Suicide screening: How to recognize and treat at-risk adults

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Fri, 04/17/2020 - 09:08
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Suicide screening: How to recognize and treat at-risk adults


Emily T,* a 30-year-old woman, visited her primary care physician as follow-up to reassess her grief over the loss of her father a year earlier. Emily was her father’s primary caretaker and still lived alone in his home. Emily had a history of chronic pain and major depressive disorder and had expressed feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness about her future since her father’s passing. In addition to her continuing grief response, she reported feeling worse on most days. She completed the Patient Health Questionnaire-9, and results indicated anhedonia, depressed mood, psychomotor retardation, hypersomnia, decreased appetite, decreased concentration, and thoughts that she would be better off dead.


* The patient’s name has been changed to protect her identity.

In the United States, 1 suicide occurs on average every 12 minutes; lifetime prevalence of suicide attempts ranges from 1.9% to 8.7%.1 Suicide is the 10th overall cause of death in the United States, and it is the second leading cause of death for adults 18 to 34 years of age.2 In one study, nearly half of suicide victims had contact with primary care providers within 1 month of their suicide.3 Unfortunately, additional research suggests that primary care physicians appropriately screen for suicide in fewer than 40% of patient encounters.4,5

Suicide is defined as “death caused by self-directed injurious behavior with any intent to die as a result of the behavior.”6 When screening for suicide, be aware of the many terms related to suicide evaluation (TABLE 16). Be mindful, too, of the differences between suicidal and nonsuicidal ideation (death wish); the continuum of such thoughts ranges from those that lead to suicide to those that do not.

Terms commonly used in suicide assessment


Although most health care providers would agree that intervening with a suicidal patient first requires competence in assessing suicide risk, regulating bodies differ on the use of routine screening and on appropriate screening tools for primary care. The Joint Commission recommends assessing suicide risk with all primary care patients,7 while the US Preventive Services Tasks Force (USPSTF) advises against universal suicide screening in primary care8 due to insufficient evidence that its benefit outweighs potential harm (TABLE 27-12). Instead, the USPSTF recommends screening primary care patients with known mental health disorders, recent inpatient psychiatric hospitalization, prior suicide or self-harm attempts, or increased emotional distress.8 USPSTF does support screening for depression with routine mental health measures that include items assessing suicidality.8,13,14 The American Academy of Family Physicians supports the recommendations by USPSTF.13

Suicide screening recommendations for primary care practice

When screening for suicide, a comprehensive suicide risk assessment is recommended by both the Joint Commission and USPSTF.7,8 A comprehensive suicide risk assessment has 4 components: (1) identification of current suicide risk factors, (2) identification of protective factors, (3) inquiry about suicidal ideation, intent, and plan, and (4) primary care practitioner judgment of risk level and plan for clinical intervention.9-11

Take into account both risks and protective factors

Unfortunately, there is no “typical” description of a patient at risk for suicide and no validated models to predict suicide risk.8,10 A multitude of factors, both individual and societal, can increase or reduce risk of suicide.11,15 Each patient’s unique history includes risk factors for suicide including precipitating events (eg, job loss, termination of a relationship, death of a loved one) and protective factors that may be evaluated to determine overall risk for suicide (TABLE 38,10,11,15). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are several warning signs for patients who may be at greater risk for suicide: isolation, increased anxiety or anger, obtaining lethal means (eg, guns, knives, ropes), frequent mood swings, sleep changes, feeling trapped or in pain, increased substance use, discussing plans for death or wishes of death, and feeling like a burden.16

Risks and protective factors for suicide


Brief mental health screening tools such as the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) are commonly used as primary screening tools for suicidal ideation.17 However, to attain a fuller understanding of a patient’s suicidality, select a screening tool that specifically focuses on suicidal ideation, intent, or plan, and then interview the patient (TABLE 410,11,15).

Clinical interview guide for assessing suicide risk

Continue to: Several screening tools...



