceral duplex or multidetector computed tomography (CT) is an excellent tool to detect blood flow in potential stenotic vessels.2


Peptic ulcer disease is not a likely diagnosis in this patient because she has no history of taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

A study of US patients between 1997 and 2007 reported an annual incidence of peptic ulcer disease of 0.05% to 0.19% depending on the method of diagnosis.3 Peptic ulcer is thought to result from increased gastric acid secretion with a resultant inflammatory response, leading to erosion and ulceration.

The most common possible catalysts include Helicobacter pylori infection, NSAIDs, smoking, alcohol use, and hypersecretory states such as Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.4–6 Complications include internal bleeding, perforation causing peritonitis, and penetration to adjacent organs.


Peptic ulcer is the result of an increase in the normal level of gastric acid and a decrease in the protective ability of the gastric mucosa.7 Cytoprotection may be lost through a decrease in the products of arachidonic acid metabolism (eg, prostaglandins, which have a protective effect) or an increase in leukotriene B4 (LTB4), which has a damaging effect. Prostaglandins are thought not only to protect the normal gastric mucosa, but also to provide an antisecretory effect.

On the other hand, leukotrienes—specifically LTB4 and LTC4—are proinflammatory agents and can damage the gastric mucosa. NSAIDs enhance the production of leuko­trienes through the 5-lipoxygenase pathway. The ability of LTB4 to cause degranulation and release of lysosomal enzymes may play a vital role in the inflammatory response to NSAIDs.8–10 LTC4 may promote gastric mucosal damage through a reduction of tissue perfusion resulting from the promotion of vascular stasis.8,11,12

Symptoms help differentiate ulcer type

The classic symptom is burning epigastric pain after meals. Pain that occurs immediately after meals is a classic symptom of gastric ulcer. Pain that occurs 2 to 3 hours after meals and that is relieved by food or antacids is a strong indicator of duodenal ulcer.13 Other symptoms include dyspepsia, bloating, distention, heartburn, and chest discomfort.13

Accurate diagnosis is vital in selecting the proper treatment. Diagnostic tests may include H pylori testing, upper-gastrointestinal endoscopy, and radiography with barium swallow.


In cholecystitis, the primary complaint is pain, usually in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen. Patients describe sudden, sharp, and intense pain that radiates to the back or shoulder. Patients may report pain after heavy meals, and some report nausea and vomiting. Cholecystitis is in the differential diagnosis of this patient because of the anatomic location of her pain.

The diagnosis is confirmed by imaging. Abdominal ultrasonography, technetium-99m hepatic iminodiacetic acid scanning, and CT are the most commonly used studies.14

Cholecystitis can be acute or chronic. Acute cholecystitis is categorized as calculous or acalculous. Calculous cholecystitis is multifactorial, but the primary cause is blockage of the cystic duct by gallstones.15 Other factors include irritants such as lysolecithin (released during bile stasis), which can trigger gallbladder inflammation,15–17 and infection.18

When the cystic duct is blocked, bile builds up inside the gallbladder, causing irritation and inflammation of the walls of the gallbladder.14

Acalculous cholecystitis, which resembles calculous cholecystitis but without the gallstones,19 accounts for 2% to 15% of all cases of acute cholecystitis.19,20 It has been observed in hospitalized critically ill patients, but it can also present in an outpatient setting, most often in elderly men with vascular disease.21 Causes include infection, trauma, and tumor obstruction, resulting in endothelial injury, gallbladder stasis, ischemia, and eventually necrosis.14,20,22,23


Slipping rib syndrome, also known as Tietze syndrome, is believed to be caused by hypermobile costal cartilage. The affected rib slips behind the rib above on contraction of the abdominal wall. This displacement increases the probability of costal nerve impingement and tissue inflammation producing unilateral, sharp, subcostal and upper-abdominal pain.

In this patient, slipping rib syndrome is a possible diagnosis because of the location of the pain and because the pain described by the patient is highly suggestive of neuropathic pain.

Slipping rib syndrome is diagnosed clinically by a “hooking” maneuver: the clinician hooks his or her fingers at the patient’s subcostal area, reproducing the pain by movement of the ribs anteriorly.24 When this test is performed in our patient the result is negative, ruling out slipping rib syndrome.


A complete blood cell count and comprehensive metabolic panel are within normal limits. Abdominal duplex ultrasonography reveals no celiac or mesenteric occlusions, thus ruling out chronic mesenteric ischemia.

Noncontrast CT shows no renal or ureteric stones and no evidence of bleeding in the urinary tract. CT with contrast shows no bowel distention, no evidence of hernia, and a normal appendix and ovaries.

2. After exclusion of the previous choices, which of the following is the most likely cause of her symptoms?

  • Anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome (ACNES)
  • Ovarian cyst
  • Renal stones
  • Appendicitis
  • Ventral hernia
  • Median arcuate ligament syndrome



ACNES is the most likely diagnosis. A study published in 2013 indicated that many cases of functional abdominal pain may actually be undiagnosed cases of chronic abdominal wall pain such as ACNES.25 The condition, first described in 1972,26 is thought to be caused by thoracic cutaneous intercostal nerve entrapment between the abdominal muscles, causing pain at the point of entrapment.

The patient may present with pain that is either acute or chronic. Acute pain is localized more on the right side close to an old scar, or at the outer edge of the rectus abdominis muscle. The pain may vary from dull to burning to sharp; it can radiate horizontally in the upper half of the abdomen or obliquely in the lower half of the abdomen with movements such as twisting and sitting up.27

Despite the acute pain, patients are able to carry on daily functions. The pain may be alleviated by lying down.

The pain may be misdiagnosed as gynecologic or renal. In younger men, the pain may raise concern about hernia, and in older patients, cancer.27 Patients may complain of chronic intermittent pain, usually unilateral, and to a lesser extent bilateral.27

The anatomic location of the pain usually reflects the intercostal nerve involved. The pain is not related to eating or to bowel movements.25 Some patients report exacerbation upon coughing or standing, during menses, and with use of oral contraceptives.28,29 When inquiring about surgical history, it is common to find that the patient has had multiple abdominal surgical procedures.

On examination, the patient has nondistressing pain, with a hand often placed over the painful area.27 On firm palpation, a tender spot of less than 2 cm can be detected.

The diagnosis can be confirmed with a positive Carnett test. The patient lies supine on the examination table with the arms crossed over the chest, then elevates the head or the feet to tense the abdominal muscles.26,27 If doing so reproduces the pain (ie, a positive test), this increases the suspicion of ACNES; if the pain decreases or is not reproducible, an intra-abdominal cause is more likely.

A positive Carnett test helps rule out visceral involvement

If the pain is difficult to localize, the “pinch test” can be done by using the thumb and index finger to pinch and lift the skin of the abdomen, including the subcutaneous layer of fat, first on one side and then on the other. This helps determine the side with greater pain.27


Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs on the surface of or within the ovary. They are often benign and require no intervention. However, 5% to 10% of US women with a suspicious ovarian mass undergo a surgical procedure, and 13% to 21% of these are found to have a malignancy.30,31

Ovarian cysts are usually painless unless complicated by rupture or bleeding. Patients who present with pain describe it as dull and aching and in the abdomen or pelvis. In rare cases, ovarian cysts can be large enough to cause pain from torsion. Other symptoms may include delayed menses and bleeding outside of the menstrual period.32–34

Ovarian cysts are thought to be caused by hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle. They can be detected during pelvic examination or during pelvic ultrasonography. Cysts that are primarily fluid-filled are generally benign and require no intervention. On the other hand, cysts composed of solid material require intervention.

Treatment depends on several factors, including size and type of cyst, the patient’s age, and whether torsion is present. Treatment can range from observation to medical or surgical management. Laparoscopic surgery is commonly used when surgical treatment is warranted.


From 10% to 15% of US adults develop a kidney stone at some time during their life.35 There is no single cause, but one factor that promotes stone formation is a greater amount of crystal-forming substances in the urine, such as calcium, oxalate, and uric acid.36 Most renal stones are calcium oxalate, uric acid, struvite, or cysteine.

Symptoms arise when the stone moves within the urinary tract. Patients present to the emergency room in severe distress, usually with flank pain that radiates to the lower abdomen or groin. The pain is episodic, fluctuates in intensity, and may present with dysuria, frequency, or urgency. It is also associated with nausea and vomiting.37

Renal stones are diagnosed through a series of laboratory and imaging studies. Imaging studies include plain radiography (which can miss small stones), renal sonography, and computed tomography without contrast.


In the United States, the lifetime risk of developing appendicitis is 8.6% in men and 6.7% in women.38 Appendicitis is one of the most common reasons for emergency surgery.

Appendicitis is thought to result from obstruction by fecal matter blocking the opening of the appendix or from a viral infection (eg, with an adenovirus).39,40 The resulting bacterial growth can cause the appendix to become inflamed and purulent.

Patients typically present with umbilical or epigastric pain radiating to the right lower quadrant of the abdomen. Over time, the pain becomes sharper. Certain movements can exacerbate the pain, and lying down may alleviate it. Other symptoms are nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and low-grade fever.

If the pain is difficult to localize, the ‘pinch test’ can help determine the more painful side

Findings on the abdominal examination that help to confirm the diagnosis include rigidity and tenderness, classically localized to a point two-thirds of the way from the umbilicus to the anterior superior iliac spine. Rebound tenderness is usually present. Up to 25% of cases in some series presented atypically, with variable location and findings on physical examination (eg, bowel irregularities, indigestion, flatulence, generalized malaise). In addition to the physical examination, laboratory testing and imaging (ultrasonography, CT) may aid in confirming the diagnosis of appendicitis or any other cause of the pain.38


Ventral hernia is a bulging of abdominal organs or other tissues through a defect of the musculature of the abdominal wall. Ventral hernia is categorized by its location as epigastric, abdominal, or incisional. An open abdominal procedure is the cause in nearly 10% of cases41; the herniation occurs with weakening of the surgical scar.

Ventral hernia is usually detected on physical examination, and patients may present after noting a bulge in the abdominal wall. Symptoms vary. Some patients have no symptoms, while others have mild abdominal discomfort or severe abdominal pain as well as nausea and vomiting. Imaging with CT, ultrasonography, or magnetic resonance imaging helps confirm the diagnosis. Complications of ventral hernia include incarceration and bowel strangulation.


Median arcuate ligament syndrome is a challenging diagnosis and a very rare cause of abdominal pain. It is thought to be caused by celiac artery compression by fibroligamentous bands. Pain fluctuates with respiration and is greater during expiration.

Patients may present with recurrent episodes of crampy postprandial pain that cause them to avoid eating, resulting in weight loss. The pain may be associated with nausea, vomiting, and bloating.

The diagnosis is confirmed by duplex ultrasonography, angiography, or magnetic resonance angiography. Treatment is surgical division of the fibroligamentous band and crus, and this is often done laparascopically. In patients with severe persistent celiac artery stenosis, angioplasty and stenting may be considered.2


Before the physical examination, our patient identifies the location of her pain. A Carnett test is performed, as for ACNES: the patient is placed in the supine position and is instructed to cross both arms over her chest. In an effort to promote muscle tension, she is asked to elevate her head off the examination table, as if performing a mini sit-up, and as she does this, pressure is applied to the identified tender area. The pain is easily reproduced, further confirming involvement of the abdominal wall rather than the viscera. After this, electromyography shows abnormal findings. The patient is then  referred to the pain management clinic for a diagnostic nerve block.

3. Which of the following is the first-line treatment of ACNES?

  • Local injection of anesthetic
  • Surgical neurectomy


Local injection of anesthetic is the first-line treatment of ACNES.

Figure 1. After the needle is advanced just beyond the fascia and into the rectus abdominis muscle (arrow) under ultrasonographic guidance, 5 mL of 0.25% bupivacaine and 40 mg of triamcinolone are injected into the muscle, providing relief of the pain. An injection of 2% lidocaine may be done as a test block. Higher concentrations of anesthetic are to be avoided, as they may cause a motor block.

