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Fri, 09/14/2018 - 12:09
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PHM15: New Quality Measures for Children with Medical Complexity

Pediatric Hospital Medicine 2015's keynote speaker, Rita Mangione-Smith, MD, MPH, reviewed quality measures being developed for medically complex patients by the Center of Excellence on Quality of Care Measures for Children with Complex Needs (COE4CCN). As one of the most challenging groups to not only provide care but to determine if the management provided brings value, the importance of quality measures was emphasized.

Dr. Mangione-Smith, of Seattle Children’s Hospital, reviewed the need for quality measures, as well as the process of developing these measures. Quality measures help to quantify outcomes from care practices, stated Dr. Mangione-Smith, to compare similar settings, and also to set possible benchmarks. The processes range from identifying and prioritizing measures to how they are validated as true value added outcomes. Data sources, sample size, and reliability/validity of the measures are considered important components to ensure that answers or results acquired are applicable and relevant to the population. Another important component is to clearly define a child with medical complexity.

Some reasons why medically complex patients require this focus:

  • The low amount of information about their quality of care, investment, and need for coordination;
  • Lack of understanding of which care practices make the biggest differences on their outcomes; and
  • Their high rate of resource utilization.

The objective was to see which areas of care, such as care coordination, have the highest benefit/improvement on outcomes so as to prioritize resources more effectively. Dr. Mangione-Smith also touched on some obstacles and challenges, such as lack of insurance coverage leading to use of emergency resources as their primary care and its effect on increasing resource utilization.

Measures were determined via a multi-component methodology. Surveys using a binary and linear mean scoring tool were used. This provided multiple types of information such as assessing family’s perception of care, their understanding of medical information and care plans, and their accessibility to medical care services or information about their child.

Currently there is very little evidence on which management methods have the most significant, or any, effect on children with medical complexity. The use of quality measures to help guide which practices may have the highest positive impact on their outcomes greatly adds to the challenging care of this population and can be “used to assess quality of care coordination over time.” TH

Dr. Alvarez is a pediatric hospitalist and medical director of community hospital services at Children’s National Health System in Washington, D.C.

The Hospitalist - 2015(07)

Pediatric Hospital Medicine 2015's keynote speaker, Rita Mangione-Smith, MD, MPH, reviewed quality measures being developed for medically complex patients by the Center of Excellence on Quality of Care Measures for Children with Complex Needs (COE4CCN). As one of the most challenging groups to not only provide care but to determine if the management provided brings value, the importance of quality measures was emphasized.

Dr. Mangione-Smith, of Seattle Children’s Hospital, reviewed the need for quality measures, as well as the process of developing these measures. Quality measures help to quantify outcomes from care practices, stated Dr. Mangione-Smith, to compare similar settings, and also to set possible benchmarks. The processes range from identifying and prioritizing measures to how they are validated as true value added outcomes. Data sources, sample size, and reliability/validity of the measures are considered important components to ensure that answers or results acquired are applicable and relevant to the population. Another important component is to clearly define a child with medical complexity.

Some reasons why medically complex patients require this focus:

  • The low amount of information about their quality of care, investment, and need for coordination;
  • Lack of understanding of which care practices make the biggest differences on their outcomes; and
  • Their high rate of resource utilization.

The objective was to see which areas of care, such as care coordination, have the highest benefit/improvement on outcomes so as to prioritize resources more effectively. Dr. Mangione-Smith also touched on some obstacles and challenges, such as lack of insurance coverage leading to use of emergency resources as their primary care and its effect on increasing resource utilization.

Measures were determined via a multi-component methodology. Surveys using a binary and linear mean scoring tool were used. This provided multiple types of information such as assessing family’s perception of care, their understanding of medical information and care plans, and their accessibility to medical care services or information about their child.

Currently there is very little evidence on which management methods have the most significant, or any, effect on children with medical complexity. The use of quality measures to help guide which practices may have the highest positive impact on their outcomes greatly adds to the challenging care of this population and can be “used to assess quality of care coordination over time.” TH

Dr. Alvarez is a pediatric hospitalist and medical director of community hospital services at Children’s National Health System in Washington, D.C.

Pediatric Hospital Medicine 2015's keynote speaker, Rita Mangione-Smith, MD, MPH, reviewed quality measures being developed for medically complex patients by the Center of Excellence on Quality of Care Measures for Children with Complex Needs (COE4CCN). As one of the most challenging groups to not only provide care but to determine if the management provided brings value, the importance of quality measures was emphasized.

Dr. Mangione-Smith, of Seattle Children’s Hospital, reviewed the need for quality measures, as well as the process of developing these measures. Quality measures help to quantify outcomes from care practices, stated Dr. Mangione-Smith, to compare similar settings, and also to set possible benchmarks. The processes range from identifying and prioritizing measures to how they are validated as true value added outcomes. Data sources, sample size, and reliability/validity of the measures are considered important components to ensure that answers or results acquired are applicable and relevant to the population. Another important component is to clearly define a child with medical complexity.

Some reasons why medically complex patients require this focus:

  • The low amount of information about their quality of care, investment, and need for coordination;
  • Lack of understanding of which care practices make the biggest differences on their outcomes; and
  • Their high rate of resource utilization.

The objective was to see which areas of care, such as care coordination, have the highest benefit/improvement on outcomes so as to prioritize resources more effectively. Dr. Mangione-Smith also touched on some obstacles and challenges, such as lack of insurance coverage leading to use of emergency resources as their primary care and its effect on increasing resource utilization.

Measures were determined via a multi-component methodology. Surveys using a binary and linear mean scoring tool were used. This provided multiple types of information such as assessing family’s perception of care, their understanding of medical information and care plans, and their accessibility to medical care services or information about their child.

Currently there is very little evidence on which management methods have the most significant, or any, effect on children with medical complexity. The use of quality measures to help guide which practices may have the highest positive impact on their outcomes greatly adds to the challenging care of this population and can be “used to assess quality of care coordination over time.” TH

Dr. Alvarez is a pediatric hospitalist and medical director of community hospital services at Children’s National Health System in Washington, D.C.

The Hospitalist - 2015(07)
The Hospitalist - 2015(07)
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PHM15: New Quality Measures for Children with Medical Complexity
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PHM15: New Quality Measures for Children with Medical Complexity
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