Several screening tools are available for exploring a patient’s suicidality. Unfortunately, most of them are supported by limited evidence of effectiveness in identifying suicide risk.8-10 An exception is the well-researched and commonly used Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS).18,19 In a comparative study conducted at 2 primary care clinics, researchers found that the suicide item included in the PHQ-9 provided poor sensitivity but moderate specificity (60% and 84%, respectively),20 while the C-SSRS showed high sensitivity (100%) and specificity (96%-100%) in accurately identifying various suicidal self-injurious behaviors above and beyond what was identified through a structured clinical interview.20 Free copies of the C-SSRS, training materials, and follow-up assessments in multiple languages can be obtained on The Columbia Lighthouse Project Web site (


While there is debate regarding whom to screen for suicide, the importance of intervention when a patient is revealed to be at risk is clear. After completing a comprehensive suicide risk assessment, designate the patient’s level of risk as high, moderate, or low, and follow a stepped approach to clinical care (see the Assessment and Interventions with Potentially Suicidal Patients table (page 31) at Provide any patient at risk, regardless of level, with contact information for local crisis and peer support as well as national resources (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, (800) 273-TALK (8255),; Crisis Text Line, Text HOME to 741741,

The Columbia- Suicide Severity Rating Scale has higher sensitivity and specificity for suicide risk than the PHQ-9.

When a patient is at high risk for suicide and reports an imminent plan or intent, ensure their safety through inpatient psychiatric hospitalization and then close follow-up upon hospital discharge. First encourage voluntary hospitalization in a collaborative discussion with the patient; resort to involuntary hospitalization only if the patient resists.


What not to do. When the patient does not require immediate hospitalization, evidence recommends against contracting for patient safety via a written contract or requiring patients to verbally guarantee that they will not commit suicide upon leaving a provider’s office.21 Concerns about such contracts include a lack of evidence supporting their use, decreased vigilance by health care workers when such contracts are in place, and questions regarding informed consent and competence.21 Instead, engage a patient who is at moderate or low risk in safety planning, and meet with the patient frequently to discuss continued safety planning through close follow-up (or with a behavioral health provider if available).10-12,22 With patients previously identified as at high risk for suicide who return from inpatient psychiatric hospitalization, continue to screen them for suicide at subsequent visits and engage them in collaborative safety planning.

Safety planning (TABLE 512), also known as crisis response planning, is considered a best practice and effective suicide prevention intervention by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Best Practices Registry for Suicide Prevention.23 Safety planning involves a collaboration between patient and physician to identify risk factors and protective factors along with crisis resources and strategies to reduce engagement in suicide behaviors.12,22

Safety planning should include these elements

Continue to: THE CASE




Based on the concerning results from the ­PHQ-9 suicide item, Emily’s physician conducted a comprehensive suicide risk assessment using both clinical interview and the C-SSRS. Emily reported that she was experiencing daily suicidal ideations due to a lack of social support and longing to be with her deceased father. She had not previously attempted suicide and had no imminent intent to commit suicide. Emily did, however, have a plan to overdose on opioid medications she had been collecting for many months. Her physician determined that Emily was at moderate risk for suicide and consulted with the clinic’s behavioral health consultant, a psychologist, to confirm a treatment plan.

After a comprehensive suicide risk assessment, determine the patient’s level of risk and follow a stepped approach to clinical care.

Emily and her physician collaboratively developed a safety plan including means reduction. Emily agreed to have her physician contact a friend to assist with safety planning, and she brought her opioid medications to the primary care clinic for disposal. Follow-up appointments were scheduled with the physician for every other week. The psychologist was available at the time of the first biweekly appointment to consult with the physician if needed. This initial appointment was focused on Emily’s suicide risk and her ability to engage in safety planning. In addition, the physician recommended that Emily schedule time with the psychologist so that she could work on her grief and depressive symptoms.


After several weeks of the biweekly appointments with both the primary care provider and the psychologist, Emily was no longer reporting suicidal ideation and she was ready to engage in coping strategies to deal with her grief and depressive symptoms.