Since ACNES is underdiagnosed, the patient may be less likely to be familiar with it. He or she should receive a detailed explanation of the condition and its management; this will help achieve a successful outcome.

Local anesthetic injection is used for both diagnosis and treatment; 2% lidocaine (or an equivalent) or dehydrated (absolute) alcohol or both can eliminate the pain caused by ACNES. The injection is commonly done under ultrasonographic guidance (Figure 1).42

Complete pain relief may be achieved with a single injection, but some patients require up to five injections.

The adjuvant use of corticosteroids in ACNES to reduce inflammation is controversial.

If anesthetic injections bring only minimal pain relief or if the patient has nerve entrapment in a scar, then surgical neurectomy is an option.43 The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, as the patient’s response aids in identifying the specific nerve or nerves involved.


After a long discussion with our patient about ACNES and the treatment options, she  agrees to undergo nerve block in the hope of relieving her pain. She receives a 0.5-mL injection of 2% lidocaine subcutaneously, and within minutes she reports relief of pain. She cannot believe that with a simple injection her pain was relieved. We advise her to return if her pain recurs or if new symptoms arise.


ACNES is one of the most commonly misdiagnosed conditions of patients presenting to the outpatient clinic with acute or chronic abdominal pain. This is because the focus is directed to intra-abdominal causes. But if ACNES is kept in consideration from the beginning of the patient encounter, extensive testing, time, and patient anxiety may be reduced significantly. A simple physical examination and the Carnett test aid in raising suspicion of ACNES. If ACNES is confirmed, ultrasonographically guided local anesthetic injection is both diagnostic and therapeutic.

  1. American Gastroenterological Association Medical Position Statement: Guidelines On Intestinal Ischemia. Gastroenterology 2000; 118:951–953.
  2. Bobadilla JL. Mesenteric ischemia. Surg Clin North Am 2013; 93:925–940.
  3. Sung JJ, Kuipers EJ, El-Serag HB. Systematic review: the global incidence and prevalence of peptic ulcer disease. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2009; 29:938–946.
  4. Najm WI. Peptic ulcer disease. Prim Care 2011; 38:383–394.
  5. Malfertheiner P, Chan FK, McColl KE. Peptic ulcer disease. Lancet 2009; 374:1449–1461.
  6. Chan FK, Leung WK. Peptic-ulcer disease. Lancet 2002; 360:933–941.
  7. Bright-Asare P, Habte T, Yirgou B, Benjamin J. Prostaglandins, H2-receptor antagonists and peptic ulcer disease. Drugs 1988; 35(suppl 3):1–9.
  8. Hudson N, Balsitis M, Everitt S, Hawkey CJ. Enhanced gastric mucosal leukotriene B4 synthesis in patients taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Gut 1993; 34:742–747.
  9. Ford-Hutchinson AW, Bray MA, Doig MV, Shipley ME, Smith MJ. Leukotriene B, a potent chemokinetic and aggregating substance released from polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Nature 1980; 286:264–265.
  10. Bokoch GM, Reed PW. Effect of various lipoxygenase metabolites of arachidonic acid on degranulation of polymorphonuclear leukocytes. J  Biol Chem 1981; 256:5317–5320.
  11. Whittle BJ, Oren-Wolman N, Guth PH. Gastric vasoconstrictor actions of leukotriene C4, PGF2 alpha, and thromboxane mimetic U-46619 on rat submucosal microcirculation in vivo. Am J Physiol 1985; 248:G580–G586.
  12. Pihan G, Rogers C, Szabo S. Vascular injury in acute gastric mucosal damage. Mediatory role of leukotrienes. Dig Dis Sci 1988; 33:625–632.
  13. Ramakrishnan K, Salinas RC. Peptic ulcer disease. Am Fam Physician 2007; 76:1005–1012.
  14. Parmet S, Lynm C, Glass RM. JAMA patient page. Acute cholecystitis. JAMA 2003; 289:124.
  15. Roslyn JJ, DenBesten L, Thompson JE Jr, Silverman BF. Roles of lithogenic bile and cystic duct occlusion in the pathogenesis of acute cholecystitis. Am J Surg 1980; 140:126–130.
  16. Kaminski DL. Arachidonic acid metabolites in hepatobiliary physiology and disease. Gastroenterology 1989; 97:781–792.
  17. Jivegård L, Thornell E, Svanvik J. Pathophysiology of acute obstructive cholecystitis: implications for non-operative management. Br J Surg 1987; 74:1084–1086.
  18. Csendes A, Burdiles P, Maluenda F, Diaz JC, Csendes P, Mitru N. Simultaneous bacteriologic assessment of bile from gallbladder and common bile duct in control subjects and patients with gallstones and common duct stones. Arch Surg 1996; 131:389–394.
  19. Barie PS, Fischer E. Acute acalculous cholecystitis. J Am Coll Surg 1995; 180:232–244.
  20. Shapiro MJ, Luchtefeld WB, Kurzweil S, Kaminski DL, Durham RM, Mazuski JE. Acute acalculous cholecystitis in the critically ill. Am Surg 1994; 60:335–339.
  21. Savoca PE, Longo WE, Zucker KA, McMillen MM, Modlin IM. The increasing prevalence of acalculous cholecystitis in outpatients. Results of a 7-year study. Ann Surg 1990; 211:433–437.
  22. Gofrit O, Eid A, Pikarsky A, Lebensart PD, Pizov G, Rivkind A. Cholesterol embolisation causing chronic acalculous cholecystitis. Eur J Surg 1996; 162:243–245.
  23. McChesney JA, Northup PG, Bickston SJ. Acute acalculous cholecystitis associated with systemic sepsis and visceral arterial hypoperfusion: a case series and review of pathophysiology. Dig Dis Sci 2003; 48:1960–1967.
  24. Aeschlimann A, Kahn MF. Tietze’s syndrome: a critical review. Clin Exp Rheumatol 1990; 8:407–412.
  25. van Assen T, de Jager-Kievit JW, Scheltinga MR, Roumen RM. Chronic abdominal wall pain misdiagnosed as functional abdominal pain. J Am Board Fam Med 2013; 26:738–744.
  26. Akhnikh S, de Korte N, de Winter P. Anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome (ACNES): the forgotten diagnosis. Eur J Pediatr 2014; 173:445–449.
  27. Applegate WV. Abdominal cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome (ACNES): a commonly overlooked cause of abdominal pain. Perm J 2002; 6:20–27.
  28. Grover M. UNC Center for Functional GI & Motility Disorders. Chronic abdominal wall pain: a missed diagnosis. Accessed September 9, 2015.
  29. Greenbaum D, Dawson F, Watson R. Chronic abdominal wall pain (CAWP): a common but frequently overlooked disorder. Poster presented at the World Congress of Gastroenterology, Sydney, Australia, August 26–31, 1990.
  30. National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference Statement. Ovarian cancer: screening, treatment, and follow-up. Gynecol Oncol 1994; 55:S4–S14.
  31. Koonings PP, Campbell K, Mishell DR Jr, Grimes DA. Relative frequency of primary ovarian neoplasms: a 10-year review. Obstet Gynecol 1989; 74:921–926.
  32. Givens V, Mitchell GE, Harraway-Smith C, Reddy A, Maness DL. Diagnosis and management of adnexal masses. Am Fam Physician 2009; 80:815–820.
  33. Goff BA, Mandel L, Muntz HG, Melancon CH. Ovarian carcinoma diagnosis. Cancer 2000; 89:2068–2075.
  34. Friedman GD, Skilling JS, Udaltsova NV, Smith LH. Early symptoms of ovarian cancer: a case-control study without recall bias. Fam Pract 2005; 22:548–553.
  35. Stamatelou KK, Francis ME, Jones CA, Nyberg LM, Curhan GC. Time trends in reported prevalence of kidney stones in the United States: 1976-1994. Kidney Int 2003; 63:1817–1823.
  36. Worcester EM, Coe FL. Clinical practice. Calcium kidney stones. N Engl J Med 2010; 363:954–963.
  37. Miller NL, Lingeman JE. Management of kidney stones. BMJ 2007; 334:468–472.
  38. Lewis SR, Mahony PJ, Simpson J. Appendicitis. BMJ 2011; 343:d5976.
  39. Lamps LW. Infectious causes of appendicitis. Infect Dis Clin North Am 2010; 24:995–1018.
  40. Reif RM. Viral appendicitis. Hum Pathol 1981; 12:193–196.
  41. Akkary E, Panait L, Roberts K, Duffy A, Bell R. Sutureless laparoscopic ventral hernia repair in obese patients. JSLS 2011; 15:154–159.
  42. Boelens OB, Scheltinga MR, Houterman S, Roumen RM. Randomized clinical trial of trigger point infiltration with lidocaine to diagnose anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome. Br J Surg 2013; 100:217–221.
  43. Boelens OB, Scheltinga MR, Houterman S, Roumen RM. Management of anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome in a cohort of 139 patients. Ann Surg 2011; 254:1054–1058.
  1. American Gastroenterological Association Medical Position Statement: Guidelines On Intestinal Ischemia. Gastroenterology 2000; 118:951–953.
  2. Bobadilla JL. Mesenteric ischemia. Surg Clin North Am 2013; 93:925–940.
  3. Sung JJ, Kuipers EJ, El-Serag HB. Systematic review: the global incidence and prevalence of peptic ulcer disease. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2009; 29:938–946.
  4. Najm WI. Peptic ulcer disease. Prim Care 2011; 38:383–394.
  5. Malfertheiner P, Chan FK, McColl KE. Peptic ulcer disease. Lancet 2009; 374:1449–1461.
  6. Chan FK, Leung WK. Peptic-ulcer disease. Lancet 2002; 360:933–941.
  7. Bright-Asare P, Habte T, Yirgou B, Benjamin J. Prostaglandins, H2-receptor antagonists and peptic ulcer disease. Drugs 1988; 35(suppl 3):1–9.
  8. Hudson N, Balsitis M, Everitt S, Hawkey CJ. Enhanced gastric mucosal leukotriene B4 synthesis in patients taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Gut 1993; 34:742–747.
  9. Ford-Hutchinson AW, Bray MA, Doig MV, Shipley ME, Smith MJ. Leukotriene B, a potent chemokinetic and aggregating substance released from polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Nature 1980; 286:264–265.
  10. Bokoch GM, Reed PW. Effect of various lipoxygenase metabolites of arachidonic acid on degranulation of polymorphonuclear leukocytes. J  Biol Chem 1981; 256:5317–5320.
  11. Whittle BJ, Oren-Wolman N, Guth PH. Gastric vasoconstrictor actions of leukotriene C4, PGF2 alpha, and thromboxane mimetic U-46619 on rat submucosal microcirculation in vivo. Am J Physiol 1985; 248:G580–G586.
  12. Pihan G, Rogers C, Szabo S. Vascular injury in acute gastric mucosal damage. Mediatory role of leukotrienes. Dig Dis Sci 1988; 33:625–632.
  13. Ramakrishnan K, Salinas RC. Peptic ulcer disease. Am Fam Physician 2007; 76:1005–1012.
  14. Parmet S, Lynm C, Glass RM. JAMA patient page. Acute cholecystitis. JAMA 2003; 289:124.
  15. Roslyn JJ, DenBesten L, Thompson JE Jr, Silverman BF. Roles of lithogenic bile and cystic duct occlusion in the pathogenesis of acute cholecystitis. Am J Surg 1980; 140:126–130.
  16. Kaminski DL. Arachidonic acid metabolites in hepatobiliary physiology and disease. Gastroenterology 1989; 97:781–792.
  17. Jivegård L, Thornell E, Svanvik J. Pathophysiology of acute obstructive cholecystitis: implications for non-operative management. Br J Surg 1987; 74:1084–1086.
  18. Csendes A, Burdiles P, Maluenda F, Diaz JC, Csendes P, Mitru N. Simultaneous bacteriologic assessment of bile from gallbladder and common bile duct in control subjects and patients with gallstones and common duct stones. Arch Surg 1996; 131:389–394.
  19. Barie PS, Fischer E. Acute acalculous cholecystitis. J Am Coll Surg 1995; 180:232–244.
  20. Shapiro MJ, Luchtefeld WB, Kurzweil S, Kaminski DL, Durham RM, Mazuski JE. Acute acalculous cholecystitis in the critically ill. Am Surg 1994; 60:335–339.
  21. Savoca PE, Longo WE, Zucker KA, McMillen MM, Modlin IM. The increasing prevalence of acalculous cholecystitis in outpatients. Results of a 7-year study. Ann Surg 1990; 211:433–437.
  22. Gofrit O, Eid A, Pikarsky A, Lebensart PD, Pizov G, Rivkind A. Cholesterol embolisation causing chronic acalculous cholecystitis. Eur J Surg 1996; 162:243–245.
  23. McChesney JA, Northup PG, Bickston SJ. Acute acalculous cholecystitis associated with systemic sepsis and visceral arterial hypoperfusion: a case series and review of pathophysiology. Dig Dis Sci 2003; 48:1960–1967.
  24. Aeschlimann A, Kahn MF. Tietze’s syndrome: a critical review. Clin Exp Rheumatol 1990; 8:407–412.
  25. van Assen T, de Jager-Kievit JW, Scheltinga MR, Roumen RM. Chronic abdominal wall pain misdiagnosed as functional abdominal pain. J Am Board Fam Med 2013; 26:738–744.
  26. Akhnikh S, de Korte N, de Winter P. Anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome (ACNES): the forgotten diagnosis. Eur J Pediatr 2014; 173:445–449.
  27. Applegate WV. Abdominal cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome (ACNES): a commonly overlooked cause of abdominal pain. Perm J 2002; 6:20–27.
  28. Grover M. UNC Center for Functional GI & Motility Disorders. Chronic abdominal wall pain: a missed diagnosis. Accessed September 9, 2015.
  29. Greenbaum D, Dawson F, Watson R. Chronic abdominal wall pain (CAWP): a common but frequently overlooked disorder. Poster presented at the World Congress of Gastroenterology, Sydney, Australia, August 26–31, 1990.
  30. National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference Statement. Ovarian cancer: screening, treatment, and follow-up. Gynecol Oncol 1994; 55:S4–S14.
  31. Koonings PP, Campbell K, Mishell DR Jr, Grimes DA. Relative frequency of primary ovarian neoplasms: a 10-year review. Obstet Gynecol 1989; 74:921–926.
  32. Givens V, Mitchell GE, Harraway-Smith C, Reddy A, Maness DL. Diagnosis and management of adnexal masses. Am Fam Physician 2009; 80:815–820.
  33. Goff BA, Mandel L, Muntz HG, Melancon CH. Ovarian carcinoma diagnosis. Cancer 2000; 89:2068–2075.
  34. Friedman GD, Skilling JS, Udaltsova NV, Smith LH. Early symptoms of ovarian cancer: a case-control study without recall bias. Fam Pract 2005; 22:548–553.
  35. Stamatelou KK, Francis ME, Jones CA, Nyberg LM, Curhan GC. Time trends in reported prevalence of kidney stones in the United States: 1976-1994. Kidney Int 2003; 63:1817–1823.
  36. Worcester EM, Coe FL. Clinical practice. Calcium kidney stones. N Engl J Med 2010; 363:954–963.
  37. Miller NL, Lingeman JE. Management of kidney stones. BMJ 2007; 334:468–472.
  38. Lewis SR, Mahony PJ, Simpson J. Appendicitis. BMJ 2011; 343:d5976.
  39. Lamps LW. Infectious causes of appendicitis. Infect Dis Clin North Am 2010; 24:995–1018.
  40. Reif RM. Viral appendicitis. Hum Pathol 1981; 12:193–196.
  41. Akkary E, Panait L, Roberts K, Duffy A, Bell R. Sutureless laparoscopic ventral hernia repair in obese patients. JSLS 2011; 15:154–159.
  42. Boelens OB, Scheltinga MR, Houterman S, Roumen RM. Randomized clinical trial of trigger point infiltration with lidocaine to diagnose anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome. Br J Surg 2013; 100:217–221.
  43. Boelens OB, Scheltinga MR, Houterman S, Roumen RM. Management of anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome in a cohort of 139 patients. Ann Surg 2011; 254:1054–1058.
Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine - 83(1)
Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine - 83(1)
Page Number
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Article Type
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Not all abdominal pain is gastrointestinal
Display Headline
Not all abdominal pain is gastrointestinal
Legacy Keywords
abdominal pain, mesenteric ischemia, peptic ulcer, cholecystitis, slipping rib syndrome, nerve entrapment, anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome, ACNES, Mena Boules, Madonna Michael, Julietta Chang, Bruce Vrooman, Matthew Kroh, Maged Rizk
Legacy Keywords
abdominal pain, mesenteric ischemia, peptic ulcer, cholecystitis, slipping rib syndrome, nerve entrapment, anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome, ACNES, Mena Boules, Madonna Michael, Julietta Chang, Bruce Vrooman, Matthew Kroh, Maged Rizk
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Recurrent abdominal pain and vomiting

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Fri, 02/16/2018 - 11:07
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Recurrent abdominal pain and vomiting

A 32-year-old man presents to the emergency department with excruciating abdominal pain associated with multiple episodes of vomiting for the past 2 days. He reports no fevers, headaches, diarrhea, constipation, hematochezia, melena, musculoskeletal symptoms, or weight loss. His abdominal pain is generalized and crampy. It does not radiate and has no precipitating factors. The pain is relieved only with intravenous narcotics.

See related editorial

He does not smoke, drink alcohol, or use illicit drugs. He has no known drug or food allergies. He says that his current condition causes him emotional stress that affects his performance at work.

About a year ago, after a complicated surgical procedure, he needed chronic high-dose narcotics. A few months later, he developed multiple bouts of abdominal pain and vomiting that required hospital visits. He now takes oral oxycodone 10–15 mg every 4–6 hours.

On admission, his vital signs are stable, but he is in excruciating pain. He is alert and oriented to person, place, and time. His sclera are anicteric, and the pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light. Lung and heart examinations are normal. The abdomen is soft and nondistended but tender in all four quadrants without guarding; the liver and spleen are not palpable, and no abdominal masses are detected. He has no skin rash, joint swelling or tenderness, or peripheral edema. The neurologic examination is normal. Computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen with contrast shows no signs of bowel obstruction, pancreatic calcifications or edema, cholecystitis, or hepatobiliary disease. Results of initial laboratory testing are shown in Table 1.

1. Based on the information available, which is the least likely cause of his symptoms?

  • Acute pancreatitis
  • Cyclic vomiting syndrome
  • Acute intermittent porphyria
  • Gastroparesis

Acute pancreatitis

Acute pancreatitis is the least likely cause of his symptoms. It is commonly caused by gallstones, alcohol, hypertriglyceridemia, and certain drugs.1 The associated abdominal pain is usually epigastric, radiates to the back, and is accompanied by nausea or vomiting, or both. The onset of pain is sudden and rapidly increases in severity within 30 minutes. CT shows enlargement of the pancreas with diffuse edema, heterogeneity of pancreatic parenchyma, peripancreatic stranding, and peripancreatic fluid collections.1 The diagnosis is based on two of the following three criteria: abdominal pain characteristic of acute pancreatitis; a serum amylase or lipase concentration three or more times the upper limit of normal; and characteristic findings of acute pancreatitis on CT.1

Cyclic vomiting syndrome

Cyclic vomiting syndrome is thought to be caused by episodic dysautonomia, mitochondrial DNA mutations, and hypothalamic emetic response oversensitivity,2–4 but the exact pathogenesis is unknown. The syndrome has been strongly linked to migraine and to the chronic excessive use of cannabinoids.5–9 The Rome III diagnostic criteria10 are the following: the vomiting episodes are stereotypical, ie, they are acute and last for less than 1 week; the patient has had three or more episodes in the previous year; and the patient has no nausea or vomiting between episodes. The patient must meet all three criteria. A history of migraine or a family history of migraine further supports the diagnosis.

Acute intermittent porphyria

Acute intermittent porphyria is characterized by neurovisceral symptoms such as convulsions, paresis, autonomic dysfunction, constipation, and diarrhea that result from the overproduction of porphyrin precursors and deficiency of porphobilinogen deaminase.11

Most patients have poorly localized, severe, steady abdominal pain that develops over hours to days and that may persist for days to weeks.11 Since the pain is neuropathic, abdominal tenderness is usually minimal during an acute attack. Other clues include signs of ileus, such as constipation, nausea, abdominal distention, or decreased bowel sounds; bladder dysfunction, eg, urinary retention, incontinence, or dysuria; reddish-brown urine; and sensory neuropathy of the chest, back, and extremities.11 Blistering skin lesions are usually not seen. The presence of porphobilinogen in the urine confirms the diagnosis.11


Gastroparesis is a result of discoordination between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, neurons, and smooth muscles within the stomach, causing a decrease in gastric motility. Common causes are diabetes,12 scleroderma,13 and neurologic disorders.14 It can also be iatrogenic,15 resulting from visceral nerve injury and drug treatment with narcotics, calcium channel blockers, muscarinic cholinergic antagonists, or certain antidepressants. Symptoms are related to gastric stasis, ie, abdominal pain from gastric distention, bloating, vomiting, and early satiety.15 Abdominal pain may worsen after eating, and vomitus usually consists of recently ingested food. These patients may have abdominal distension or tenderness and succussion splash. After excluding possible mechanical obstruction, a gastric-emptying study may be necessary to make the diagnosis.15


A serum and urine drug screen in our patient is positive only for opioids. Urine measures of delta-aminolevulinic acid and porphobilinogen are normal. CT angiography of the abdomen shows no signs of mesenteric vascular occlusion. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy shows antral gastritis, but the esophagus and duodenum appear normal, and colonoscopy is normal as well. Histologic study of biopsy specimens obtained during endoscopy is unrevealing. A gastric-emptying study shows delayed emptying. The patient’s abdominal pain and vomiting persist with the initial dose of intravenous narcotic but resolve with escalating doses. When asked, the patient denies an excessive need for hot baths.



2. Which is the most likely diagnosis at this point?

  • Narcotic bowel syndrome
  • Opioid withdrawal
  • Crohn disease
  • Chronic pancreatitis
  • Chronic mesenteric ischemia
  • Cannabinoid hyperemesis

Narcotic bowel syndrome

Narcotic bowel syndrome is the most likely diagnosis. Grunkemeier et al16 described it as chronic or frequently recurring abdominal pain that is treated with narcotics, either chronically or acutely with high doses, and that includes all the following features16:

  • The pain worsens or resolves incompletely with continued or increasing doses of narcotics
  • The pain markedly worsens when the narcotic dose is decreased, and decreases when the drug is reinstituted (the “soarand-crash” effect)
  • The frequency, duration, and intensity of the pain episodes gradually increase
  • The nature of the pain and its intensity are not explained by a current or previous gastrointestinal diagnosis.16

This syndrome is common in patients who receive high doses of narcotics for postoperative pain or for other, nonmalignant causes of pain. Patients eventually become dependent on the drugs but are not aware that chronic use activates and facilitates areas in the brain that enhance the perception of pain.16 A study of a rat model of narcotic bowel syndrome17 showed that morphine-induced hyperalgesia depends on central sensitization involving the activation of spinal microglia. This eventually results in concomitant peripheral sensitization involving the colonic mucosal neuroimmune system, and also in central or peripheral activation of opioid kappa-receptors by dynorphin release.17

Patients tend to present with chronic or intermittent colicky abdominal pain that requires escalating doses of narcotics. Eventually, they develop tachyphylaxis and shortened pain-free periods and will require even higher doses of narcotics. This ultimately enhances the perception of pain and worsens opioid bowel symptoms, causing a vicious circle of pain and more narcotic use.16

Laboratory tests are usually normal, and imaging may show only ileus. Gastric emptying may be delayed in patients who have either narcotic bowel syndrome or gastroparesis, but since abdominal pain from narcotic bowel syndrome is a result of central and visceral hypersensitivity, these patients perceive more severe abdominal pain than patients with gastroparesis alone.