Meredith L.C. Williamson, PhD, 2900 E. 29th Street, Suite 100, Bryan, TX 77802;


1. Nock MK, Borges G, Bromet EJ, et al. Suicide and suicidal behavior. Epidemiol Rev. 2008;30:133-154.

2. National Institute of Mental Health. Suicide. Accessed October 18, 2019.

3. Luoma JB, Martin CE, Pearson JL. Contact with mental health and primary care providers before suicide: a review of the evidence. Am J Psychiatry. 2002;159:909-916.

4. Vannoy SD, Robins LS. Suicide-related discussions with depressed primary care patients in the USA: gender and quality gaps. A mixed methods analysis. BMJ Open. 2011;1:e000198.

5. Feldman MD, Franks P, Duberstein PR, et al. Let’s not talk about it: suicide inquiry in primary care. Ann Fam Med. 2007;5:412-418.

6. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of the Surgeon General and National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention. 2012 National strategy for suicide prevention: goals and objectives for action. Accessed October 18, 2019.

7. The Joint Commission. Detecting and treating suicide ideation in all settings. Sentinel Event Alert. 2016;(56):1-7.

8. LeFevre ML, U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Screening for suicide risk in adolescents, adults, and older adults in primary care: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement. Ann Intern Med. 2014;160:719-726.

9. American Psychiatric Association. Practice guidelines for the assessment and treatment of patients with suicidal behaviors. 2010. Accessed October 18, 2019.

10. Department of Veterans Affairs & Department of Defense. VA/DoD clinical practice guideline for assessment and management of patients at risk for suicide. 2013. https://www.healthqual­ Accessed October 18, 2019.

11. Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education. Suicide prevention toolkit for primary care practices. 2017. Accessed ­October 18, 2019.

12. Stanley B, Brown GK. Safety planning intervention: a brief intervention to mitigate suicide risk. Cogn Behav Pract. 2012;19:256-264.

13. Screening for suicide risk in adolescents, adults, and older adults in primary care: recommendation statement. Am Fam Physician. 2015;91:190F-190I.

14. O’Connor E, Gaynes B, Burda BU, et al. Screening for suicide risk in primary care: a systematic evidence review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Evidence synthesis no. 103. Accessed October 25, 2019.

15. Suicide Prevention Resource Center. Risk and protective factors. ­Accessed October 18, 2019.

16. CDC. Suicide rising across the US: more than a mental health concern. Accessed October 18, 2019.

17. Martin A, Rief W, Klaiberg A, et al. Validity of the Brief Patient Health Questionnaire Mood Scale (PHQ-9) in the general population. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2006;28:71-77.

18. Posner K, Brown GK, Stanley B, et al. The Columbia-Suicide ­Severity Rating Scale: initial validity and internal consistency findings from three multisite studies with adolescents and adults. Am J Psychiatry. 2011;168:1266-1277.

19. The Columbia Lighthouse Project. Identify risk. Prevent suicide. Accessed October 25, 2019.

20. Uebelacker LA, German NM, Gaudiano BA, et al. Patient health questionnaire depression scale as a suicide screening instrument in depressed primary care patients: a cross-sectional study. Prim Care Companion CNS Disord. 2011;13:pii: PCC.10m01027.

21. Hoffman RM. Contracting for safety: a misused tool. Pa Patient Saf Advis. 2013;10:82-84.

22. Stanley B, Brown GK, Brenner LA, et al. Comparison of the safety planning intervention with follow-up vs usual care of suicidal patients treated in the emergency department. JAMA Psychiatry. 2018;75:894-900.

23. Suicide Prevention Resource Center. Safety planning in emergency settings. Accessed October 25, 2019.

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Author and Disclosure Information

Texas A&M Family Medicine Residency Program, Texas A&M Health Science Center, Bryan (Drs. Meredith and Brandon Williamson, Hogue, Roberman, and Neal); and Medstar Franklin Square Medical Center, Baltimore, Md (Dr. Cotter).

The authors reported no potential conflict of interest relevant to this article.