Opioid withdrawal

Symptoms of opioid withdrawal may appear as soon as 6 to 24 hours after cessation of the opioid in patients known to be dependent on opioids. These patients present with crampy abdominal pain with nausea.18 Other symptoms include agitation, rhinorrhea, lacrimation, excessive yawning, arthralgias, papillary dilation, and piloerection.18

Our patient did not have the typical signs of opioid withdrawal.

Crohn disease

Crohn disease is a multisystem disorder with specific clinical and pathologic features. It is characterized by focal, asymmetric, transmural, and occasionally granulomatous inflammation primarily affecting the gastrointestinal tract.19 Characteristic symptoms include abdominal pain, chronic diarrhea with or without rectal bleeding, and weight loss. Extraintestinal signs may include anemia and inflammatory changes in the eyes, skin, and joints. The diagnosis is based on endoscopic, radiographic, and pathologic findings.19

Our patient did not have diarrhea or signs of Crohn disease on CT, endoscopy, or histology.

Chronic pancreatitis

Chronic pancreatitis involves progressive inflammatory changes resulting in permanent structural damage to the pancreas and subsequent exocrine and endocrine dysfunction.20 Patients have epigastric abdominal pain that often radiates to the back20; it is associated with eating and is partly relieved with leaning forward. Symptoms of pancreatic insufficiency such as fat malabsorption (resulting in steatorrhea and fat-soluble vitamin deficiency) and diabetes are common. Calcifications within the pancreas on CT suggest chronic pancreatitis.20 Serum lipase and amylase levels may be normal or slightly elevated.20

Our patient’s abdominal pain was not typical of pancreatitis. He had no signs or symptoms of pancreatic insufficiency and no calcifications within the pancreas.

Chronic mesenteric ischemia

Chronic mesenteric ischemia (“intestinal angina”) is caused by a reduction in intestinal blood flow as a result of occlusion, vasospasm, or hypoperfusion of the mesenteric vasculature.21 It is commonly seen in patients who smoke or who have atherosclerotic vascular disease. These patients have chronic dull or crampy abdominal pain that usually occurs within 1 hour after eating.21 To avoid pain, patients avoid eating, resulting in weight loss.21 CT angiography with multi-detector CT is as effective as angiography (the gold standard) in depicting splanchnic arterial anatomy.22

Our patient is young and has no known risk factors for atherosclerosis such as smoking. His abdominal pain is more intermittent than chronic and is not associated with eating.

Cannabinoid hyperemesis

Cannabinoid hyperemesis should be considered in patients with long-term cannabis use presenting with cyclic vomiting, abdominal pain, compulsive use of hot showers, and improvement of symptoms with cannabis cessation.23 Although cannabinoids have been recognized for their antiemetic effects, long-term use may eventually cause autonomic instability and disturbances in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, resulting in cyclic vomiting and thermoregulatory impairment.23

Although our patient presented with multiple episodes of vomiting and abdominal pain, he denied using marijuana, he tested negative for tetrahydrocannabinol, and he did not associate any relief of his symptoms with hot baths.


Our patient receives intravenous hydration, antiemetics, and a narcotic in tapering intravenous doses, and his symptoms gradually improve. He is discharged from the hospital. However, a few weeks later he is readmitted with the same symptoms of abdominal pain and nausea.



3. What is the cornerstone of treatment for narcotic bowel syndrome?

  • Establishing a therapeutic relationship
  • Detoxification
  • Supportive management with intravenous fluids, antiemetics, and stool-softeners
  • Medical management with a short-acting narcotic, clonidine, lorazepam, and desipramine


An effective therapeutic relationship with the patient is the cornerstone of treatment and should be established before starting detoxification.17 The physician must first learn to accept that the patient’s condition is real and must show genuine empathy as well as provide information about the pathophysiologic basis of the condition, the rationale for withholding narcotics, and the detrimental role narcotics play in the vicious circle of pain.

Detoxification involves gradually withdrawing the narcotic and substituting a nonnarcotic such as an antidepressant for pain control, as well as prescribing a drug such as a benzodiazepine or clonidine to prevent withdrawal symptoms and a laxative to prevent constipation.17,24 The physician must reassure the patient that he or she will not be abandoned in pain and that all medications will be continuously adjusted as needed to keep him or her comfortable throughout the detoxification process.17,24 The physician must continuously gauge the patient’s willingness to continue with treatment and must also be readily available to address the patient’s concerns in a timely manner.17,24 Involving family members and friends may provide additional support to the patient. Referral to a functional gastrointestinal motility program, a pain specialist, and a psychologist may also be considered.17,24 Follow-up care is essential, even after the withdrawal program has ended.17,24


After successfully establishing a therapeutic relationship and discussing the treatment plan with our patient, we started him on the same dosage of narcotic that he had been receiving, calculated in intravenous morphine equivalents to achieve maximal comfort, and then decreased the dosage by 10% to 33% daily until he was completely off narcotics. An antidepressant and a benzodiazepine were given simultaneously with narcotic tapering. Oral clonidine (0.1–0.4 mg/day) was given after the narcotic dosage was reduced to about half, and polyethylene glycol was given as needed for constipation. The total duration of detoxification was 7 days.

The patient was referred to a psychologist for cognitive-behavioral and relaxation therapy, as well as for encouragement and support. At 6 months, he had had no recurrence of symptoms.


In the United States, the number of patients taking a narcotic for nonmalignant pain is increasing, 25 and physicians should be more aware of complications such as narcotic bowel syndrome.

Narcotic bowel syndrome should be suspected in any patient with prolonged narcotic use presenting with multiple recurrent episodes of abdominal pain after other causes are ruled out.

Establishing a good therapeutic relationship with the patient is the cornerstone of successful treatment. Patients who understand their condition and are willing to be treated tend to have better outcomes.

Supportive treatment, symptom relief, and emotional support during detoxification increase compliance.

  1. Banks PA, Freeman ML; Practice Parameters Committee of the American College of Gastroenterology. Practice guidelines in acute pancreatitis. Am J Gastroenterol 2006; 101:23792400.
  2. Boles RG, Adams K, Ito M, Li BU. Maternal inheritance in cyclic vomiting syndrome with neuromuscular disease. Am J Med Genet A 2003; 120A:474482.
  3. Wang Q, Ito M, Adams K, et al. Mitochondrial DNA control region sequence variation in migraine headache and cyclic vomiting syndrome. Am J Med Genet A 2004; 131:5058.
  4. Taché Y. Cyclic vomiting syndrome: the corticotropinreleasing-factor hypothesis. Dig Dis Sci 1999; 44(suppl 8):79S86S.
  5. Withers GD, Silburn SR, Forbes DA. Precipitants and aetiology of cyclic vomiting syndrome. Acta Paediatr 1998; 87:272277.
  6. Whitney HB. Cyclic vomiting. A brief review of this affection as illustrated by a typical case. Arch Pediatr 1898; 15:839845.
  7. Stickler GB. Relationship between cyclic vomiting syndrome and migraine. Clin Pediatr (Phila) 2005; 44:505508.
  8. Li BU, Murray RD, Heitlinger LA, Robbins JL, Hayes JR. Is cyclic vomiting syndrome related to migraine? J Pediatr 1999; 134:567572.
  9. Allen JH, de Moore GM, Heddle R, Twartz JC. Cannabinoid hyperemesis: cyclical hyperemesis in association with chronic cannabis abuse. Gut 2004; 53:15661570.
  10. Rome Foundation. Rome III disorders and diagnostic criteria. Accessed February 27, 2013.
  11. Anderson KE, Bloomer JR, Bonkovsky HL, et al. Recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of the acute porphyrias. Ann Intern Med 2005; 142:439450.
  12. Camilleri M. Clinical practice. Diabetic gastroparesis. N Engl J Med 2007; 356:820829.
  13. Maddern GJ, Horowitz M, Jamieson GG, Chatterton BE, Collins PJ, Roberts-Thomson P. Abnormalities of esophageal and gastric emptying in progressive systemic sclerosis. Gastroenterology 1984; 87:922926.
  14. Jost WH. Gastrointestinal dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease. J Neurol Sci 2010; 289:6973.
  15. Parkman HP, Hasler WL, Fisher RS; American Gastroenterological Association. American Gastroenterological Association technical review on the diagnosis and treatment of gastroparesis. Gastroenterology 2004; 127:15921622.
  16. Grunkemeier DM, Cassara JE, Dalton CB, Drossman DA. The narcotic bowel syndrome: clinical features, pathophysiology, and management. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2007; 5:11261139.
  17. Agostini S, Eutamene H, Cartier C, et al. Evidence of central and peripheral sensitization in a rat model of narcotic bowel-like syndrome. Gastroenterology 2010; 139:553563,563.e1e5.
  18. Nicholls L, Bragaw L, Ruetsch C. Opioid dependence treatment and guidelines. J Manag Care Pharm 2010; 16(1 suppl B):S14S21.
  19. Lichtenstein GR, Hanauer SB, Sandborn WJ; Practice Parameters Committee of American College of Gastroenterology. Management of Crohn’s disease in adults. Am J Gastroenterol 2009; 104:465483.
  20. Steer ML, Waxman I, Freedman S. Chronic pancreatitis. N Engl J Med 1995; 332:14821490.
  21. American Gastroenterological Association Medical Position Statement: guidelines on intestinal ischemia. Gastroenterology 2000; 118:951953.
  22. Savastano S, Teso S, Corrà S, Fantozzi O, Miotto D. Multislice CT angiography of the celiac and superior mesenteric arteries: comparison with arteriographic findings. Radiol Med 2002; 103:456463.
  23. Simonetto DA, Oxentenko AS, Herman ML, Szostek JH. Cannabinoid hyperemesis: a case series of 98 patients. Mayo Clin Proc 2012; 87:114119.
  24. Drossman DA, Morris CB, Edwards H, et al. Diagnosis, characterization, and 3-month outcome after detoxification of 39 patients with narcotic bowel syndrome. Am J Gastroenterol 2012; 107:14261440.
  25. Trescot AM, Boswell MV, Atluri SL, et al. Opioid guidelines in the management of chronic non-cancer pain. Pain Physician 2006; 9:139.
Article PDF
Author and Disclosure Information

Markus Agito, MD
Department of Internal Medicine, Akron General Medical Center, Akron, OH

Maged Rizk, MD
Quality Improvement Officer, Digestive Disease Institute, Cleveland Clinic; Assistant Professor, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH

Address: Markus Agito, MD, Department of Internal Medicine, Akron General Medical Center, 400 Wabash Avenue, Akron, OH 44307; e-mail:

Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine - 80(7)
Page Number
Author and Disclosure Information

Markus Agito, MD
Department of Internal Medicine, Akron General Medical Center, Akron, OH

Maged Rizk, MD
Quality Improvement Officer, Digestive Disease Institute, Cleveland Clinic; Assistant Professor, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH

Address: Markus Agito, MD, Department of Internal Medicine, Akron General Medical Center, 400 Wabash Avenue, Akron, OH 44307; e-mail:

Author and Disclosure Information

Markus Agito, MD
Department of Internal Medicine, Akron General Medical Center, Akron, OH

Maged Rizk, MD
Quality Improvement Officer, Digestive Disease Institute, Cleveland Clinic; Assistant Professor, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH

Address: Markus Agito, MD, Department of Internal Medicine, Akron General Medical Center, 400 Wabash Avenue, Akron, OH 44307; e-mail:

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Article PDF

A 32-year-old man presents to the emergency department with excruciating abdominal pain associated with multiple episodes of vomiting for the past 2 days. He reports no fevers, headaches, diarrhea, constipation, hematochezia, melena, musculoskeletal symptoms, or weight loss. His abdominal pain is generalized and crampy. It does not radiate and has no precipitating factors. The pain is relieved only with intravenous narcotics.