The Journal of Family Practice - 68(9)
Page Number
Author and Disclosure Information

Texas A&M Family Medicine Residency Program, Texas A&M Health Science Center, Bryan (Drs. Meredith and Brandon Williamson, Hogue, Roberman, and Neal); and Medstar Franklin Square Medical Center, Baltimore, Md (Dr. Cotter).

The authors reported no potential conflict of interest relevant to this article.

Author and Disclosure Information

Texas A&M Family Medicine Residency Program, Texas A&M Health Science Center, Bryan (Drs. Meredith and Brandon Williamson, Hogue, Roberman, and Neal); and Medstar Franklin Square Medical Center, Baltimore, Md (Dr. Cotter).

The authors reported no potential conflict of interest relevant to this article.

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Emily T,* a 30-year-old woman, visited her primary care physician as follow-up to reassess her grief over the loss of her father a year earlier. Emily was her father’s primary caretaker and still lived alone in his home. Emily had a history of chronic pain and major depressive disorder and had expressed feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness about her future since her father’s passing. In addition to her continuing grief response, she reported feeling worse on most days. She completed the Patient Health Questionnaire-9, and results indicated anhedonia, depressed mood, psychomotor retardation, hypersomnia, decreased appetite, decreased concentration, and thoughts that she would be better off dead.


* The patient’s name has been changed to protect her identity.

In the United States, 1 suicide occurs on average every 12 minutes; lifetime prevalence of suicide attempts ranges from 1.9% to 8.7%.1 Suicide is the 10th overall cause of death in the United States, and it is the second leading cause of death for adults 18 to 34 years of age.2 In one study, nearly half of suicide victims had contact with primary care providers within 1 month of their suicide.3 Unfortunately, additional research suggests that primary care physicians appropriately screen for suicide in fewer than 40% of patient encounters.4,5

Suicide is defined as “death caused by self-directed injurious behavior with any intent to die as a result of the behavior.”6 When screening for suicide, be aware of the many terms related to suicide evaluation (TABLE 16). Be mindful, too, of the differences between suicidal and nonsuicidal ideation (death wish); the continuum of such thoughts ranges from those that lead to suicide to those that do not.

Terms commonly used in suicide assessment


Although most health care providers would agree that intervening with a suicidal patient first requires competence in assessing suicide risk, regulating bodies differ on the use of routine screening and on appropriate screening tools for primary care. The Joint Commission recommends assessing suicide risk with all primary care patients,7 while the US Preventive Services Tasks Force (USPSTF) advises against universal suicide screening in primary care8 due to insufficient evidence that its benefit outweighs potential harm (TABLE 27-12). Instead, the USPSTF recommends screening primary care patients with known mental health disorders, recent inpatient psychiatric hospitalization, prior suicide or self-harm attempts, or increased emotional distress.8 USPSTF does support screening for depression with routine mental health measures that include items assessing suicidality.8,13,14 The American Academy of Family Physicians supports the recommendations by USPSTF.13

Suicide screening recommendations for primary care practice

When screening for suicide, a comprehensive suicide risk assessment is recommended by both the Joint Commission and USPSTF.7,8 A comprehensive suicide risk assessment has 4 components: (1) identification of current suicide risk factors, (2) identification of protective factors, (3) inquiry about suicidal ideation, intent, and plan, and (4) primary care practitioner judgment of risk level and plan for clinical intervention.9-11

Take into account both risks and protective factors

Unfortunately, there is no “typical” description of a patient at risk for suicide and no validated models to predict suicide risk.8,10 A multitude of factors, both individual and societal, can increase or reduce risk of suicide.11,15 Each patient’s unique history includes risk factors for suicide including precipitating events (eg, job loss, termination of a relationship, death of a loved one) and protective factors that may be evaluated to determine overall risk for suicide (TABLE 38,10,11,15). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are several warning signs for patients who may be at greater risk for suicide: isolation, increased anxiety or anger, obtaining lethal means (eg, guns, knives, ropes), frequent mood swings, sleep changes, feeling trapped or in pain, increased substance use, discussing plans for death or wishes of death, and feeling like a burden.16

Risks and protective factors for suicide


Brief mental health screening tools such as the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) are commonly used as primary screening tools for suicidal ideation.17 However, to attain a fuller understanding of a patient’s suicidality, select a screening tool that specifically focuses on suicidal ideation, intent, or plan, and then interview the patient (TABLE 410,11,15).

Clinical interview guide for assessing suicide risk

Continue to: Several screening tools...



Several screening tools are available for exploring a patient’s suicidality. Unfortunately, most of them are supported by limited evidence of effectiveness in identifying suicide risk.8-10 An exception is the well-researched and commonly used Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS).18,19 In a comparative study conducted at 2 primary care clinics, researchers found that the suicide item included in the PHQ-9 provided poor sensitivity but moderate specificity (60% and 84%, respectively),20 while the C-SSRS showed high sensitivity (100%) and specificity (96%-100%) in accurately identifying various suicidal self-injurious behaviors above and beyond what was identified through a structured clinical interview.20 Free copies of the C-SSRS, training materials, and follow-up assessments in multiple languages can be obtained on The Columbia Lighthouse Project Web site (


While there is debate regarding whom to screen for suicide, the importance of intervention when a patient is revealed to be at risk is clear. After completing a comprehensive suicide risk assessment, designate the patient’s level of risk as high, moderate, or low, and follow a stepped approach to clinical care (see the Assessment and Interventions with Potentially Suicidal Patients table (page 31) at Provide any patient at risk, regardless of level, with contact information for local crisis and peer support as well as national resources (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, (800) 273-TALK (8255),; Crisis Text Line, Text HOME to 741741,

The Columbia- Suicide Severity Rating Scale has higher sensitivity and specificity for suicide risk than the PHQ-9.

When a patient is at high risk for suicide and reports an imminent plan or intent, ensure their safety through inpatient psychiatric hospitalization and then close follow-up upon hospital discharge. First encourage voluntary hospitalization in a collaborative discussion with the patient; resort to involuntary hospitalization only if the patient resists.


What not to do. When the patient does not require immediate hospitalization, evidence recommends against contracting for patient safety via a written contract or requiring patients to verbally guarantee that they will not commit suicide upon leaving a provider’s office.21 Concerns about such contracts include a lack of evidence supporting their use, decreased vigilance by health care workers when such contracts are in place, and questions regarding informed consent and competence.21 Instead, engage a patient who is at moderate or low risk in safety planning, and meet with the patient frequently to discuss continued safety planning through close follow-up (or with a behavioral health provider if available).10-12,22 With patients previously identified as at high risk for suicide who return from inpatient psychiatric hospitalization, continue to screen them for suicide at subsequent visits and engage them in collaborative safety planning.

Safety planning (TABLE 512), also known as crisis response planning, is considered a best practice and effective suicide prevention intervention by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Best Practices Registry for Suicide Prevention.23 Safety planning involves a collaboration between patient and physician to identify risk factors and protective factors along with crisis resources and strategies to reduce engagement in suicide behaviors.12,22

Safety planning should include these elements

Continue to: THE CASE




Based on the concerning results from the ­PHQ-9 suicide item, Emily’s physician conducted a comprehensive suicide risk assessment using both clinical interview and the C-SSRS. Emily reported that she was experiencing daily suicidal ideations due to a lack of social support and longing to be with her deceased father. She had not previously attempted suicide and had no imminent intent to commit suicide. Emily did, however, have a plan to overdose on opioid medications she had been collecting for many months. Her physician determined that Emily was at moderate risk for suicide and consulted with the clinic’s behavioral health consultant, a psychologist, to confirm a treatment plan.

After a comprehensive suicide risk assessment, determine the patient’s level of risk and follow a stepped approach to clinical care.

Emily and her physician collaboratively developed a safety plan including means reduction. Emily agreed to have her physician contact a friend to assist with safety planning, and she brought her opioid medications to the primary care clinic for disposal. Follow-up appointments were scheduled with the physician for every other week. The psychologist was available at the time of the first biweekly appointment to consult with the physician if needed. This initial appointment was focused on Emily’s suicide risk and her ability to engage in safety planning. In addition, the physician recommended that Emily schedule time with the psychologist so that she could work on her grief and depressive symptoms.