See related editorial

He does not smoke, drink alcohol, or use illicit drugs. He has no known drug or food allergies. He says that his current condition causes him emotional stress that affects his performance at work.

About a year ago, after a complicated surgical procedure, he needed chronic high-dose narcotics. A few months later, he developed multiple bouts of abdominal pain and vomiting that required hospital visits. He now takes oral oxycodone 10–15 mg every 4–6 hours.

On admission, his vital signs are stable, but he is in excruciating pain. He is alert and oriented to person, place, and time. His sclera are anicteric, and the pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light. Lung and heart examinations are normal. The abdomen is soft and nondistended but tender in all four quadrants without guarding; the liver and spleen are not palpable, and no abdominal masses are detected. He has no skin rash, joint swelling or tenderness, or peripheral edema. The neurologic examination is normal. Computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen with contrast shows no signs of bowel obstruction, pancreatic calcifications or edema, cholecystitis, or hepatobiliary disease. Results of initial laboratory testing are shown in Table 1.

1. Based on the information available, which is the least likely cause of his symptoms?

  • Acute pancreatitis
  • Cyclic vomiting syndrome
  • Acute intermittent porphyria
  • Gastroparesis

Acute pancreatitis

Acute pancreatitis is the least likely cause of his symptoms. It is commonly caused by gallstones, alcohol, hypertriglyceridemia, and certain drugs.1 The associated abdominal pain is usually epigastric, radiates to the back, and is accompanied by nausea or vomiting, or both. The onset of pain is sudden and rapidly increases in severity within 30 minutes. CT shows enlargement of the pancreas with diffuse edema, heterogeneity of pancreatic parenchyma, peripancreatic stranding, and peripancreatic fluid collections.1 The diagnosis is based on two of the following three criteria: abdominal pain characteristic of acute pancreatitis; a serum amylase or lipase concentration three or more times the upper limit of normal; and characteristic findings of acute pancreatitis on CT.1

Cyclic vomiting syndrome

Cyclic vomiting syndrome is thought to be caused by episodic dysautonomia, mitochondrial DNA mutations, and hypothalamic emetic response oversensitivity,2–4 but the exact pathogenesis is unknown. The syndrome has been strongly linked to migraine and to the chronic excessive use of cannabinoids.5–9 The Rome III diagnostic criteria10 are the following: the vomiting episodes are stereotypical, ie, they are acute and last for less than 1 week; the patient has had three or more episodes in the previous year; and the patient has no nausea or vomiting between episodes. The patient must meet all three criteria. A history of migraine or a family history of migraine further supports the diagnosis.

Acute intermittent porphyria

Acute intermittent porphyria is characterized by neurovisceral symptoms such as convulsions, paresis, autonomic dysfunction, constipation, and diarrhea that result from the overproduction of porphyrin precursors and deficiency of porphobilinogen deaminase.11

Most patients have poorly localized, severe, steady abdominal pain that develops over hours to days and that may persist for days to weeks.11 Since the pain is neuropathic, abdominal tenderness is usually minimal during an acute attack. Other clues include signs of ileus, such as constipation, nausea, abdominal distention, or decreased bowel sounds; bladder dysfunction, eg, urinary retention, incontinence, or dysuria; reddish-brown urine; and sensory neuropathy of the chest, back, and extremities.11 Blistering skin lesions are usually not seen. The presence of porphobilinogen in the urine confirms the diagnosis.11


Gastroparesis is a result of discoordination between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, neurons, and smooth muscles within the stomach, causing a decrease in gastric motility. Common causes are diabetes,12 scleroderma,13 and neurologic disorders.14 It can also be iatrogenic,15 resulting from visceral nerve injury and drug treatment with narcotics, calcium channel blockers, muscarinic cholinergic antagonists, or certain antidepressants. Symptoms are related to gastric stasis, ie, abdominal pain from gastric distention, bloating, vomiting, and early satiety.15 Abdominal pain may worsen after eating, and vomitus usually consists of recently ingested food. These patients may have abdominal distension or tenderness and succussion splash. After excluding possible mechanical obstruction, a gastric-emptying study may be necessary to make the diagnosis.15


A serum and urine drug screen in our patient is positive only for opioids. Urine measures of delta-aminolevulinic acid and porphobilinogen are normal. CT angiography of the abdomen shows no signs of mesenteric vascular occlusion. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy shows antral gastritis, but the esophagus and duodenum appear normal, and colonoscopy is normal as well. Histologic study of biopsy specimens obtained during endoscopy is unrevealing. A gastric-emptying study shows delayed emptying. The patient’s abdominal pain and vomiting persist with the initial dose of intravenous narcotic but resolve with escalating doses. When asked, the patient denies an excessive need for hot baths.



2. Which is the most likely diagnosis at this point?

  • Narcotic bowel syndrome
  • Opioid withdrawal
  • Crohn disease
  • Chronic pancreatitis
  • Chronic mesenteric ischemia
  • Cannabinoid hyperemesis

Narcotic bowel syndrome

Narcotic bowel syndrome is the most likely diagnosis. Grunkemeier et al16 described it as chronic or frequently recurring abdominal pain that is treated with narcotics, either chronically or acutely with high doses, and that includes all the following features16:

  • The pain worsens or resolves incompletely with continued or increasing doses of narcotics
  • The pain markedly worsens when the narcotic dose is decreased, and decreases when the drug is reinstituted (the “soarand-crash” effect)
  • The frequency, duration, and intensity of the pain episodes gradually increase
  • The nature of the pain and its intensity are not explained by a current or previous gastrointestinal diagnosis.16

This syndrome is common in patients who receive high doses of narcotics for postoperative pain or for other, nonmalignant causes of pain. Patients eventually become dependent on the drugs but are not aware that chronic use activates and facilitates areas in the brain that enhance the perception of pain.16 A study of a rat model of narcotic bowel syndrome17 showed that morphine-induced hyperalgesia depends on central sensitization involving the activation of spinal microglia. This eventually results in concomitant peripheral sensitization involving the colonic mucosal neuroimmune system, and also in central or peripheral activation of opioid kappa-receptors by dynorphin release.17

Patients tend to present with chronic or intermittent colicky abdominal pain that requires escalating doses of narcotics. Eventually, they develop tachyphylaxis and shortened pain-free periods and will require even higher doses of narcotics. This ultimately enhances the perception of pain and worsens opioid bowel symptoms, causing a vicious circle of pain and more narcotic use.16

Laboratory tests are usually normal, and imaging may show only ileus. Gastric emptying may be delayed in patients who have either narcotic bowel syndrome or gastroparesis, but since abdominal pain from narcotic bowel syndrome is a result of central and visceral hypersensitivity, these patients perceive more severe abdominal pain than patients with gastroparesis alone.

Opioid withdrawal

Symptoms of opioid withdrawal may appear as soon as 6 to 24 hours after cessation of the opioid in patients known to be dependent on opioids. These patients present with crampy abdominal pain with nausea.18 Other symptoms include agitation, rhinorrhea, lacrimation, excessive yawning, arthralgias, papillary dilation, and piloerection.18

Our patient did not have the typical signs of opioid withdrawal.

Crohn disease

Crohn disease is a multisystem disorder with specific clinical and pathologic features. It is characterized by focal, asymmetric, transmural, and occasionally granulomatous inflammation primarily affecting the gastrointestinal tract.19 Characteristic symptoms include abdominal pain, chronic diarrhea with or without rectal bleeding, and weight loss. Extraintestinal signs may include anemia and inflammatory changes in the eyes, skin, and joints. The diagnosis is based on endoscopic, radiographic, and pathologic findings.19

Our patient did not have diarrhea or signs of Crohn disease on CT, endoscopy, or histology.

Chronic pancreatitis

Chronic pancreatitis involves progressive inflammatory changes resulting in permanent structural damage to the pancreas and subsequent exocrine and endocrine dysfunction.20 Patients have epigastric abdominal pain that often radiates to the back20; it is associated with eating and is partly relieved with leaning forward. Symptoms of pancreatic insufficiency such as fat malabsorption (resulting in steatorrhea and fat-soluble vitamin deficiency) and diabetes are common. Calcifications within the pancreas on CT suggest chronic pancreatitis.20 Serum lipase and amylase levels may be normal or slightly elevated.20

Our patient’s abdominal pain was not typical of pancreatitis. He had no signs or symptoms of pancreatic insufficiency and no calcifications within the pancreas.

Chronic mesenteric ischemia

Chronic mesenteric ischemia (“intestinal angina”) is caused by a reduction in intestinal blood flow as a result of occlusion, vasospasm, or hypoperfusion of the mesenteric vasculature.21 It is commonly seen in patients who smoke or who have atherosclerotic vascular disease. These patients have chronic dull or crampy abdominal pain that usually occurs within 1 hour after eating.21 To avoid pain, patients avoid eating, resulting in weight loss.21 CT angiography with multi-detector CT is as effective as angiography (the gold standard) in depicting splanchnic arterial anatomy.22

Our patient is young and has no known risk factors for atherosclerosis such as smoking. His abdominal pain is more intermittent than chronic and is not associated with eating.

Cannabinoid hyperemesis

Cannabinoid hyperemesis should be considered in patients with long-term cannabis use presenting with cyclic vomiting, abdominal pain, compulsive use of hot showers, and improvement of symptoms with cannabis cessation.23 Although cannabinoids have been recognized for their antiemetic effects, long-term use may eventually cause autonomic instability and disturbances in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, resulting in cyclic vomiting and thermoregulatory impairment.23

Although our patient presented with multiple episodes of vomiting and abdominal pain, he denied using marijuana, he tested negative for tetrahydrocannabinol, and he did not associate any relief of his symptoms with hot baths.


Our patient receives intravenous hydration, antiemetics, and a narcotic in tapering intravenous doses, and his symptoms gradually improve. He is discharged from the hospital. However, a few weeks later he is readmitted with the same symptoms of abdominal pain and nausea.



3. What is the cornerstone of treatment for narcotic bowel syndrome?

  • Establishing a therapeutic relationship
  • Detoxification
  • Supportive management with intravenous fluids, antiemetics, and stool-softeners
  • Medical management with a short-acting narcotic, clonidine, lorazepam, and desipramine


An effective therapeutic relationship with the patient is the cornerstone of treatment and should be established before starting detoxification.17 The physician must first learn to accept that the patient’s condition is real and must show genuine empathy as well as provide information about the pathophysiologic basis of the condition, the rationale for withholding narcotics, and the detrimental role narcotics play in the vicious circle of pain.

Detoxification involves gradually withdrawing the narcotic and substituting a nonnarcotic such as an antidepressant for pain control, as well as prescribing a drug such as a benzodiazepine or clonidine to prevent withdrawal symptoms and a laxative to prevent constipation.17,24 The physician must reassure the patient that he or she will not be abandoned in pain and that all medications will be continuously adjusted as needed to keep him or her comfortable throughout the detoxification process.17,24 The physician must continuously gauge the patient’s willingness to continue with treatment and must also be readily available to address the patient’s concerns in a timely manner.17,24 Involving family members and friends may provide additional support to the patient. Referral to a functional gastrointestinal motility program, a pain specialist, and a psychologist may also be considered.17,24 Follow-up care is essential, even after the withdrawal program has ended.17,24


After successfully establishing a therapeutic relationship and discussing the treatment plan with our patient, we started him on the same dosage of narcotic that he had been receiving, calculated in intravenous morphine equivalents to achieve maximal comfort, and then decreased the dosage by 10% to 33% daily until he was completely off narcotics. An antidepressant and a benzodiazepine were given simultaneously with narcotic tapering. Oral clonidine (0.1–0.4 mg/day) was given after the narcotic dosage was reduced to about half, and polyethylene glycol was given as needed for constipation. The total duration of detoxification was 7 days.

The patient was referred to a psychologist for cognitive-behavioral and relaxation therapy, as well as for encouragement and support. At 6 months, he had had no recurrence of symptoms.


In the United States, the number of patients taking a narcotic for nonmalignant pain is increasing, 25 and physicians should be more aware of complications such as narcotic bowel syndrome.

Narcotic bowel syndrome should be suspected in any patient with prolonged narcotic use presenting with multiple recurrent episodes of abdominal pain after other causes are ruled out.

Establishing a good therapeutic relationship with the patient is the cornerstone of successful treatment. Patients who understand their condition and are willing to be treated tend to have better outcomes.

Supportive treatment, symptom relief, and emotional support during detoxification increase compliance.

A 32-year-old man presents to the emergency department with excruciating abdominal pain associated with multiple episodes of vomiting for the past 2 days. He reports no fevers, headaches, diarrhea, constipation, hematochezia, melena, musculoskeletal symptoms, or weight loss. His abdominal pain is generalized and crampy. It does not radiate and has no precipitating factors. The pain is relieved only with intravenous narcotics.

See related editorial

He does not smoke, drink alcohol, or use illicit drugs. He has no known drug or food allergies. He says that his current condition causes him emotional stress that affects his performance at work.

About a year ago, after a complicated surgical procedure, he needed chronic high-dose narcotics. A few months later, he developed multiple bouts of abdominal pain and vomiting that required hospital visits. He now takes oral oxycodone 10–15 mg every 4–6 hours.

On admission, his vital signs are stable, but he is in excruciating pain. He is alert and oriented to person, place, and time. His sclera are anicteric, and the pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light. Lung and heart examinations are normal. The abdomen is soft and nondistended but tender in all four quadrants without guarding; the liver and spleen are not palpable, and no abdominal masses are detected. He has no skin rash, joint swelling or tenderness, or peripheral edema. The neurologic examination is normal. Computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen with contrast shows no signs of bowel obstruction, pancreatic calcifications or edema, cholecystitis, or hepatobiliary disease. Results of initial laboratory testing are shown in Table 1.

1. Based on the information available, which is the least likely cause of his symptoms?

  • Acute pancreatitis
  • Cyclic vomiting syndrome
  • Acute intermittent porphyria
  • Gastroparesis

Acute pancreatitis

Acute pancreatitis is the least likely cause of his symptoms. It is commonly caused by gallstones, alcohol, hypertriglyceridemia, and certain drugs.1 The associated abdominal pain is usually epigastric, radiates to the back, and is accompanied by nausea or vomiting, or both. The onset of pain is sudden and rapidly increases in severity within 30 minutes. CT shows enlargement of the pancreas with diffuse edema, heterogeneity of pancreatic parenchyma, peripancreatic stranding, and peripancreatic fluid collections.1 The diagnosis is based on two of the following three criteria: abdominal pain characteristic of acute pancreatitis; a serum amylase or lipase concentration three or more times the upper limit of normal; and characteristic findings of acute pancreatitis on CT.1

Cyclic vomiting syndrome

Cyclic vomiting syndrome is thought to be caused by episodic dysautonomia, mitochondrial DNA mutations, and hypothalamic emetic response oversensitivity,2–4 but the exact pathogenesis is unknown. The syndrome has been strongly linked to migraine and to the chronic excessive use of cannabinoids.5–9 The Rome III diagnostic criteria10 are the following: the vomiting episodes are stereotypical, ie, they are acute and last for less than 1 week; the patient has had three or more episodes in the previous year; and the patient has no nausea or vomiting between episodes. The patient must meet all three criteria. A history of migraine or a family history of migraine further supports the diagnosis.

Acute intermittent porphyria

Acute intermittent porphyria is characterized by neurovisceral symptoms such as convulsions, paresis, autonomic dysfunction, constipation, and diarrhea that result from the overproduction of porphyrin precursors and deficiency of porphobilinogen deaminase.11

Most patients have poorly localized, severe, steady abdominal pain that develops over hours to days and that may persist for days to weeks.11 Since the pain is neuropathic, abdominal tenderness is usually minimal during an acute attack. Other clues include signs of ileus, such as constipation, nausea, abdominal distention, or decreased bowel sounds; bladder dysfunction, eg, urinary retention, incontinence, or dysuria; reddish-brown urine; and sensory neuropathy of the chest, back, and extremities.11 Blistering skin lesions are usually not seen. The presence of porphobilinogen in the urine confirms the diagnosis.11


Gastroparesis is a result of discoordination between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, neurons, and smooth muscles within the stomach, causing a decrease in gastric motility. Common causes are diabetes,12 scleroderma,13 and neurologic disorders.14 It can also be iatrogenic,15 resulting from visceral nerve injury and drug treatment with narcotics, calcium channel blockers, muscarinic cholinergic antagonists, or certain antidepressants. Symptoms are related to gastric stasis, ie, abdominal pain from gastric distention, bloating, vomiting, and early satiety.15 Abdominal pain may worsen after eating, and vomitus usually consists of recently ingested food. These patients may have abdominal distension or tenderness and succussion splash. After excluding possible mechanical obstruction, a gastric-emptying study may be necessary to make the diagnosis.15


A serum and urine drug screen in our patient is positive only for opioids. Urine measures of delta-aminolevulinic acid and porphobilinogen are normal. CT angiography of the abdomen shows no signs of mesenteric vascular occlusion. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy shows antral gastritis, but the esophagus and duodenum appear normal, and colonoscopy is normal as well. Histologic study of biopsy specimens obtained during endoscopy is unrevealing. A gastric-emptying study shows delayed emptying. The patient’s abdominal pain and vomiting persist with the initial dose of intravenous narcotic but resolve with escalating doses. When asked, the patient denies an excessive need for hot baths.



2. Which is the most likely diagnosis at this point?

  • Narcotic bowel syndrome
  • Opioid withdrawal
  • Crohn disease
  • Chronic pancreatitis
  • Chronic mesenteric ischemia
  • Cannabinoid hyperemesis

Narcotic bowel syndrome

Narcotic bowel syndrome is the most likely diagnosis. Grunkemeier et al16 described it as chronic or frequently recurring abdominal pain that is treated with narcotics, either chronically or acutely with high doses, and that includes all the following features16:

  • The pain worsens or resolves incompletely with continued or increasing doses of narcotics
  • The pain markedly worsens when the narcotic dose is decreased, and decreases when the drug is reinstituted (the “soarand-crash” effect)
  • The frequency, duration, and intensity of the pain episodes gradually increase
  • The nature of the pain and its intensity are not explained by a current or previous gastrointestinal diagnosis.16

This syndrome is common in patients who receive high doses of narcotics for postoperative pain or for other, nonmalignant causes of pain. Patients eventually become dependent on the drugs but are not aware that chronic use activates and facilitates areas in the brain that enhance the perception of pain.16 A study of a rat model of narcotic bowel syndrome17 showed that morphine-induced hyperalgesia depends on central sensitization involving the activation of spinal microglia. This eventually results in concomitant peripheral sensitization involving the colonic mucosal neuroimmune system, and also in central or peripheral activation of opioid kappa-receptors by dynorphin release.17

Patients tend to present with chronic or intermittent colicky abdominal pain that requires escalating doses of narcotics. Eventually, they develop tachyphylaxis and shortened pain-free periods and will require even higher doses of narcotics. This ultimately enhances the perception of pain and worsens opioid bowel symptoms, causing a vicious circle of pain and more narcotic use.16

Laboratory tests are usually normal, and imaging may show only ileus. Gastric emptying may be delayed in patients who have either narcotic bowel syndrome or gastroparesis, but since abdominal pain from narcotic bowel syndrome is a result of central and visceral hypersensitivity, these patients perceive more severe abdominal pain than patients with gastroparesis alone.

Opioid withdrawal

Symptoms of opioid withdrawal may appear as soon as 6 to 24 hours after cessation of the opioid in patients known to be dependent on opioids. These patients present with crampy abdominal pain with nausea.18 Other symptoms include agitation, rhinorrhea, lacrimation, excessive yawning, arthralgias, papillary dilation, and piloerection.18

Our patient did not have the typical signs of opioid withdrawal.

Crohn disease

Crohn disease is a multisystem disorder with specific clinical and pathologic features. It is characterized by focal, asymmetric, transmural, and occasionally granulomatous inflammation primarily affecting the gastrointestinal tract.19 Characteristic symptoms include abdominal pain, chronic diarrhea with or without rectal bleeding, and weight loss. Extraintestinal signs may include anemia and inflammatory changes in the eyes, skin, and joints. The diagnosis is based on endoscopic, radiographic, and pathologic findings.19

Our patient did not have diarrhea or signs of Crohn disease on CT, endoscopy, or histology.

Chronic pancreatitis

Chronic pancreatitis involves progressive inflammatory changes resulting in permanent structural damage to the pancreas and subsequent exocrine and endocrine dysfunction.20 Patients have epigastric abdominal pain that often radiates to the back20; it is associated with eating and is partly relieved with leaning forward. Symptoms of pancreatic insufficiency such as fat malabsorption (resulting in steatorrhea and fat-soluble vitamin deficiency) and diabetes are common. Calcifications within the pancreas on CT suggest chronic pancreatitis.20 Serum lipase and amylase levels may be normal or slightly elevated.20

Our patient’s abdominal pain was not typical of pancreatitis. He had no signs or symptoms of pancreatic insufficiency and no calcifications within the pancreas.

Chronic mesenteric ischemia

Chronic mesenteric ischemia (“intestinal angina”) is caused by a reduction in intestinal blood flow as a result of occlusion, vasospasm, or hypoperfusion of the mesenteric vasculature.21 It is commonly seen in patients who smoke or who have atherosclerotic vascular disease. These patients have chronic dull or crampy abdominal pain that usually occurs within 1 hour after eating.21 To avoid pain, patients avoid eating, resulting in weight loss.21 CT angiography with multi-detector CT is as effective as angiography (the gold standard) in depicting splanchnic arterial anatomy.22

Our patient is young and has no known risk factors for atherosclerosis such as smoking. His abdominal pain is more intermittent than chronic and is not associated with eating.

Cannabinoid hyperemesis

Cannabinoid hyperemesis should be considered in patients with long-term cannabis use presenting with cyclic vomiting, abdominal pain, compulsive use of hot showers, and improvement of symptoms with cannabis cessation.23 Although cannabinoids have been recognized for their antiemetic effects, long-term use may eventually cause autonomic instability and disturbances in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, resulting in cyclic vomiting and thermoregulatory impairment.23

Although our patient presented with multiple episodes of vomiting and abdominal pain, he denied using marijuana, he tested negative for tetrahydrocannabinol, and he did not associate any relief of his symptoms with hot baths.


Our patient receives intravenous hydration, antiemetics, and a narcotic in tapering intravenous doses, and his symptoms gradually improve. He is discharged from the hospital. However, a few weeks later he is readmitted with the same symptoms of abdominal pain and nausea.



3. What is the cornerstone of treatment for narcotic bowel syndrome?

  • Establishing a therapeutic relationship
  • Detoxification
  • Supportive management with intravenous fluids, antiemetics, and stool-softeners
  • Medical management with a short-acting narcotic, clonidine, lorazepam, and desipramine


An effective therapeutic relationship with the patient is the cornerstone of treatment and should be established before starting detoxification.17 The physician must first learn to accept that the patient’s condition is real and must show genuine empathy as well as provide information about the pathophysiologic basis of the condition, the rationale for withholding narcotics, and the detrimental role narcotics play in the vicious circle of pain.