After several weeks of the biweekly appointments with both the primary care provider and the psychologist, Emily was no longer reporting suicidal ideation and she was ready to engage in coping strategies to deal with her grief and depressive symptoms.

Meredith L.C. Williamson, PhD, 2900 E. 29th Street, Suite 100, Bryan, TX 77802;


Emily T,* a 30-year-old woman, visited her primary care physician as follow-up to reassess her grief over the loss of her father a year earlier. Emily was her father’s primary caretaker and still lived alone in his home. Emily had a history of chronic pain and major depressive disorder and had expressed feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness about her future since her father’s passing. In addition to her continuing grief response, she reported feeling worse on most days. She completed the Patient Health Questionnaire-9, and results indicated anhedonia, depressed mood, psychomotor retardation, hypersomnia, decreased appetite, decreased concentration, and thoughts that she would be better off dead.


* The patient’s name has been changed to protect her identity.

In the United States, 1 suicide occurs on average every 12 minutes; lifetime prevalence of suicide attempts ranges from 1.9% to 8.7%.1 Suicide is the 10th overall cause of death in the United States, and it is the second leading cause of death for adults 18 to 34 years of age.2 In one study, nearly half of suicide victims had contact with primary care providers within 1 month of their suicide.3 Unfortunately, additional research suggests that primary care physicians appropriately screen for suicide in fewer than 40% of patient encounters.4,5

Suicide is defined as “death caused by self-directed injurious behavior with any intent to die as a result of the behavior.”6 When screening for suicide, be aware of the many terms related to suicide evaluation (TABLE 16). Be mindful, too, of the differences between suicidal and nonsuicidal ideation (death wish); the continuum of such thoughts ranges from those that lead to suicide to those that do not.

Terms commonly used in suicide assessment


Although most health care providers would agree that intervening with a suicidal patient first requires competence in assessing suicide risk, regulating bodies differ on the use of routine screening and on appropriate screening tools for primary care. The Joint Commission recommends assessing suicide risk with all primary care patients,7 while the US Preventive Services Tasks Force (USPSTF) advises against universal suicide screening in primary care8 due to insufficient evidence that its benefit outweighs potential harm (TABLE 27-12). Instead, the USPSTF recommends screening primary care patients with known mental health disorders, recent inpatient psychiatric hospitalization, prior suicide or self-harm attempts, or increased emotional distress.8 USPSTF does support screening for depression with routine mental health measures that include items assessing suicidality.8,13,14 The American Academy of Family Physicians supports the recommendations by USPSTF.13

Suicide screening recommendations for primary care practice

When screening for suicide, a comprehensive suicide risk assessment is recommended by both the Joint Commission and USPSTF.7,8 A comprehensive suicide risk assessment has 4 components: (1) identification of current suicide risk factors, (2) identification of protective factors, (3) inquiry about suicidal ideation, intent, and plan, and (4) primary care practitioner judgment of risk level and plan for clinical intervention.9-11

Take into account both risks and protective factors

Unfortunately, there is no “typical” description of a patient at risk for suicide and no validated models to predict suicide risk.8,10 A multitude of factors, both individual and societal, can increase or reduce risk of suicide.11,15 Each patient’s unique history includes risk factors for suicide including precipitating events (eg, job loss, termination of a relationship, death of a loved one) and protective factors that may be evaluated to determine overall risk for suicide (TABLE 38,10,11,15). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are several warning signs for patients who may be at greater risk for suicide: isolation, increased anxiety or anger, obtaining lethal means (eg, guns, knives, ropes), frequent mood swings, sleep changes, feeling trapped or in pain, increased substance use, discussing plans for death or wishes of death, and feeling like a burden.16

Risks and protective factors for suicide


Brief mental health screening tools such as the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) are commonly used as primary screening tools for suicidal ideation.17 However, to attain a fuller understanding of a patient’s suicidality, select a screening tool that specifically focuses on suicidal ideation, intent, or plan, and then interview the patient (TABLE 410,11,15).