Detoxification involves gradually withdrawing the narcotic and substituting a nonnarcotic such as an antidepressant for pain control, as well as prescribing a drug such as a benzodiazepine or clonidine to prevent withdrawal symptoms and a laxative to prevent constipation.17,24 The physician must reassure the patient that he or she will not be abandoned in pain and that all medications will be continuously adjusted as needed to keep him or her comfortable throughout the detoxification process.17,24 The physician must continuously gauge the patient’s willingness to continue with treatment and must also be readily available to address the patient’s concerns in a timely manner.17,24 Involving family members and friends may provide additional support to the patient. Referral to a functional gastrointestinal motility program, a pain specialist, and a psychologist may also be considered.17,24 Follow-up care is essential, even after the withdrawal program has ended.17,24


After successfully establishing a therapeutic relationship and discussing the treatment plan with our patient, we started him on the same dosage of narcotic that he had been receiving, calculated in intravenous morphine equivalents to achieve maximal comfort, and then decreased the dosage by 10% to 33% daily until he was completely off narcotics. An antidepressant and a benzodiazepine were given simultaneously with narcotic tapering. Oral clonidine (0.1–0.4 mg/day) was given after the narcotic dosage was reduced to about half, and polyethylene glycol was given as needed for constipation. The total duration of detoxification was 7 days.

The patient was referred to a psychologist for cognitive-behavioral and relaxation therapy, as well as for encouragement and support. At 6 months, he had had no recurrence of symptoms.


In the United States, the number of patients taking a narcotic for nonmalignant pain is increasing, 25 and physicians should be more aware of complications such as narcotic bowel syndrome.

Narcotic bowel syndrome should be suspected in any patient with prolonged narcotic use presenting with multiple recurrent episodes of abdominal pain after other causes are ruled out.

Establishing a good therapeutic relationship with the patient is the cornerstone of successful treatment. Patients who understand their condition and are willing to be treated tend to have better outcomes.

Supportive treatment, symptom relief, and emotional support during detoxification increase compliance.

  1. Banks PA, Freeman ML; Practice Parameters Committee of the American College of Gastroenterology. Practice guidelines in acute pancreatitis. Am J Gastroenterol 2006; 101:23792400.
  2. Boles RG, Adams K, Ito M, Li BU. Maternal inheritance in cyclic vomiting syndrome with neuromuscular disease. Am J Med Genet A 2003; 120A:474482.
  3. Wang Q, Ito M, Adams K, et al. Mitochondrial DNA control region sequence variation in migraine headache and cyclic vomiting syndrome. Am J Med Genet A 2004; 131:5058.
  4. Taché Y. Cyclic vomiting syndrome: the corticotropinreleasing-factor hypothesis. Dig Dis Sci 1999; 44(suppl 8):79S86S.
  5. Withers GD, Silburn SR, Forbes DA. Precipitants and aetiology of cyclic vomiting syndrome. Acta Paediatr 1998; 87:272277.
  6. Whitney HB. Cyclic vomiting. A brief review of this affection as illustrated by a typical case. Arch Pediatr 1898; 15:839845.
  7. Stickler GB. Relationship between cyclic vomiting syndrome and migraine. Clin Pediatr (Phila) 2005; 44:505508.
  8. Li BU, Murray RD, Heitlinger LA, Robbins JL, Hayes JR. Is cyclic vomiting syndrome related to migraine? J Pediatr 1999; 134:567572.
  9. Allen JH, de Moore GM, Heddle R, Twartz JC. Cannabinoid hyperemesis: cyclical hyperemesis in association with chronic cannabis abuse. Gut 2004; 53:15661570.
  10. Rome Foundation. Rome III disorders and diagnostic criteria. Accessed February 27, 2013.
  11. Anderson KE, Bloomer JR, Bonkovsky HL, et al. Recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of the acute porphyrias. Ann Intern Med 2005; 142:439450.
  12. Camilleri M. Clinical practice. Diabetic gastroparesis. N Engl J Med 2007; 356:820829.
  13. Maddern GJ, Horowitz M, Jamieson GG, Chatterton BE, Collins PJ, Roberts-Thomson P. Abnormalities of esophageal and gastric emptying in progressive systemic sclerosis. Gastroenterology 1984; 87:922926.
  14. Jost WH. Gastrointestinal dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease. J Neurol Sci 2010; 289:6973.
  15. Parkman HP, Hasler WL, Fisher RS; American Gastroenterological Association. American Gastroenterological Association technical review on the diagnosis and treatment of gastroparesis. Gastroenterology 2004; 127:15921622.
  16. Grunkemeier DM, Cassara JE, Dalton CB, Drossman DA. The narcotic bowel syndrome: clinical features, pathophysiology, and management. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2007; 5:11261139.
  17. Agostini S, Eutamene H, Cartier C, et al. Evidence of central and peripheral sensitization in a rat model of narcotic bowel-like syndrome. Gastroenterology 2010; 139:553563,563.e1e5.
  18. Nicholls L, Bragaw L, Ruetsch C. Opioid dependence treatment and guidelines. J Manag Care Pharm 2010; 16(1 suppl B):S14S21.
  19. Lichtenstein GR, Hanauer SB, Sandborn WJ; Practice Parameters Committee of American College of Gastroenterology. Management of Crohn’s disease in adults. Am J Gastroenterol 2009; 104:465483.
  20. Steer ML, Waxman I, Freedman S. Chronic pancreatitis. N Engl J Med 1995; 332:14821490.
  21. American Gastroenterological Association Medical Position Statement: guidelines on intestinal ischemia. Gastroenterology 2000; 118:951953.
  22. Savastano S, Teso S, Corrà S, Fantozzi O, Miotto D. Multislice CT angiography of the celiac and superior mesenteric arteries: comparison with arteriographic findings. Radiol Med 2002; 103:456463.
  23. Simonetto DA, Oxentenko AS, Herman ML, Szostek JH. Cannabinoid hyperemesis: a case series of 98 patients. Mayo Clin Proc 2012; 87:114119.
  24. Drossman DA, Morris CB, Edwards H, et al. Diagnosis, characterization, and 3-month outcome after detoxification of 39 patients with narcotic bowel syndrome. Am J Gastroenterol 2012; 107:14261440.
  25. Trescot AM, Boswell MV, Atluri SL, et al. Opioid guidelines in the management of chronic non-cancer pain. Pain Physician 2006; 9:139.
  1. Banks PA, Freeman ML; Practice Parameters Committee of the American College of Gastroenterology. Practice guidelines in acute pancreatitis. Am J Gastroenterol 2006; 101:23792400.
  2. Boles RG, Adams K, Ito M, Li BU. Maternal inheritance in cyclic vomiting syndrome with neuromuscular disease. Am J Med Genet A 2003; 120A:474482.
  3. Wang Q, Ito M, Adams K, et al. Mitochondrial DNA control region sequence variation in migraine headache and cyclic vomiting syndrome. Am J Med Genet A 2004; 131:5058.
  4. Taché Y. Cyclic vomiting syndrome: the corticotropinreleasing-factor hypothesis. Dig Dis Sci 1999; 44(suppl 8):79S86S.
  5. Withers GD, Silburn SR, Forbes DA. Precipitants and aetiology of cyclic vomiting syndrome. Acta Paediatr 1998; 87:272277.
  6. Whitney HB. Cyclic vomiting. A brief review of this affection as illustrated by a typical case. Arch Pediatr 1898; 15:839845.
  7. Stickler GB. Relationship between cyclic vomiting syndrome and migraine. Clin Pediatr (Phila) 2005; 44:505508.
  8. Li BU, Murray RD, Heitlinger LA, Robbins JL, Hayes JR. Is cyclic vomiting syndrome related to migraine? J Pediatr 1999; 134:567572.
  9. Allen JH, de Moore GM, Heddle R, Twartz JC. Cannabinoid hyperemesis: cyclical hyperemesis in association with chronic cannabis abuse. Gut 2004; 53:15661570.
  10. Rome Foundation. Rome III disorders and diagnostic criteria. Accessed February 27, 2013.
  11. Anderson KE, Bloomer JR, Bonkovsky HL, et al. Recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of the acute porphyrias. Ann Intern Med 2005; 142:439450.
  12. Camilleri M. Clinical practice. Diabetic gastroparesis. N Engl J Med 2007; 356:820829.
  13. Maddern GJ, Horowitz M, Jamieson GG, Chatterton BE, Collins PJ, Roberts-Thomson P. Abnormalities of esophageal and gastric emptying in progressive systemic sclerosis. Gastroenterology 1984; 87:922926.
  14. Jost WH. Gastrointestinal dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease. J Neurol Sci 2010; 289:6973.
  15. Parkman HP, Hasler WL, Fisher RS; American Gastroenterological Association. American Gastroenterological Association technical review on the diagnosis and treatment of gastroparesis. Gastroenterology 2004; 127:15921622.
  16. Grunkemeier DM, Cassara JE, Dalton CB, Drossman DA. The narcotic bowel syndrome: clinical features, pathophysiology, and management. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2007; 5:11261139.
  17. Agostini S, Eutamene H, Cartier C, et al. Evidence of central and peripheral sensitization in a rat model of narcotic bowel-like syndrome. Gastroenterology 2010; 139:553563,563.e1e5.
  18. Nicholls L, Bragaw L, Ruetsch C. Opioid dependence treatment and guidelines. J Manag Care Pharm 2010; 16(1 suppl B):S14S21.
  19. Lichtenstein GR, Hanauer SB, Sandborn WJ; Practice Parameters Committee of American College of Gastroenterology. Management of Crohn’s disease in adults. Am J Gastroenterol 2009; 104:465483.
  20. Steer ML, Waxman I, Freedman S. Chronic pancreatitis. N Engl J Med 1995; 332:14821490.
  21. American Gastroenterological Association Medical Position Statement: guidelines on intestinal ischemia. Gastroenterology 2000; 118:951953.
  22. Savastano S, Teso S, Corrà S, Fantozzi O, Miotto D. Multislice CT angiography of the celiac and superior mesenteric arteries: comparison with arteriographic findings. Radiol Med 2002; 103:456463.
  23. Simonetto DA, Oxentenko AS, Herman ML, Szostek JH. Cannabinoid hyperemesis: a case series of 98 patients. Mayo Clin Proc 2012; 87:114119.
  24. Drossman DA, Morris CB, Edwards H, et al. Diagnosis, characterization, and 3-month outcome after detoxification of 39 patients with narcotic bowel syndrome. Am J Gastroenterol 2012; 107:14261440.
  25. Trescot AM, Boswell MV, Atluri SL, et al. Opioid guidelines in the management of chronic non-cancer pain. Pain Physician 2006; 9:139.
Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine - 80(7)
Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine - 80(7)
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Recurrent abdominal pain and vomiting
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Recurrent abdominal pain and vomiting
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Not all joint pain is arthritis

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Mon, 09/25/2017 - 10:19
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Not all joint pain is arthritis

A 47-year-old man who had been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis 5 years previously was referred to us for management of bilateral pleural effusions.

Figure 1. Axial T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging with gadolinium contrast shows synovitis (large blue arrow) along the dorsal aspect of the wrist. Also seen are erosions in the carpal bones (thin blue arrow) and bone marrow edema (white arrows), which is asymmetrical compared with the other wrist, a finding highly suggestive of rheumatoid arthritis.

At the time of his diagnosis, his symptoms included pain and swelling of both wrists and the metacarpal joints of both hands. His serum C-reactive protein level had been elevated at that time, but he had no detectable rheumatoid factor. Findings on magnetic resonance imaging of the hand were very suggestive of rheumatoid arthritis (Figure 1).

He had been started on the anti-tumor necrosis factor agent etanercept but his symptoms improved only slightly, and therefore a glucocorticoid had been added.

Two years later, he developed abdominal pain, for which he underwent cholecystectomy. However, he continued to have chronic, generalized abdominal pain, and over the next 4 years he lost 25 lb. Upper endoscopy showed no mucosal changes, and multiple random biopsy samples were obtained for histologic evaluation (FIGURE 2) as part of his workup for chronic abdominal pain.

Q: What is the diagnosis?

Figure 2. (A) The duodenal mucosa shows expansion of the lamina propria by “foamy“ macrophages (black arrow) admixed with eosinophils (yellow arrowhead) and plasma cells (black arrowhead) (hematoxylin and eosin, × 100). (B) Periodic acid-Schiff staining with diastase digestion reveals foamy macrophages containing diastase-resistant bacilli (arrow) (× 200).