Clinical interview guide for assessing suicide risk

Continue to: Several screening tools...



Several screening tools are available for exploring a patient’s suicidality. Unfortunately, most of them are supported by limited evidence of effectiveness in identifying suicide risk.8-10 An exception is the well-researched and commonly used Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS).18,19 In a comparative study conducted at 2 primary care clinics, researchers found that the suicide item included in the PHQ-9 provided poor sensitivity but moderate specificity (60% and 84%, respectively),20 while the C-SSRS showed high sensitivity (100%) and specificity (96%-100%) in accurately identifying various suicidal self-injurious behaviors above and beyond what was identified through a structured clinical interview.20 Free copies of the C-SSRS, training materials, and follow-up assessments in multiple languages can be obtained on The Columbia Lighthouse Project Web site (


While there is debate regarding whom to screen for suicide, the importance of intervention when a patient is revealed to be at risk is clear. After completing a comprehensive suicide risk assessment, designate the patient’s level of risk as high, moderate, or low, and follow a stepped approach to clinical care (see the Assessment and Interventions with Potentially Suicidal Patients table (page 31) at Provide any patient at risk, regardless of level, with contact information for local crisis and peer support as well as national resources (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, (800) 273-TALK (8255),; Crisis Text Line, Text HOME to 741741,

The Columbia- Suicide Severity Rating Scale has higher sensitivity and specificity for suicide risk than the PHQ-9.

When a patient is at high risk for suicide and reports an imminent plan or intent, ensure their safety through inpatient psychiatric hospitalization and then close follow-up upon hospital discharge. First encourage voluntary hospitalization in a collaborative discussion with the patient; resort to involuntary hospitalization only if the patient resists.


What not to do. When the patient does not require immediate hospitalization, evidence recommends against contracting for patient safety via a written contract or requiring patients to verbally guarantee that they will not commit suicide upon leaving a provider’s office.21 Concerns about such contracts include a lack of evidence supporting their use, decreased vigilance by health care workers when such contracts are in place, and questions regarding informed consent and competence.21 Instead, engage a patient who is at moderate or low risk in safety planning, and meet with the patient frequently to discuss continued safety planning through close follow-up (or with a behavioral health provider if available).10-12,22 With patients previously identified as at high risk for suicide who return from inpatient psychiatric hospitalization, continue to screen them for suicide at subsequent visits and engage them in collaborative safety planning.

Safety planning (TABLE 512), also known as crisis response planning, is considered a best practice and effective suicide prevention intervention by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Best Practices Registry for Suicide Prevention.23 Safety planning involves a collaboration between patient and physician to identify risk factors and protective factors along with crisis resources and strategies to reduce engagement in suicide behaviors.12,22

Safety planning should include these elements

Continue to: THE CASE




Based on the concerning results from the ­PHQ-9 suicide item, Emily’s physician conducted a comprehensive suicide risk assessment using both clinical interview and the C-SSRS. Emily reported that she was experiencing daily suicidal ideations due to a lack of social support and longing to be with her deceased father. She had not previously attempted suicide and had no imminent intent to commit suicide. Emily did, however, have a plan to overdose on opioid medications she had been collecting for many months. Her physician determined that Emily was at moderate risk for suicide and consulted with the clinic’s behavioral health consultant, a psychologist, to confirm a treatment plan.

After a comprehensive suicide risk assessment, determine the patient’s level of risk and follow a stepped approach to clinical care.

Emily and her physician collaboratively developed a safety plan including means reduction. Emily agreed to have her physician contact a friend to assist with safety planning, and she brought her opioid medications to the primary care clinic for disposal. Follow-up appointments were scheduled with the physician for every other week. The psychologist was available at the time of the first biweekly appointment to consult with the physician if needed. This initial appointment was focused on Emily’s suicide risk and her ability to engage in safety planning. In addition, the physician recommended that Emily schedule time with the psychologist so that she could work on her grief and depressive symptoms.