A: As shown in Figure 2, staining of duodenal specimens showed intact villous architecture, with focal expansion of the lamina propria by “foamy” macrophages, rare plasma cells, and eosinophils, a key feature of Whipple disease. Periodic acid-Schiff staining showed numerous bacilli within the macrophages, thus confirming the diagnosis of Whipple disease. The diagnosis was also confirmed by polymerase chain reaction testing. Staining for acid-fast bacilli was negative.


Whipple disease is a rare systemic disease with a very low incidence rate worldwide. Thus, its prevalence is difficult to estimate accurately. It is caused by a gram-positive bacterium, Tropheryma whippelii.1,2 The typical clinical manifestations are diarrhea, abdominal pain, weight loss, and fever. In most patients, these are often preceded by articular symptoms,3 as in our patient, who had articular symptoms for 5 years before he was diagnosed with Whipple disease.

Interestingly, our patient also had pleural effusion, which is uncommon in Whipple disease.4

The pathogenesis of Whipple disease is thought to be related to bacterial replication within macrophages, which leads to a systemic immune response and tissue infiltration by the organism.5 Histologic evaluation is the most common way to confirm the diagnosis.

As our patient’s disease course illustrates, Whipple disease should be part of the differential diagnosis of arthritis, as antibiotic therapy alone leads to a dramatic clinical response.

Our patient was started on a 2-week course of intravenous ceftriaxone followed by oral sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim, and his abdominal and articular symptoms completely resolved within 4 weeks.

  1. Dutly F, Altwegg M. Whipple’s disease and ‘Tropheryma whippelii.’ Clin Microbiol Rev 2001; 14:561583.
  2. Raoult D, Birg ML, La Scola B, et al. Cultivation of the bacillus of Whipple’s disease. N Engl J Med 2000; 342:620625.
  3. Relman DA, Schmidt TM, MacDermott RP, Falkow S. Identification of the uncultured bacillus of Whipple’s disease. N Engl J Med 1992; 327:293301.
  4. Durand DV, Lecomte C, Cathébras P, Rousset H, Godeau P. Whipple disease. Clinical review of 52 cases. The SNFMI Research Group on Whipple disease. Société Nationale Française de Médecine Interne. Medicine (Baltimore) 1997; 76:170184.
  5. Dobbins WO, Ruffin JM. A light- and electron-microscopic study of bacterial invasion in Whipple’s disease. Am J Pathol 1967; 51:225242.
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Author and Disclosure Information

Gursimran S. Kochhar, MD
Department of Hospital Medicine, Cleveland Clinic

Maged Rizk, MD
Department of Gastroenterology, Cleveland Clinic

Deepa T. Patil, MD
Department of Anatomic Pathology, Cleveland Clinic

Address: Gursimran S. Kochhar, MD, Department of Hospital Medicine, M2 Anx, Cleveland Clinic, 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44195; e-mail:

Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine - 80(5)
Page Number
Author and Disclosure Information

Gursimran S. Kochhar, MD
Department of Hospital Medicine, Cleveland Clinic

Maged Rizk, MD
Department of Gastroenterology, Cleveland Clinic

Deepa T. Patil, MD
Department of Anatomic Pathology, Cleveland Clinic

Address: Gursimran S. Kochhar, MD, Department of Hospital Medicine, M2 Anx, Cleveland Clinic, 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44195; e-mail:

Author and Disclosure Information

Gursimran S. Kochhar, MD
Department of Hospital Medicine, Cleveland Clinic

Maged Rizk, MD
Department of Gastroenterology, Cleveland Clinic

Deepa T. Patil, MD
Department of Anatomic Pathology, Cleveland Clinic

Address: Gursimran S. Kochhar, MD, Department of Hospital Medicine, M2 Anx, Cleveland Clinic, 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44195; e-mail:

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A 47-year-old man who had been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis 5 years previously was referred to us for management of bilateral pleural effusions.

Figure 1. Axial T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging with gadolinium contrast shows synovitis (large blue arrow) along the dorsal aspect of the wrist. Also seen are erosions in the carpal bones (thin blue arrow) and bone marrow edema (white arrows), which is asymmetrical compared with the other wrist, a finding highly suggestive of rheumatoid arthritis.

At the time of his diagnosis, his symptoms included pain and swelling of both wrists and the metacarpal joints of both hands. His serum C-reactive protein level had been elevated at that time, but he had no detectable rheumatoid factor. Findings on magnetic resonance imaging of the hand were very suggestive of rheumatoid arthritis (Figure 1).

He had been started on the anti-tumor necrosis factor agent etanercept but his symptoms improved only slightly, and therefore a glucocorticoid had been added.

Two years later, he developed abdominal pain, for which he underwent cholecystectomy. However, he continued to have chronic, generalized abdominal pain, and over the next 4 years he lost 25 lb. Upper endoscopy showed no mucosal changes, and multiple random biopsy samples were obtained for histologic evaluation (FIGURE 2) as part of his workup for chronic abdominal pain.

Q: What is the diagnosis?

Figure 2. (A) The duodenal mucosa shows expansion of the lamina propria by “foamy“ macrophages (black arrow) admixed with eosinophils (yellow arrowhead) and plasma cells (black arrowhead) (hematoxylin and eosin, × 100). (B) Periodic acid-Schiff staining with diastase digestion reveals foamy macrophages containing diastase-resistant bacilli (arrow) (× 200).

A: As shown in Figure 2, staining of duodenal specimens showed intact villous architecture, with focal expansion of the lamina propria by “foamy” macrophages, rare plasma cells, and eosinophils, a key feature of Whipple disease. Periodic acid-Schiff staining showed numerous bacilli within the macrophages, thus confirming the diagnosis of Whipple disease. The diagnosis was also confirmed by polymerase chain reaction testing. Staining for acid-fast bacilli was negative.


Whipple disease is a rare systemic disease with a very low incidence rate worldwide. Thus, its prevalence is difficult to estimate accurately. It is caused by a gram-positive bacterium, Tropheryma whippelii.1,2 The typical clinical manifestations are diarrhea, abdominal pain, weight loss, and fever. In most patients, these are often preceded by articular symptoms,3 as in our patient, who had articular symptoms for 5 years before he was diagnosed with Whipple disease.

Interestingly, our patient also had pleural effusion, which is uncommon in Whipple disease.4

The pathogenesis of Whipple disease is thought to be related to bacterial replication within macrophages, which leads to a systemic immune response and tissue infiltration by the organism.5 Histologic evaluation is the most common way to confirm the diagnosis.

As our patient’s disease course illustrates, Whipple disease should be part of the differential diagnosis of arthritis, as antibiotic therapy alone leads to a dramatic clinical response.

Our patient was started on a 2-week course of intravenous ceftriaxone followed by oral sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim, and his abdominal and articular symptoms completely resolved within 4 weeks.

A 47-year-old man who had been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis 5 years previously was referred to us for management of bilateral pleural effusions.

Figure 1. Axial T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging with gadolinium contrast shows synovitis (large blue arrow) along the dorsal aspect of the wrist. Also seen are erosions in the carpal bones (thin blue arrow) and bone marrow edema (white arrows), which is asymmetrical compared with the other wrist, a finding highly suggestive of rheumatoid arthritis.

At the time of his diagnosis, his symptoms included pain and swelling of both wrists and the metacarpal joints of both hands. His serum C-reactive protein level had been elevated at that time, but he had no detectable rheumatoid factor. Findings on magnetic resonance imaging of the hand were very suggestive of rheumatoid arthritis (Figure 1).

He had been started on the anti-tumor necrosis factor agent etanercept but his symptoms improved only slightly, and therefore a glucocorticoid had been added.

Two years later, he developed abdominal pain, for which he underwent cholecystectomy. However, he continued to have chronic, generalized abdominal pain, and over the next 4 years he lost 25 lb. Upper endoscopy showed no mucosal changes, and multiple random biopsy samples were obtained for histologic evaluation (FIGURE 2) as part of his workup for chronic abdominal pain.

Q: What is the diagnosis?

Figure 2. (A) The duodenal mucosa shows expansion of the lamina propria by “foamy“ macrophages (black arrow) admixed with eosinophils (yellow arrowhead) and plasma cells (black arrowhead) (hematoxylin and eosin, × 100). (B) Periodic acid-Schiff staining with diastase digestion reveals foamy macrophages containing diastase-resistant bacilli (arrow) (× 200).

A: As shown in Figure 2, staining of duodenal specimens showed intact villous architecture, with focal expansion of the lamina propria by “foamy” macrophages, rare plasma cells, and eosinophils, a key feature of Whipple disease. Periodic acid-Schiff staining showed numerous bacilli within the macrophages, thus confirming the diagnosis of Whipple disease. The diagnosis was also confirmed by polymerase chain reaction testing. Staining for acid-fast bacilli was negative.


Whipple disease is a rare systemic disease with a very low incidence rate worldwide. Thus, its prevalence is difficult to estimate accurately. It is caused by a gram-positive bacterium, Tropheryma whippelii.1,2 The typical clinical manifestations are diarrhea, abdominal pain, weight loss, and fever. In most patients, these are often preceded by articular symptoms,3 as in our patient, who had articular symptoms for 5 years before he was diagnosed with Whipple disease.

Interestingly, our patient also had pleural effusion, which is uncommon in Whipple disease.4

The pathogenesis of Whipple disease is thought to be related to bacterial replication within macrophages, which leads to a systemic immune response and tissue infiltration by the organism.5 Histologic evaluation is the most common way to confirm the diagnosis.

As our patient’s disease course illustrates, Whipple disease should be part of the differential diagnosis of arthritis, as antibiotic therapy alone leads to a dramatic clinical response.

Our patient was started on a 2-week course of intravenous ceftriaxone followed by oral sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim, and his abdominal and articular symptoms completely resolved within 4 weeks.

  1. Dutly F, Altwegg M. Whipple’s disease and ‘Tropheryma whippelii.’ Clin Microbiol Rev 2001; 14:561583.
  2. Raoult D, Birg ML, La Scola B, et al. Cultivation of the bacillus of Whipple’s disease. N Engl J Med 2000; 342:620625.
  3. Relman DA, Schmidt TM, MacDermott RP, Falkow S. Identification of the uncultured bacillus of Whipple’s disease. N Engl J Med 1992; 327:293301.
  4. Durand DV, Lecomte C, Cathébras P, Rousset H, Godeau P. Whipple disease. Clinical review of 52 cases. The SNFMI Research Group on Whipple disease. Société Nationale Française de Médecine Interne. Medicine (Baltimore) 1997; 76:170184.
  5. Dobbins WO, Ruffin JM. A light- and electron-microscopic study of bacterial invasion in Whipple’s disease. Am J Pathol 1967; 51:225242.
  1. Dutly F, Altwegg M. Whipple’s disease and ‘Tropheryma whippelii.’ Clin Microbiol Rev 2001; 14:561583.
  2. Raoult D, Birg ML, La Scola B, et al. Cultivation of the bacillus of Whipple’s disease. N Engl J Med 2000; 342:620625.
  3. Relman DA, Schmidt TM, MacDermott RP, Falkow S. Identification of the uncultured bacillus of Whipple’s disease. N Engl J Med 1992; 327:293301.
  4. Durand DV, Lecomte C, Cathébras P, Rousset H, Godeau P. Whipple disease. Clinical review of 52 cases. The SNFMI Research Group on Whipple disease. Société Nationale Française de Médecine Interne. Medicine (Baltimore) 1997; 76:170184.
  5. Dobbins WO, Ruffin JM. A light- and electron-microscopic study of bacterial invasion in Whipple’s disease. Am J Pathol 1967; 51:225242.
Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine - 80(5)
Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine - 80(5)
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Not all joint pain is arthritis
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Not all joint pain is arthritis
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Alternative CME
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