After several weeks of the biweekly appointments with both the primary care provider and the psychologist, Emily was no longer reporting suicidal ideation and she was ready to engage in coping strategies to deal with her grief and depressive symptoms.

Meredith L.C. Williamson, PhD, 2900 E. 29th Street, Suite 100, Bryan, TX 77802;


1. Nock MK, Borges G, Bromet EJ, et al. Suicide and suicidal behavior. Epidemiol Rev. 2008;30:133-154.

2. National Institute of Mental Health. Suicide. Accessed October 18, 2019.

3. Luoma JB, Martin CE, Pearson JL. Contact with mental health and primary care providers before suicide: a review of the evidence. Am J Psychiatry. 2002;159:909-916.

4. Vannoy SD, Robins LS. Suicide-related discussions with depressed primary care patients in the USA: gender and quality gaps. A mixed methods analysis. BMJ Open. 2011;1:e000198.

5. Feldman MD, Franks P, Duberstein PR, et al. Let’s not talk about it: suicide inquiry in primary care. Ann Fam Med. 2007;5:412-418.

6. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of the Surgeon General and National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention. 2012 National strategy for suicide prevention: goals and objectives for action. Accessed October 18, 2019.

7. The Joint Commission. Detecting and treating suicide ideation in all settings. Sentinel Event Alert. 2016;(56):1-7.

8. LeFevre ML, U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Screening for suicide risk in adolescents, adults, and older adults in primary care: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement. Ann Intern Med. 2014;160:719-726.

9. American Psychiatric Association. Practice guidelines for the assessment and treatment of patients with suicidal behaviors. 2010. Accessed October 18, 2019.

10. Department of Veterans Affairs & Department of Defense. VA/DoD clinical practice guideline for assessment and management of patients at risk for suicide. 2013. https://www.healthqual­ Accessed October 18, 2019.

11. Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education. Suicide prevention toolkit for primary care practices. 2017. Accessed ­October 18, 2019.

12. Stanley B, Brown GK. Safety planning intervention: a brief intervention to mitigate suicide risk. Cogn Behav Pract. 2012;19:256-264.

13. Screening for suicide risk in adolescents, adults, and older adults in primary care: recommendation statement. Am Fam Physician. 2015;91:190F-190I.

14. O’Connor E, Gaynes B, Burda BU, et al. Screening for suicide risk in primary care: a systematic evidence review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Evidence synthesis no. 103. Accessed October 25, 2019.

15. Suicide Prevention Resource Center. Risk and protective factors. ­Accessed October 18, 2019.

16. CDC. Suicide rising across the US: more than a mental health concern. Accessed October 18, 2019.

17. Martin A, Rief W, Klaiberg A, et al. Validity of the Brief Patient Health Questionnaire Mood Scale (PHQ-9) in the general population. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2006;28:71-77.

18. Posner K, Brown GK, Stanley B, et al. The Columbia-Suicide ­Severity Rating Scale: initial validity and internal consistency findings from three multisite studies with adolescents and adults. Am J Psychiatry. 2011;168:1266-1277.

19. The Columbia Lighthouse Project. Identify risk. Prevent suicide. Accessed October 25, 2019.

20. Uebelacker LA, German NM, Gaudiano BA, et al. Patient health questionnaire depression scale as a suicide screening instrument in depressed primary care patients: a cross-sectional study. Prim Care Companion CNS Disord. 2011;13:pii: PCC.10m01027.

21. Hoffman RM. Contracting for safety: a misused tool. Pa Patient Saf Advis. 2013;10:82-84.

22. Stanley B, Brown GK, Brenner LA, et al. Comparison of the safety planning intervention with follow-up vs usual care of suicidal patients treated in the emergency department. JAMA Psychiatry. 2018;75:894-900.

23. Suicide Prevention Resource Center. Safety planning in emergency settings. Accessed October 25, 2019.


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The Journal of Family Practice - 68(9)
The Journal of Family Practice - 68(9)
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Suicide screening: How to recognize and treat at-risk adults
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Suicide screening: How to recognize and treat at-risk adults
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